U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte….Remove The Mask!

The Union Leader reports “Today, the U.S. Senate is expected to deliver a bipartisan vote of final passage on the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA), a 128-page bill Ayotte and three other sponsors have worked on for two years.

Ayotte said in the past two years she’s fought to get into federal spending bills a two-and-a-half time increase of dollars — up to $468 million in the coming year.

And the Democrat seeking to unseat Ayotte, Gov. Maggie Hassan, underlined this fiscal reality as well.

The best thing this law could do, Ayotte said, is to help remove the stigma of addiction. “My promise is not to allow any of these people to become just statistics.””  Read more HERE.

The “best” thing this law could do is to help remove the stigma of addiction?

Why wasn’t (now former N.H. A.G.) US Senator Kelly Ayotte interested in the “distribution” of drugs in Farmington N.H.?

Why did she choose to cover up, rather than fully investigate, drug activity in Farmington, involving the Farmington Police Department?

Why did officers of the Farmington Police Department resign/retire….of just plain leave?

Governor Hassan “mocks” (now former AG) US Senator Kelly Ayotte’s “support” of Donald Trump, yet Hassan continues to shield the official corruption/cover ups left behind by Kelly Ayotte. Hassan follows in the same footsteps as former Governor John Lynch. A.G. Joseph Foster follows in the same footsteps as former AG Kelly Ayotte.
New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan’s Campaign For U.S. Senator Uses Stephen Colbert’s Mockery of Kelly Ayotte’s “Support” But Not Endorsement of Donald Trump.

This brings back deja vu with Senator Patrick Leahy’s (VT) Judiciary Committee Field Hearing in St. Albans, VT, chaired by Senator Patrick Leahy. re: “Community-based Solutions to Drug-Related Crime in Rural America.”

He wasn’t interested in where drugs were coming from…..he was looking for Federal Funding!
Senator Patrick Leahy (D.VT.) Assumes Position In Presidential Line Of Succession…Are You Kidding Me?

Why are the same players ignoring the documented evidence brought forth by Mike Gill?
Mike Gill – New Hampshire State of Corruption Fighting “The Head Of The Snake”

Does (now former USAG) Chris Christie and current Governor of New Jersey “have their back” also?

Is There More Behind New Hampshire Corruption?

To add fuel to the fire….The assistance of Senator Susan Collins was sought in obtaining a full investigation into this criminal activity. She did nothing!

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Goodwin, Cathy (Collins) wrote:

After you came to the office last week, Ashley and I reviewed the materials you gave to her. It is clear that this is a criminal matter and our office cannot be involved in any way due to the separation of powers established by the United States Constitution. We appreciate having you inform us of this situation, but there is nothing more we can do in regards to this matter.


Cathy Goodwin

Cathy Goodwin

State Office Representative

U.S. Senator Susan M. Collins

York County State Office

160 Main St. Suite 103

Biddeford, ME 04005

207-283-1101/fax 207-283-4054

Who is BSing whom?

Are the people awakened?


Talkshoe Radio With Guest Mike Gill – New Hampshire State of Corruption

Mike Gill – State of Corruption Radio Broadcasts and Video archives, click HERE.

New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte’s Aide Arrested In Prostitution Sting

PPH reports “David Wihby, state director for New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, has resigned after he was one of 10 men arrested last week in a prostitution sting in Nashua, officials said.

Ayotte released a statement late Saturday saying she was shocked at the arrest of a man she described as “a friend for many years.”

“David obviously cannot continue his duties, and I have accepted his resignation,” Ayotte said. “This is a very difficult time, and my thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved.”’ Read more HERE.

WMUR NEWS, click here.

David Wihby “cannot continue his duties” because he got caught. Senator Ayotte, former N.H. Attorney General, known for her political maneuvers, is not a sleeper when it comes to corruption. During her tenure as Attorney General, Kelly Ayotte brushed under the rug evidence of official corruption and cover up by Farmington Police Chief Scott Roberge and officers Scott Ferguson and Kevin Willey. When will she be held accountable? Is it likely with her friends in high places? Do you realize just how deep the corruption goes?

Is There More Behind New Hampshire Corruption? Click here.

The assistance of Senator Susan Collins was sought in obtaining a full investigation into this matter, as the players also involved Federal officials. Documents presented to Senator Collins on September 19, 2014, click here.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Goodwin, Cathy (Collins) <Cathy_Goodwin@collins.senate.gov> wrote:

After you came to the office last week, Ashley and I reviewed the materials you gave to her. It is clear that this is a criminal matter and our office cannot be involved in any way due to the  separation of powers established by the United States Constitution. We appreciate having you inform us of this situation, but there is nothing more we can do in regards to this matter.


Cathy Goodwin

Cathy Goodwin

State Office Representative

U.S. Senator Susan M. Collins

York County State Office

160 Main St. Suite 103

Biddeford, ME 04005

207-283-1101/fax 207-283-4054

This is “whitewash”! Where does the buck stop? Is this…you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours?

When lawmakers become lawbreakers isn’t it time to speak up?

Is there an investigative journalist out there who has the guts to unmask the politicians who claim they are working for the people?


“Every violation of truth is not only a sort of suicide in the liar, but is a stab at the health of human society.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Is There More Behind New Hampshire Corruption?

Mike Gill Patch is 100% on target. View his interview HERE.


During the tenure of Gov. John Lynch (D) and Kelly Ayotte’s (R) tenure as Attorney General, Kelly Ayotte and Lynch covered up official corruption. The corruption and cover up extended to New Jersey, involving Fort Lee and Bergen County Prosecutors office. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) is fully aware, as is the Office of Inspector General, US DOJ.

View reply from Governor Christie.

Is there a connection between Gov. Christie’s “Bridgegate“, US Senator Kelly Ayotte and the US DOJ? Is there political maneuvering behind the scenes?  Regardless, all three have personal knowledge of state and federal crimes committed, cover up, obstruction of justice and malfeasance of office, involving drugs. Documented evidence supports this.


Related:  Farmington Police Chief, Scott Roberge retired, Police Chief Kevin Willey who replaced Roberge, retired, Sgt. Scott Ferguson, involved with the cover up, resigned, click here.

Coincidence….Or Deliberate Design?

To those of you who are followers on this blog, is this coincidental or deliberate design?

This blog was started to expose official corruption in Maine. People from other states had documented evidence of the same ongoing in their own states which is the reason I added….And Beyond. You have a voice here!

The pattern of corruption, cover up, and the connecting of dots – which extends beyond Maine – has been exposed. Do you not believe that officials from Maine communicate with officials in other states? Do you not believe that they keep an eye on each other, talk amongst themselves about individuals who are exposing their official corruption?

Official corruption complaints filed with former Maine Gov. John Baldacci and A.G. Janet Mills yielded the same results with (now former) N.H. Governor John Lynch and (former) N.H. A.G. Kelly Ayotte.

Governor Baldacci’s business as usual, his connections, here and here, coupled with his campaign contributors, click  here  extend into New Hampshire.

Cover up official corruption within the Farmington N.H. Police Department. 

The layer of Misprision of Felony and Obstruction of Justice to Kelly Ayotte’s onion and the cover up of elder abuse in Farmington NH. is the same pattern that extends beyond the state of Maine.

Connect the dots…….  from Maine to New Hampshire, click here.

N.H.’s newly elected Governor is Marguerite Hassan.  On June 8, 2013 a letter was faxed to Gov. Hassan, click here.

Without going into further detail at this time, take notice of  the following.

Former Maine Gov. John Baldacci and prominent lobbyist Severin Beliveau are hosting a fundraiser event in Maine for New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan, who faces re-election next year. Read more,  click here.

It flies in the face of justice that elected/state officials protect the perpetrators of criminal activity.

Can you now connect the dots?

Is this coincidental? Or deliberate design?

Is this…you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours?


PPH reports  “NH Gov. Lynch won’t seek re-election.”

I read a newspaper article (Lynch creates crime commission to review state’s laws – Foster Daily Democrat 1/18/07) that Gov. Lynch signed an Executive Order creating a crime commission, headed by A.G. Kelly Ayotte, to review the state’s existing laws, assess crime prevention efforts and look at intelligence gathering and sharing among different agencies. His quotes, ”We all have a role in keeping our communities safe”; ”We must continue to work together to keep it that way, and to ensure that all of our citizens and our visitors feel safe and secure in our communities’ and ”As a state, we must ensure that our laws and policies are as effective as possible in preventing crime; that communities and state agencies are communicating and cooperating; and that we are giving our men and women on the front lines the tools they need to better allow them to do their jobs” is contrary to your actions.”

New Hampshire laws are in place to prevent crime and ensure the safety, security and well-being of citizens and visitors to your State. The problem lies with lack of accountability and the obvious malfeasance of office within various N.H. state agencies/law enforcement, thus my reason for contacting Governor John Lynch.

On February 15, 2007 I contacted Gov. Lynch’s office, through Marissa McQueeney, and e-mailed and faxed him correspondence requesting a meeting with him to discuss elder abuse in N.H. which resulted in death, criminal assaults perpetrated against visitors to his State (one individual with a visible disability), policies of governmental agencies and job performance of law enforcement agencies. These issues are contrary to Gov. Lynch’s focus to protect New Hampshire’s special quality of life and his renewed commitment to ethics and integrity to state government. New Hampshire is a beautiful state, but there is a serious issue of public safety that needed his immediate attention. Governor Lynch denied my request to meet with him.

Gov. Lynch chose to continue down the path of unresponsiveness, in violation of his oath of office pursuant to the Constitution of New Hampshire, Art. 41, “The governor shall be responsible for the faithful execution of the laws.” His office, as well as the Attorney General’s office, is fully aware of a cover up of criminal violations within the State of N.H. resulting in the taking of a person’s life. It shocks the conscience that a human life is of no value in New Hampshire, that persons of questionable character are in possession of weapons and according to New Hampshire’s sex offender list, one of those offenders is listed as living at this residence where the abuse and assaults took place. As head of Gov. Lynch’s (then) newly formed commission, (now former A.G.) Kelly Ayotte’s first task would be to identify priorities and she noted increased penalties for child sexual predators, yet my documents coupled with N.H.’s State’s own sex offender list leaves an impression of impropriety within Ayotte’s office. Since (now former) A.G. Kelly Ayotte refused to uphold the law and hold those accountable in this horrific slow, tortured death, it is evident that she was incompetent to lawfully perform her duties as head of newly formed commission. Violations of law and violations of rights have been brought to Gov. Lynch’s attention, as well as law enforcement at all levels of N.H. government. No action was taken.

The creation of new commissions/state agencies is not the solution to keeping N.H. communities, and visitors, safe. Gov. Lynch not only had a legal obligation, but a moral and ethical obligation, as well, to hear from the public on issues that affect their lives. The denial of access to his office contributes to the public’s distrust of government officials. I asked that he set aside the politics, open his door to the public and uphold his oath of office as the law requires. This request was denied.

My personal advice to all of you, if you visit N.H. you take your life into your own hands and may become a permanent resident – 6ft. under.

Re Governor Lynch, how does he sleep at night or look at himself in the mirror? As Governor of the “live free or die” State, his actions have spoken louder than his words.

Quite the legacy!

Published in: on September 15, 2011 at 9:26 pm  Comments (1)  


There is a great buy on “revolving doors.” The “revolving door policy” has been in effect for decades. Maine, New Jersey and New Hampshire (let’s not forget Washington DC) have a great investment in them. It’s a great “product” to keep your agenda in place. It’s also a terrific “security tool” for “gatekeepers” of elected officials who will eventually climb the ladder to a higher position. Gatekeeper: one who answers the telephone for elected officials and denies you access to your “representative.”

Below is New Hampshire’s latest investment.

One Maine example, (former) York County District Attorney Michael Cantara, with more to be added.

Michael Cantara is a bar certified attorney and was District Attorney of York County.  Official corruption was brought to him back in the 1990’s. However, a criminal complaint against Atty. Michelle Robert (who was appointed to the A.G.’s office by Governor Angus King, despite his pledge of a “hiring freeze”) was dismissed by Cantara because Michelle Robert was “his friend and colleague.”

Attorney Mark Lawrence (former President of the Maine Senate) was appointed District Attorney by Governor John Baldacci to fill the vacancy created when Cantara became Commissioner of Public Safety.

Michael Cantara, of Biddeford, served as Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety for nearly four years, then Governor John Baldacci nominated him to the bench.

More investments to follow:

Stuart Rabner, N.J., former A.G., currently sits on the N.J. Supreme Court (during the tenure of Jon Corzine)

Janice Rundles, N.H., District Attorney in Strafford County, left office during the Billy Miller debacle and got a job in the N.H. Attorney General’s Office, Homicide Division.

H. Marshall Jarett, Counsel, Office of Professional Responsibility, (shielded the cover up of criminal activity by U.S. Attorneys General of New Jersey and New Hampshire) and reassigned to head the Executive Office for United States Attorneys by Attorney General Eric Holder Jr.

Stay tuned!

Press Release
For Immediate Release
June 7, 2011 Contact:
Communications Director
Office of the Governor

Governor Lynch to Nominate Longtime Prosecutor to Serve on the Superior Court

CONCORD – Governor John Lynch today announced he will nominate Senior Assistant Attorney General N. William Delker, a longtime criminal prosecutor for the State of New Hampshire, to the Superior Court at tomorrow’s Governor and Council meeting. The Executive Council must confirm the nomination.

Delker, of Concord, is the supervising prosecutor in the Cold Case Unit in the Attorney General’s Office. He previously served as chief of the Criminal Justice Bureau, and he has been a prosecutor with the department since 1998. Delker led the state team prosecuting Michael Addison for the capital murder of Manchester police officer Michael Briggs.

“Will Delker has distinguished himself as a prosecutor, having been recognized throughout his career for his excellence and professionalism. He has a thorough understanding of the law and has shown a deep commitment to justice and fairness, which are qualities required of any judge in the New Hampshire Superior Court system,” Gov. Lynch said. “Will Delker’s sharp intellect and command of the law is why he has been chosen to handle some of the state’s most difficult and complex cases. He will make a great addition to the courts.”

Delker has also been an adjunct professor of law at Franklin Pierce Law Center and the Massachusetts School of Law. Prior to joining the Attorney General’s Office, Delker was an attorney with the Boston firm of Testa, Hurwitz & Thibeault.

He graduated from the University of Massachusetts in 1991 with bachelors of arts degrees in political science and economics. Delker received his law degree from The American University’s Washington College of Law in 1995.