NYC attorney: “We run the country”

Source: CBS News 60 Minutes

View HERE.

(“This is an undercover expose showing how lawyers, particularly James Silkenat, the president of the Bar Association, launder money for global international shell companies through the United States, run the world, never going to jail because they write the laws especially to benefit the attorneys. This is exceptional exposure.”)

See what happens when hidden cameras capture New York lawyers being asked to move highly questionable funds into the U.S. Steve Kroft reports. Click here.

Published in: on February 1, 2016 at 1:32 pm  Comments (1)  

Senior Counsel Karen Hudes World Bank Whistleblower Exposes Everything

“Christopher Hudson, host of the Forerunner Chronicles, interviews former WORLD BANK Senior Counsel Karen Hudes who exposes IRS and JESUIT connection, OBAMA being blackmailed, NUCLEAR False Flag attack on US soil… etc.

“…and we found out, IT’S ALL ONE BANK,” Hudes claims.”

“”Anything the Corporate Media tells you, ISN’T THE WAY THE WORLD IS,” she goes on the explain the Big Six Media and Banker Collusion with the Big Six Energy Companies etc.”

View interview HERE.

Related:  Wizard of Oz

Published in: on November 23, 2013 at 2:25 pm  Leave a Comment  


Click here.

Published in: on August 6, 2013 at 10:45 pm  Leave a Comment  

Worldwide Bank Crash Has Commenced

“HSBC, the biggest British bank and second biggest company on the British Stock Exchange (FTSE 100 Index) with a capitalisation of 102,7 billion British pounds on July 6, 2012, is obviously bankrupt.

This is the beginning of the worldwide financial collapse that will start with a bank crash and closure of all major banks worldwide in August 2013.

This same bank has been involved in the last decades in virtually every possible major scandal, crime and fraud in the banking sector that one can conceive – from rigging libor interest rates, laundering mafia and narco traffic dollars from all over the world, and especially from South and Central America, but also Asia, to insider trading, tax evasion, etc., etc. It is the classical Orion bank of the British ruling Reptilian elite around the Rothschild family and its true name is ”High Society British Crime” bank.

What this bank has just done, is without a precedent in the banking history: HSBC has announced that it has decided to close without any previous warning the bank accounts of forty major diplomatic missions and embassies worldwide, including the Vatican, without giving any explanation for this unique move. Thus, this bank has practically disconnected its clients from the financial system in an blatant contradiction to its company motto.

This haphazard decision may explain why the US government decided to close all their embassies in the Arab world and elsewhere and not because of alleged terror danger.”

“HSBC bank has reportedly asked more than 40 diplomatic missions to close their accounts as part of a programme to reduce business risks.

The Vatican’s ambassadorial office in Britain, the Apostolic Nunciature, is among those said to be affected.”

Read more, click here.

Published in: on August 6, 2013 at 10:28 pm  Comments (2)  

New Hampshire!! Impeach, Or Arrest, Judges John Lewis and Marguerite Wageling

Another foreclosure theft and nightmare in Farmington, N.H. Aiding and Abetting this thievery are Strafford County Superior Court judges John Lewis and Marguerite Wageling.

Speak Up! – Host Kevin Avard; Guest Marie Miller

New evidence considered frivolous motion?

Speak Up! – Host Kevin Avard; Guest Marie Miller

Host Kevin Avard speaks to Marie Miller, victim of foreclosure fraud. Courts mishandled evidence in violation of statues, and potentially homeless. He also has Representative Tim Comerford who is Marie’s sponsor to the NH Redress of Grievance committee.

The main piece of evidence in this case is Judge Kenneth Brown’s order, dated June 26, 2009, giving NationStar 21 more days to produce the original documentation. NationStar failed to do so and are in contempt of a court order and in default.

On November 23, 2009, Judge Marguerite Wageling, who replaced Judge Brown in this case, granted Summary Judgment to NationStar with full knowledge of Judge Brown’s order and from which her appeal to the N.H. Supreme Court originated. Appeal was denied.

Motion to Re-open Case.  Marie filed this pending her seeking an attorney per the order of Judge Lewis.

Marie did find an attorney willing to take on this case. He filed a Motion to Re-open the case, Judge Lewis denied.  He filed a Motion for Reconsideration and Marie learned today that Judge Lewis denied.

Thank you Kevin for being there and giving Marie a voice to be heard. When will action be taken in NH to remove corrupt judges? The judges involved are more disgusting than the events surrounding this case. They were appointed to office, they can be removed! The excuse “there’s nothing we can do” is just that…AN EXCUSE!

Related, click here.

Debby Reagan’s Letter To James Frechette, Investigator In Maine’s Office of Securities, Reported By The Lisbon Reporter

Debby Reagan responded to the “Recent settlement by Maine on Robo-signing.” Read more, click here.

Debby wrote to James R. Frechette, Investigator, in Maine’s Office of Securities within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation and other state legislators.

The Office of Securities protects Maine investors by investigating and prosecuting violations of the securities laws; licensing broker-dealers, agents, investment advisers, and investment adviser representatives; and reviewing registration statements and exemption filings for securities issuers that are seeking to sell in Maine.

Leon Bard also has a handle on this. “In Regards to the recent AG Settlement. There is something wrong when our state government collects money from a bank and or their servicer for wrong doing, but at the same time allows their courts to proceed with a foreclosure that is laced with the very same wrong doing.”

States Leon “The recently announced Maine Attorney General Settlement with Lender Processing Services, Inc., brings to light the irony in which mortgage/foreclosure fraud is dealt with here in Maine.

Apparently the executive branch of our state government recognizes the fraud committed by LPS, Inc., in fact they are going to receive $500,000 as per the settlement. Are the victims of this fraud going to receive any compensation? Has a chicken got lips?

Now on the other hand, we have the judicial branch NOT RECOGNIZING the exact same fraud! This is happening in both Debby’s case and Tim Cason’s case. I’d be willing to bet that these are not isolated cases. A close look at Maine’s organizational chart reveals that Maine’s Judicial Branch is under Maine’s Executive Branch. Is there any way to get the AG’s office to train the administrative hearing officers (so called judges) in our judicial branch, how to recognize mortgage/foreclosure fraud? If not, then maybe the only relief in sight for the victims, is to file claims on the judge’s liability insurance or bonds. ”

Let’s keep an eye on Mr. Frechette and the elected officials who received Debby’s correspondence!

Homes are not only “taken” through fraudulent foreclosures, they are also stolen “behind closed doors.” The City of  Biddeford has this down pat!



[new post] Kelly Ayotte RNC speech primer: Not ready for prime time

by Chris King. View Video.

Why has (now former A.G.) Kelly Ayotte’s politically motivated, poor job performance and malfeasance of office not been addressed by the N.H. Legislature?

Why have legislators turned a deaf ear to Kelly Ayotte’s cover up of criminal activity by the Farmington Police Department? (Chief Scott Roberge left his position and his cohort Kevin Willey is now the new chief.)

Why has the N.H. Redress of Grievances Committee brushed this petition under the rug? (My copy is signed)

Another case brushed under the rug by Kelly Ayotte during her tenure as A.G. in regards to a fraudulent foreclosure against Marie Miller of Farmington. Marie, 73 years of age, is facing the threat of removal from her home. Kelly Ayotte (and the Banking Commission) refused to investigate the concerted actions of Harmon Law Firm and NationStar Mortgage LLC.

In June 2008 NationStar Mortgage LLC commenced a foreclosure action against her. (She has no contract with NationStar Mortgage LLC) Since the onset of this action, Marie consistently requested that NationStar produce original loan documentation in support of their foreclosure claim as required by law and supported by many higher court rulings. NationStar and its counsel failed/refused to do so. The main piece of evidence in this case is Judge Kenneth Brown’s order, dated June 26, 2009, giving NationStar 21 more days to produce the original documentation. NationStar failed to do so and are in contempt of a court order and in default.

On November 23, 2009, Judge Marguerite Wageling, who replaced Judge Brown in this case, granted Summary Judgment to NationStar with full knowledge of Judge Brown’s order and from which her appeal to the N.H. Supreme Court originated. Appeal was denied. No trial was ever held in the lower court and she has been denied her right to confront witnesses who made claim against her. By Harmon Law’s own admission (failure to produce documentation in defiance of a court order), they have proven that they entered the case of NationStar Mortgage, LLC. v Marie Miller with “unclean hands.” They have engaged in unlawful conduct, deceptive and fraudulent practices in concert with judicial officers. Marie’s complaint to Kelly Ayotte commanded a full and fair investigation by her office.

Marie awaits compliance of investigation on a recently filed criminal complaint.  Yet NationStar Mortgage seeks Writ of Possession.

It shocks the conscience, and flies in the face of justice, that Ayotte has protected the perpetrators of criminal activity, all of which occurred in Farmington N.H.

Why does N.H. allow NationStar Mortgage LLC to conduct business in their state?

Why does N.H. allow Harmon Law Office to practice law in their state?

Why do members of the General Court allow judges to rubberstamp the atrocities, brutalities, frauds perpetrated against their own people…..let’s not forget against visitors to N.H.

Chris, Ayotte says “she’ll follow up”. Please add this information to her “follow up.” I won’t stop until I get an investigation!

Related, click here.

[new post] David Wilcocks Great Revealing US Marshals Expose Biggest Scandal in History


Check out this video on YouTube.

Published in: on September 9, 2012 at 5:46 am  Leave a Comment  



;jeanette-audrey; [triplett]

“As an investigative research specialist I have been, for over a decade now, following the money trail so to speak of the who, what, when, where, how, and why crucial elements of America’s financial slow death.

This research has not been an easy task but through persistence and perseverance it has been fruitful. With the assistance of many others across America and Canada on this same quest our combined work exposing this devious plan to overthrow the world through financial domination has now been nearly fully exposed, the key players now stand naked before us with nowhere to run and certainly nowhere to hide.

This paper will not provide the reader with all the documented evidence gathered though the years, however, it will provide the pattern exposing the means, method, motive, opportunity and intent of this diabolical event that has left no corner of the world unaffected.”

Click here for the rest of the story.


;jeanette-audrey; [triplett]

Published in: on May 26, 2011 at 10:18 pm  Comments (3)