Kelly Ayotte RNC speech primer: Not ready for prime time.

If a life is of no value to Kelly Ayotte, do you really believe she cares about the First Amendment or mortgage fraud?

Where weapons and drugs are a bad recipe for tragedy, except in Farmington, New Hampshire it’s fair to assume that hands are not only in the pockets of bankers.

Ayotte states she is “no longer Attorney General….” cop out…. she was the chief law enforcement officer at the time complaints were filed and investigations demanded. The crew in her office are as incompetent as she is (was), specifically Atty. Tracy M. Culberson, Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation Unit and Investigator James Brown.

These kind of people get these positions with their willingness to be someone else’s puppet. Their chairs just roll on in through another revolving door! And they expect us to believe that things will change because their faces can be found in another agency/department or higher elected position? The curtain has been drawn…….


GOP sees Ayotte as a future leader

Kelly Ayotte fails on Occupy Wall Street and Mortgage Fraud Questions at Town Hall Nashua.

Kelly Ayotte Town Meeting: “She’s full of shit….”

Kelly Ayotte is very politically motivated. During her tenure as Attorney General, she covered up official corruption within the Farmington Police Department. She maliciously prosecuted Bill Miller of Framington on a trumped up charge of threatening Chief Roberge. Bill spoke to the clerk at the town hall and requested the resignation of Farmington Police Chief Scott Roberge. Bill was falsely arrested in October 2007. IRAQ VETERAN VICTIM OF GOVERNMENT ABUSE. Bill was subjected to drugging for 18 months when a trial was finally held. Bill was found NOT GUILTY! Kelly Ayotte, with the assistance of D.A. Janice Rundles (who left this position in December 2007 landed a position in the A.G.’s office), attempted to silence Bill because he had evidence of corruption and cover up by Police Chief Scott Roberge and officers Scott Ferguson and Kevin Willey.

Chris King has questions, so do I and many other people. Kelly Ayotte could have also prevented the abuse and false incarceration of William Miller. Instead she chose to cover up for Farmington Police Chief Scott Roberge’s (and Officers Scott Ferguson and Willey) cover up of a death in Farmington. Why? Quite the future leader!

Related: click here, here.

Published in: on August 27, 2012 at 8:07 pm  Comments (5)  

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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hi!

    All these lovely speeches at the RNC sound so great but nothing will improve.

    If Romney wins, he will be just another puppet to the insiders.

  2. Bill Miller is back in the psyche ward, and has been for about 2 weeks now, due to having allegedly made a threatening remark to a receptionist at the VA. He had gone there looking for medication to help with sleeplessness. His mom was with him, and she denies that he made any threat. Now it turns out that a doctor at the NH State (mental) Hospital has accused his 73 year old mom of stalking him, and so SHE is banned from the hospital. At last word, Bill was in isolation. All this happened on the word of ONE accuser, with no witnesses, and no court orders.

  3. NH has used this same excuse every time they picked up Bill. This has gone beyond abuse and harassment! This is obvious retaliation for speaking the truth……and Bill has the evidence. Is anyone in NH helping the Millers?

  4. as always an excellent posting. the way you write is awesome. thanks. adding more information will be more useful.

  5. I would be flattened if all websites gave articles like that.

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