Are Former CIA Director John Brennan And York County (ME) Superior Court Justice G. Arthur Brennan Related?

The Daily Caller reports “Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) grilled ex-CIA Chief John Brennan on evidence of U.S.-Russia collusion, forcing Brennan to admit he doesn’t actually know if there was any collusion.

Brennan was testifying in front of the House Intelligence Committee Tuesday about connections between the U.S. and Russia.

Gowdy asked Brennan if he had seen any evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy between Donald Trump and Russian actors.

Brennan responded that he had seen information about contacts between Russian and U.S. actors that led him to believe the matter should be investigated further by the FBI, but declined to say whether or not he saw direct links between Trump and Russia.

“That doesn’t help us a whole lot,” Gowdy snarked.”

Read more and view video HERE.

Does anyone know if Director Brennan is related to York County Superior Court Justice G. Arthur Brennan (now active retired)? “Barry Hobbins, a lawyer in Saco who is (was) Maine’s Senate minority leader states “He’s a very special person.”Hobbins praised Brennan for his fairness and his ability to bring together the four components of the criminal justice system..”

“Judge Brennan is known for his involvement in drug court and his particular interest in youth.”

“Walter Smith, another Saco-based lawyer, said it’s wonderful to appear before Brennan, whom he described as “a real gentleman.” (Law firm of Smith-Elliott).

“Before becoming a judge, Brennan was an assistant attorney general and York County’s district attorney. He was nominated to the District Court bench in 1981 and elevated to the Superior Court in 1984 by Gov. Joseph Brennan.”

PPH article, click here.

Folks, it’s imperative that you view the following links…..take the blinders off!

View A MOST POWERFUL, REVEALING VIDEO BY TOM DUNN on this link:…/maine-governor-jose…/ and also view this connection – Shaheen bought the law firm, Smith & Eliott –…/state-of-corruption…/

Published in: on May 23, 2017 at 7:12 pm  Leave a Comment  

Have You Been Harmed By Maine’s Judicial System?

An Open Forum Community Meeting was held on Friday, May 2, 2014 in South Portland regarding Maine’s Courts particularly, but not exclusive to, Maine’s Family Courts and GAL Oversight.

Lori Handrahan organized Friday’s meeting as a response to Scott Dolan’s article in the PPH “Maine attorney general enters fray over divorce case.” Lori states that the article “made it look like I was the only one in the entire State of Maine who had problem with Judge Jeffrey Moskowitz.” The State of Maine was quoted in that article as saying there has never been a complaint against Moskowitz, or any other judge. Contrary to this statement, there have been complaints filed against other judges.

A real problem exists when the Senate chair of the Judiciary Committee, Linda Valentino, D-Saco, disagrees that legislators should be inquiring about judges’ qualifications.  The Judiciary Committee members’ task is to hear public testimony as to the honesty, integrity and qualifications of attorneys who are nominated by Governor LePage to be appointed and confirmed as Judges.

It is time for Maine people to see how the Legislators conduct their own actions of ignoring public presentations of written evidence and how they believe in their own favoritism of fellow legislators and Lawyers. Read more HERE.

Invited to attend this meeting, in order to learn, first hand, what is going on in Maine’s Courts were Governor Paul LePage, Mary Ann Lynch, Esq., Director of court information. A.G. Janet Mills, Linda Valentio, Senate Chair of the Judiciary Committee and many legislators were cc’d the invitation to attend. Only two legislators attended, Senator David Dutremble and Rep. Lisa Villa.

Judge Moskowitz is not the only judge who has violated the Rule of Law or constitutional rights of victims. He is not the only judge who has irreparably harmed and totally devastated lives and families. This is no surprise to us as we have run into roadblocks at every level in seeking accountability. Augusta has all of its “bases” covered…to include the courtrooms… with its “revolving door policy.” All doors to remedy injustices are closed!

Are Judges engaging in conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts, inconsistent with constitutional requirements, statutes, rules of court, decisional law, and common sense and in non-compliance with the Code of judicial and ethical conduct? Is there a continuous pattern of improper activity, breach of duty, intentional harm upon litigants, official oppression and racketeering?

MAINE LAW DEFINING ’OFFICIAL OPPRESSION’: A person is guilty of official oppression if, being a public servant and acting with the intention to benefit himself or another or to harm another, he knowingly commits an unauthorized act which purports to be an act of his office, or knowingly refrains from performing a duty imposed on him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office.”

The Obstruction of Justice within Maine’s court system, to include key players involved in protecting Maine judges, attorneys, prosecutors, commands an investigation and accountability. This is long overdue. It is time for a probe of judicial/official misconduct ……and perhaps an audit too!

Pursuant to Title 4: Judiciary, Chapter 1 § 1 administrative responsibilities of the court and the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, as the head of the judicial branch, shall, in accordance with the rules, regulations and orders of the Supreme Judicial Court, be responsible for the efficient operation of the judicial branch and for the expeditious dispatch of litigation therein and for the proper conduct of business in all courts and the prompt and proper administration of justice.

Pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 1 § 17, duties as State Court Administrator include, but are not limited to, the study of operation, condition of business, practice and procedure of the Judicial Department; making recommendations for the efficient administration of justice; examinations of the status of dockets of all courts so as to determine cases and other judicial business that have been unduly delayed; investigating complaints with respect to the operation of the courts.

Like Lori, there are many who know that such an investigation will not be commenced by Maine’s Attorney General, Maine’s US Attorney General, nor be initiated by our state legislators.

18 USC § 4
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

In 2008, the Justice Department announced an agreement with administrative officials of the Maine judiciary which resolved an investigation of a complaint alleging that the Maine judicial branch, which receives federal funding,was not in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. However, under the terms of the agreement, the Justice Department monitored Maine’s compliance for a period of two years. Maine courts are still in non-compliance with Federal law and continue to accept federal funding. The Maine Supreme Court continually upholds lower court decisions which violate the rights of the people. Another investigation is in order.

The pattern of CORRUPTION AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST PERMEATES WITHIN Maine’s judicial system, click here.

When official corruption is not “nipped in the bud”, it yields greater exposure. Lori is in contact with Federal officials. Any victim of Maine’s judicial/governmental system, with documented evidence, is being requested by Lori to submit their evidence to the following agents with whom she is in contact with:, Inform these two people at DOJ  as to the crimes committed against you, or your family. Too many people have suffered at the hands of (in)justice whether it be the unlawful confiscation of your property, business, livelihoods, homes, children, animals, etc.  The revealing of a pattern of official oppression/obstruction of justice/violations of protected rights will yield results for victims on this state of Maine. It is crystal clear that there is more behind this “curtain” than meets the eye. It’s more than unfortunate that Maine’s elected officials/law enforcement chose to “turn a deaf ear.” It’s a public scandal.

Upholding the “Supreme Law of the State” is not a political, nor party, issue.  Years of attempts have been made to contact and connect with Maine’s Senators, Representatives, and law enforcement to investigate evidence of crimes committed against the people, to no avail. However, most recently, some Maine representatives have seen the light and with their help, we can make a positive change within Maine’s governmental and judicial systems. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

A door of opportunity has opened for those who seek the justice that Maine fails to uphold. You have an opportunity to stand up and be heard. Meanwhile, legislators with a heart, conscience, and common sense will be pursued to help restore our judicial system and our republic.

Related:  Request for meeting with state legislators, HERE, HERE.

Corruption on Maine has been ongoing for years…..and continues today. Some of the same people mentioned on this tape are still in positions of power today.  MOST POWERFUL, REVEALING VIDEO BY TOM DUNN, view HERE.


Maine State Deputy Attorney General William Stokes Says No ‘Cold Justice’ For 33-Year-Old Murder Investigation

BDN reports ” Maine State Deputy Attorney General William Stokes doesn’t want to share a 33-year-old murder investigation with the reality TV show “Cold Justice,” and the victim’s mother is displeased.

Interviewed late Friday afternoon, Stokes said allowing the show’s real-life investigators to examine the voluminous state police investigation would probably violate state law regarding case confidentiality and perhaps ruin any chances of catching Joyce McLain’s killer.

Stokes said that allowing the investigators to review the case would set a bad precedent.” Read more HERE.

Related:  Maine’s criminal justice system, click here.

William Stokes is also Mayor of the City of Augusta, click here.

Mayor William R. Stokes took office June 16, 2011, The previous mayor, Roger Katz, resigned to serve in the State Senate. The Mayor does not keep any regular office hours.

Is this a conflict of interest although the Deputy Attorney General is not an elected position? Click here.

The Attorney General’s Office has covered up plenty in the past decades, has shielded perpetrators, and wrongfully incarcerated innocent people….rubber-stamped by the courts.

Stay tuned for more on the Attorney General’s Office.

update:  BDN headliner


25 mins ago

No ‘Cold Justice’ for 33-year-old Joyce McLain homicide case

Do you think the state should allow “Cold Justice” to investigate the Joyce McLain case?


Published in: on October 27, 2013 at 4:03 pm  Comments (8)  

Judge Donald Marden’s Cabbage Is Shredded


“You might think the following is an aberration in Maine Courts, sadly it happens on a fairly regular basis.

On Wednesday we were in Farmington Superior Court watching
Judge Donald Marden perform, er preside over a case that’s been in the courts since 1994.

First we were denied the right as a reporter to video or audio record the hearing, you can see why as you read further. At 09:30 J. Marden told the Defendant in Farry v. Lavigne CV-94-61, “I don’t chew my cabbage twice.” Then Marden proceeded to repeat his previous statement. Who wouldn’t want to see that on At 09:35 Marden told the Defendant, “If you’ll be quiet for a moment I’ll tell you what it is.” This seems to be the polite way of saying, just shut up. Not too condescending if Judge Marden was talking to a second grader. The best quote at 11:12 was the Defendant requesting for the SECOND TIME to invoke her rights under Rule 76H to have her own recording of the Hearing made. Marden said, “You have a right to a recording and that’s it.” As Marden indicated by pointing to the official transcription made by the court reporter sitting in front of the witness stand.

In Rule 76H there’s no place that allows any judge to override the rule at their own whim. It states, the Rule, SHALL NOT BE DEFEATED. I guess when this Rule was dreamed up, the authors hadn’t heard about Judge Donald Marden’s veto power over it.”

Click here to view the PDF

As the swill turns, connect the dots.  If you have not viewed Tom Dunn’s Most Powerful, Revealing Video, please do so. You will learn of the official corruption that Mainers are facing today. The pattern has not changed….only positions of players have changed.

Tom’ s video is a draft of what was to be a full documentary. He was called into the Attorney General’s Office to conduct an investigation for them.  He apparently came up with more evidence than the A.G.’s Office wanted. Arthur Brennan (who was elevated to judgeship) brushed Tom’s evidence under the rug and Tom was off the case!

Tom’s affidavit.

Case 7 on the video…criminal cover up by DA Donald Marden….Judge Donald Marden?

Case 6 Re Louis Vafiates…husband to Vendean Vafiates, Chief Deputy Attorney General. View letter from David Lauren, Esq. Special Asst. to  A.G. Andrew Ketterer. Click here.

(AG Michael Carpenter REFUSED to investigate this case of police brutality. AG Andrew Ketterer followed in his footsteps.)

David Lauren, Esq./Paula Baker , click here.

Related: US Senator Olympia Snowe letter, click here.

How About The Scandal In Maine? Click here.


Judge Robert Crowley stepping down at the top of his game, click here.

Governor Paul LePage is not an attorney and doesn’t have to fear the “taking” of his BAR club membership.

Is it still “people before politics”?

U.S. Congressman Angus King’s View Of IRS Scandal…How About The Scandal In Maine?

“Well, there are really two scandals involved here. … No. 1 is this outrageous idea of targeting one political group versus another and focusing on groups with the name “tea party” and more conservative groups. That’s wrong, and everybody has condemned that. … The second scandal, however is that this designation of tax-exempt status for so-called social welfare groups that turn into political groups, whether they’re supporting the president or Democrats or supporting Republicans, that’s wrong no matter what. This tax-exempt status, 501(c)4, was created years and years and years ago for social welfare organizations, and somehow it’s gotten into being a political vehicle where people can contribute unlimited amounts of money without any identification of who they are, and it’s really a threat, I believe, to our democratic system.”

View Video, click here.

When Angus King was Governor of Maine, this video was hand-delivered to him. This was/ is a threat to the people of Maine.  Why did he not speak out or take action? Take note of who remained in office.

Elected officials seem to think that as time passes their cover ups will vanish. Not so!

Tom Dunn – Affidavit

Bridge 1

Bridge 2

Bridge 3

DOT Chief Resigns

Tom’s Summary – Brennan Criminal Legacy

Bus Trip To DC

Brennan timeline

Published in: on May 18, 2013 at 7:57 pm  Comments (3)  


Documents referenced on the Maine Exposed series “Spotlight On Official Corruption” will be posted weekly. See below.
To access the recorded archives, click here.

You are invited………

Maine Exposed, hosted by Leon Bard, will broadcast a series of programs on public corruption. A video, documented by Tom Dunn, has recently been put out on the internet and prompted this series.

These broadcasts will educate and inform the public that this pattern of public corruption depicted on Tom’s video continues today. Officials named in Tom’s tape continue to sit in their official capacity or were elevated to higher positions, including appointment to judgeship. This pattern of public corruption will take us into New Hampshire, New Jersey and the Department of Justice, Washington DC.

Tom’s impressive resume includes his recruitment into N.S.A.’s (National Security Agency’s) A.S.A. (Army Security Agency), Far East, as field agent with 330th A.S.A. as head of Top-Secret-Codeword operations as Non-Commissioned-Officer-in-Charge, member of the Baltimore P.D., and president/investigator for L.A.W., Inc., a citizen’s advocate organization that exposed corruption at all levels and which was extremely successful.

Dottie Lafortune who produced and hosted a public access t.v. talk show, The Maine Forum, in Biddeford, Maine, and a personal friend of Tom’s, will join us in these discussions. Tom had been a guest several times on her program as was Philip Castora, a licensed Private Investigator, who gave a report containing his conclusions with respect to various public documents relative to his investigation into fraudulent confiscations of property through the concerted actions of city officials, bankers and the courts. This resulted in the pulling of the “What Price Justice” program from the air and the black-out of public access to all producers. A copy of “What Price Justice?” was mailed out to many of you across the country and you know the contents of that broadcast. We hope that this invite gets out to those of you and that you join us on this program.

These broadcasts will be held on Wednesday evenings, series beginning on October 12, 2011, and will be most interesting and revealing. We hope to see you there.

Date: Wed, October 12, 2011

Time: 09:00 PM EDT

How to participate:

Call in:

Dial: (724) 444-7444

Enter: 27398 # (Call ID)

Enter: 1 # or your PIN

Join from your computer on Talkshoe.

Please forward far and wide.


October 12, 2011

Tom Dunn Affidavit