Maine Lobbyist Joshua Tardy’s “Double Talk”

PPH reports “Maine lobbyist pay nears $5 million.” “Maine lobbyists have been paid $4.8 million so far this year, including familiar political faces involved in fights over solar power, voter-approved laws and the two-year, $7.1 billion budget.

“Four lobbyists for the Augusta-based Mitchell Tardy Jackson Government Affairs reported about $934,000 in pay since January. Its lobbyists include former Republican House leader Josh Tardy, and clients include Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Central Maine Power Co., and pipeline companies pushing for more natural gas infrastructure throughout the Northeast.”


“Tardy said effective lobbyists need a “comprehensive understanding of the legislative process and the executive branch” but takes exception to the commonly held belief that lobbyists carry outsized power to shape legislation.

“There’s no power in the lobby,” Tardy said. “The power is in the people who have a vote. Lobbyists don’t have a vote.”’ Read more HERE.

Yea…and who is one of Maine’s highest paid lobbyists? Joshua Tardy! And who chairs Governor LePage’s Judicial Selection Committee? Joshua Tardy! And people complain as to why we have a “judicial misconduct” issues in Maine?

Joshua Tardy’s “Double Vision” Wrong For Judicial Selection Committee

More on Joshua Tardy…. Sen. Susan Collins recently submitted 2 names for U.S. attorney in Maine but declined to identify the two! Collins’ committee, an eight-member panel, was headed by Josh Tardy. He is a Newport lawyer and former Republican leader of the Maine House of Representatives…….and a lobbyist!!!! The secrecy, the same “good ole boy” network….continues! Folks, enough is enough! Read more HERE.

When lobbyists sit “at the helm”…they don’t need a vote!

Folks, silence is great “miracle grow” for corruption to flourish!

Related:  Lobbyists Pursue Attorneys General

Published in: on September 4, 2017 at 10:12 pm  Leave a Comment