Worldwide Bank Crash Has Commenced

“HSBC, the biggest British bank and second biggest company on the British Stock Exchange (FTSE 100 Index) with a capitalisation of 102,7 billion British pounds on July 6, 2012, is obviously bankrupt.

This is the beginning of the worldwide financial collapse that will start with a bank crash and closure of all major banks worldwide in August 2013.

This same bank has been involved in the last decades in virtually every possible major scandal, crime and fraud in the banking sector that one can conceive – from rigging libor interest rates, laundering mafia and narco traffic dollars from all over the world, and especially from South and Central America, but also Asia, to insider trading, tax evasion, etc., etc. It is the classical Orion bank of the British ruling Reptilian elite around the Rothschild family and its true name is ”High Society British Crime” bank.

What this bank has just done, is without a precedent in the banking history: HSBC has announced that it has decided to close without any previous warning the bank accounts of forty major diplomatic missions and embassies worldwide, including the Vatican, without giving any explanation for this unique move. Thus, this bank has practically disconnected its clients from the financial system in an blatant contradiction to its company motto.

This haphazard decision may explain why the US government decided to close all their embassies in the Arab world and elsewhere and not because of alleged terror danger.”

“HSBC bank has reportedly asked more than 40 diplomatic missions to close their accounts as part of a programme to reduce business risks.

The Vatican’s ambassadorial office in Britain, the Apostolic Nunciature, is among those said to be affected.”

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Published in: on August 6, 2013 at 10:28 pm  Comments (2)