Courtesy of Charlotte Iserbyt

“Maine is deep into U.S.-Russia Rule of Law exchange with Maine Attorney Neale Duffett, involved since late eighties; as a result of 1985 Reagan-Gorbachev exchange agreements in 1985.

Stephanie Anderson, Cumberland County District Attorney, has been conducting mock jury trials in Archangel, Russia as part of the Rule of Law Project. US presents its system of law through various modes; Russians present theirs; then they merge parts of law that suit individuals from both sides.

Same type of exchanges are taking place in other areas:
labor, justice (COPS program), transportation, education, municipal government, etc., etc.
All funded by your taxes at federal level and tax-exempt foundations, etc.

Check to see what is going on in your state.”

1) Rule of Law Project
2) Norman Dodd nailed it in his interviews.
3) FBI Chief Louis Freeh, late nineties quote “We are actually comrades today as I speak to you”. Partnership with new Russian KGB. View video “RUSSIA: MOSCOW: US FBI DIRECTOR LOUIS FREEH VISIT”, click here.

Published in: on August 13, 2017 at 12:37 pm  Comments (1)