Now Can An Investigation On Chris Christie Begin?

May 17, 2019

NJ Advance Media reports “Former Govs. Chris Christie and Jon Corzine were spotted sharing a table at a restaurant in New York City Monday night.”

The timing of Christie and Corzine’s meeting in NY (Monday, May 13th) and the Gateway Pundit article is quite interesting……Gov Corzine covered up crimes, while USAG Christie did the same. Corzine IS involved too! Were they discussing economics?

May 16, 2019

Gateway Pundit reports “Revealed: Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Betrayed President Trump – Recommended FBI Director Chris Wray.”
“Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova identified the culprit who betrayed President Trump and recommended Christopher Wray as the replacement for James Comey. Clearly this recommendation has kept the Deep State running the FBI as Director Wray is in no way for justice and draining the swamp.

Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova was on radio station WMAL and he identified the culprit who betrayed President Trump and recommended Christopher Wray as the replacement for James Comey.  (Listen to interview here). At the 3:30 minute in the interview, DiGenova discusses corrupt cop Chris Wray.  He also states that it was Chris Christie who recommended him.

Christopher Wray is a card carrying member of the Deep State. DiGenova says that he was a Mueller and Comey protege. Wray has continued the Deep State FBI’s practice of redacting material to cover FBI crimes. He has allowed corrupt agents and attorney’s to remain in their positions. He has allowed them to roam to and from the corrupt Mueller investigation. Over 40 FBI agents worked for Mueller.

Chris Christie did the President and the nation a major disservice when the big guy recommended Chris Wray for FBI Director. Wray must be removed and the FBI cleaned out or it should just be shut down. No other actions will clean the criminals from the once proud law enforcement entity – the FBI.”

Read more HERE.

The corruption and cover ups run deep!

Related:  Is There A Smell To The Mueller Investigation?

Published in: on May 16, 2019 at 9:42 am  Leave a Comment  




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Send your questions, responses to Phil’s letters to Editor, Lincoln news – and/or respond in the “comment” section.



Send your questions, responses to Phil’s letters to Editor, Lincoln news – and/or respond in the “comment” section.




Send your questions, responses to Phil’s letters to Editor, Lincoln news – and/or respond in the “comment” section.


If you are new to this, or unaware, read/view videos in this post Charlie E. Summers, Maine’s 48th Secretary Of State, Selected For Appointment To The Senior Executive Service (SES) …. the dots are connecting!

Does anyone have info on other Maine members of the SES?



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Rebuttal to Merletti

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Send your questions, responses to Phil’s letters to Editor, Lincoln news –

Courtesy of Phil Merletti

The three major responses that I have received, this week, concerning the Deep State and Shadow Government is:
1. Do these entities really exist?
2. How did the Deep State & Shadow Government get to be so strong & influential?
3. How have they stayed hidden all these years?

These 3 questions will take more than a months worth of explanation. I will address in detail these three subjects in future Letters to the Editor (Lincoln News) . But to give the public a chance to participate in a local meeting and to verbally address this subject, there will be a presentation in The Town of Lincoln, this Thursday night.

Camp Constitution’s speaker’s bureau Hal Shurtleff will present “The DEEP STATE”. Mr. Shurtleff will discus a historical overview, what it is, the groups involved, how to expose them and how we can prevent them from taking away our freedoms and liberty.

The meeting will take place at the American Legion in Lincoln, Thursday, August 30, at 7:00 P.M.

American Legion Post 3 Fleming Rd. Lincoln, Maine

Please attend this meeting and ask your town officials, legislative officials, law enforcers, pastors and civic leaders to also attend.

 DEEP STATE 101-1, read more HERE.


In lieu of not having a political page in this news paper, I am forced to address important political information in the “Letters to the Editor”. So, I will reduce important information into miniature reports of 500 words or less, to detail and prove the content.

I am going to throw caution to the wind and begin a series of letters to the editor that will address an issue that both political parties are going to come out of the skins and cry fowl. Nevertheless, it is time that the voting public and public officials find out that they have been unknowingly controlled for years. Those who are responsible for this control are either going to come to the surface to fight for their continued control or they are going to run like cockroaches in the light.

The reason why I am ready to tackle this deceitful, ominous and corrupt subject is, the enemies of our country and its freedom are now surfacing for air and admitting their agenda’s, yes the agenda’s are plural. If they continue to be successful in their cover-up’s, .this country will experience a social collapse like never before experienced. Those who have common sense and those who understand religious doctrine will understand why we must now come together and fight for what is right.

This issue will continue in the following editions in this news paper. Much of this revealing dialog will continue each week, as the information is voluminous. I will respond and include answers to questions of interest concerning the Deep State and Shadow Government.
So please, this is your opportunity, public servant or voter, I invite you be involved in this endeavor.  Read more HERE.

Spokesperson for “Take America Back”, Phil Merletti

Send your questions, responses to Phil’s letters to Editor, Lincoln news –

Published in: on August 27, 2018 at 8:43 pm  Comments (3)