Absentee Ballots Are Being Counted = Great “Tracking tool”

Maine Absentee Ballots are being counted…when did the law change?

The Maine media reports that people are being hired to count the absentee ballot votes…who is doing the counting? Who is “watching the counters, making sure there’s no fraudulent interference in the true vote count?”

Absentee Ballots, in the past, were only used for extraordinary circumstances.

A discussion on Facebook has revealed the following:

The law was changed in 2016.

State Representative Beth O’Conner sponsored the bill – An Act To Expand the Early Processing of Absentee Ballots.

Summary of LD 1539 – 

No Senate roll-calls were found.

No House roll-calls were found.

Roll-calls for LD 1539 

“How is there accountability and transparency of our representatives if there’s no roll call and recorded voting of how they voted?”

The lack of transparency and accountability has gone on for some time…A prime example, if this became law last year, why didn’t Secretary of State or AG take action in 2004 Biddeford election when absentee ballots were being opened on the morning of the election? All of this goes against an honest election!  Perfect example “for a party or people with an agenda to mess with results to go their way and change true results as they want them to be!”

Comment by Dorothy Lafortune: “This is what happened in Biddeford 2004 when they tampered with the absentee ballots, saw that I was way ahead of the Democrat opponent and they panicked sent reps/aides to Biddeford.”

This topic of Absentee Ballot voting should be of great concern to all Mainers.  Since this became law last year and no action taken in 2004 when ballots were tampered with, it’s obvious the “system” chooses its candidate(s). Does Maine deal in discrimination also?



Are Organizations Who Work To Monitor, Improve And Defend Maine’s Landmark Clean Election Law On Board?

Published in: on November 4, 2018 at 9:52 pm  Comments (5)  

Charlotte Iserbyt Interview On Rense Radio Friday, November 2, 2018

Iserbyt/Rense Interview: Maine’s 2018 Gubernatorial Election

Listen HERE.

Don’t replenish the swamp!


A Vote For Maine Gubernatorial Candidate Janet Mills Is A Vote To Our Demise

Charlotte Iserbyt Interview On Rense Radio Thurday, September 13, 2018

So much corruption (including official/judicial) ongoing in Maine. Why has Attorney General Janet Mills refused to investigate, indict and prosecute where the evidence demands? Why? This has been a pattern in the AG’s Office for decades. What is discouraging is that the people accept this behavior! Don’t you realize they know that people accept this? Unless and until people speak out, share information…you can expect the MO to continue.

God bless and safe-keep all who have been damaged, irreparably harmed by AG Janet Mills’ refusal to uphold the law and may God watch over those who haven’t been harmed….yet.

Other races to watch carefully – know the candidates 

2018 Maine Election – York County Treasurer
Two candidates vie for position as York County Treasurer – Brad Littlefield and Bob Mills. Bobby Mills cannot justify his run for position as County Treasurer.

Bobby Mills, former City of Biddeford Councilor, is a candidate for York County Treasurer in the 2018 election.

York County (ME) 2018 Election….Mark Lawrence for Maine Senate…Another “Swampster”

York County Sheriff race – Sheriff Bill King and Roger Hicks

U.S. Congress – Angus King, Eric Brakey, Zak Rinklestein

The King-Brakey-Rinklestein debates …. what’s not to like? During the tenure of former governor Angus King, he created a list of 147 key “serve at the pleasure” of the governor positions. Lots of taxpayer money here. https://unmasker4maine.files.wordpress.com/…/king-adm-147-p… Also view this hand-delivered video (on this link) to King. He did nothing about the abuses against Mainers, the DHS corruption, etc.https://unmasker4maine.wordpress.com/…/maine-governor-jose…/

Published in: on November 3, 2018 at 11:18 am  Leave a Comment  

York County (ME) 2018 Election….Mark Lawrence for Maine Senate…Another “Swampster”

Courtesy Dorothy Lafortune

I could not pass up on a Facebook post regarding Mark Lawrence’s candidacy for Maine Senate. (Thank you Raymond Faulkner for your support!)

Unfortunately, Raymond has been duped as so many other voters in York County.

I know Mark Lawrence too…..remove the mask, Mark!

Lawrence cannot justify his run for State Senate. His lack of trustworthiness, honesty, integrity, public trust, his violations of oath of office, state statutes, peoples’ rights, his conniving with judges and AG Janet Mills is not what Mainers deserve! He had blinders on when he was President of the Senate and continued his pattern of official corruption, obstruction of justice as York County’s D.A.

Unfortunately, voters in York County elected him, in the last election, as their representative. Sadly, they were fooled by his friendly, caring, two-faced “mask.” Mark Lawrence is not what he portrays himself to be when running for office.

We wonder why our state is in such a sad state of affairs. Corruption “behind the scenes” is rampant, especially within our courtrooms, parents losing their children, theft of peoples’ homes/businesses, malicious/selective prosecutions…….thank Mark, he’s part of it!



Published in: on October 15, 2018 at 9:27 pm  Leave a Comment  

A Vote For Maine Gubernatorial Candidate Janet Mills Is A Vote To Our Demise

Courtesy of Charlotte Iserbyt

Don’t Vote for Janet Mills for Maine Governor!

(For those in other states: do you have socialist AGs running for Governor?)

Do you want Mills as Maine’s “Top Cop”?

Following article relates to Dept. of Health and Human Services corruption in state of Maine. It is written by a pretty solid patriot whose work is published at Steemit and elsewhere. I fear problems he discusses are pervasive in other states as well. The situation can only become far worse if Attorney Janet Mills is elected Governor (TOP COP) on November 6, 2018.

Maine… my home state… and our own DHHS issues and pedophile connections


“I’ve picked on Nebraska and Michigan pretty hard this week, but my home state of Maine is also a particularly hard hit area when it comes to the major curses of liberal family intervention. Rather than CPS –Child Protective Services– we use “DHHS” which stands for Department of Health and Human Services, but it’s the same thing…and boy have we been SERVICED over the years.

You see, Maine is uniquely placed when it comes to all the social engineering programs and the “education reforms” that have largely ruined America. Bar Harbor, a famous seaside community on breathtaking Mount Desert Island has been the summer retreat of the Rockefellers going back to well before World War II, and whenever their “geniuses” in one of their tax-exempt think tanks would come up with some new socialist scheme of “improvement,” Maine would very often act as a test case.”

Maine voters can change the landscape of this formerly truly conservative (original definition of word), but most recently “corrupt, socialist (Trotskyite) state on Tuesday, November 6, 2018:

Maine’s Democrat Attorney General Janet Mills is running for Governor!


As the late Governor James Longley, Maine’s last good Governor said:


“It”, back in the seventies could be applied to any one of Maine’s problems at that time, but especially NOW, repeat NOW with Attorney General Janet Mills leading in polls for Governor of the State of Maine! If elected, she will become Maine’s TOP COP!!!!!!

Get out November 6, 2018, and vote out the socialist/commies, many of whom are “newcommahs” who have been invading Maine since the nineteen sixties. These are the very people, including a handful of socialist Mainers, like AG Janet Mills, and the “insiders” hiding on “the islands off the coast” mentioned by author of above article, involved in changing our U.S. Constitutional Republic and Maine’s formerly straight up “representative form of government”. Maine has been deliberately changed into a communist state through highly trained federally-funded “change agents” promotion of political, economic, education, and environmental change. Maines’s acceptance of unconstitutional “regional government” in the mid-seventies set in motion the carving in stone (Maine granite) of communist regional government… unelected form of government and economy used in all communist countries.

DDD page 134 excerpt: The Daily World of November 8, 1975 carried a very interesting article entitled “Planning is Socialism’s Trademark” by Morris Zeitlin. The Daily World (newspaper of the Communist Party USA) was formerly known as The Daily Worker and was founded in 1924. The importance of this article lies in its blatant admission that regionalism, which is gradually becoming the accepted method of unelected governance in the United States (unelected councils and task forces, participatory democracy, public-private partnerships, etc.) is the form of government used in democratic socialist and communist countries.

See this link for Attorney General Janet Mills’ involvement in 100% unconstitutional, malicious prosecution and coverup, using Maine and national controlled media, of two attempted murders, last one leaving my son, a U.S. Marine Corps combat veteran in Gulf War I, Portland, Maine taxpayer, without vitals upon delivery by ambulance to hospital on Memorial Day May 30, 2016. Case file for suspect, who was given a “public defender” (even though he was never arrested or charged) has been sealed! Ask yourself: Why?

In light of the above documented information (provided in official discovery materials), tell me what you can expect if AG Janet Mills is elected to the highest office in the State of Maine?

Maine Voices: Maine’s entire court system, not just probate, needs an impartial review
The courts regularly get poor grades in surveys, but the oversight process of judges is inadequate.
By Jerome A. Collins
Special to the Press Herald

Jerome A. Collins is a resident of Kennebunkport and a member of Maine Guardian ad Litem Alert. He has served on two state task forces created to recommend changes to Maine’s guardian ad litem system.

KENNEBUNKPORT — Many Mainers have been troubled by recent public reports of questionable practices in York County Probate Court. Ethical allegations have been made about the county’s probate judge, and most informed citizens would like to see appropriate attention to the problem.
We’d start by asking: Is it a systemic problem indigenous to the current structure and modus operandi of all Maine probate courts, or is it a failure of “judicial oversight” – policing judges? Many citizens outside the legal system would ask: Could there have been any judicial oversight in this situation?

Continue to article…

Published in: on October 15, 2018 at 6:16 pm  Leave a Comment  

Maine Gubernatorial Debate – Wednesday, October 3, 2018

WGME13 reports “A topic of discussion was a new financial release by state officials saying that the next governor will inherit $500 million in spending debt.

Governor LePage says the deficit is caused by Medicaid expansion, education spending, and revenue sharing.

Some of the candidates say that the governor’s math is off, while others say Medicaid expansion could see some fixes before it’s implemented.”

“I don’t think I’ll rely on Mr. LePage’s figures, I don’t think his figures have been correct in the past, there’s been some fuzzy math when it came to Medicaid and TANIF and lack of transparency,” Democrat Janet Mills said.”

“Medicaid expansion is law, but we’ve got to find a sustainable way to fund it. So that’s going to be the real debate in the legislature, getting the hospital providers to the table will be a top priority to find out how we are going to fund this,” Republican Shawn Moody said.


Why not recoup Medicaid payments made to a corporation that was not licensed at the time of receipt of Medicaid funding? Why is candidate AG Janet Mills brushing this under the rug? How many more are out there? View documents on this link.

Related:  The Medicaid Feud Between Governor Paul LePage And Maine Legislators….A Farce

Published in: on October 3, 2018 at 8:40 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Silence Is Deafening

June 8, 2018

Do you think that Governor LePage has finally listened to you, Phil Merletti?  Otherwise, why didn’t he come out with this weeks ago?

Thank you Governor LePage for taking action and responding to the RCV issue when all others contacted failed to do so.

On June 5, 2018 Governor Paul R. LePage sent a letter to Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap to express his disappointment with the lack of clarity and the misleading nature of the wording of recent referendum questions. “The ballot question for ranked choice voting should have been worded clearly and directly,” stated Governor LePage. “It might take a bit more time, but it can be done. If doing so would have required a longer question broken into clear, understandable sections, then that is how it should have been written. The statute requires that the Secretary of State word the ‘question in a simple, clear, concise and direct manner that describes the subject matter.’ The statute does not privilege brevity over clarity.”

Press Release

Letter to Secretary of State Dunlap

June 4, 2018

Maine 2018 Primary Election is right around the corner. Knowing where candidates stand on issues is vital to every voter.

Candidates vow to represent every Mainer. However, can you believe this “promise?” If candidates refuse to respond to people’s requests, will they listen when elected? Or will it be more of the same?

Why do candidates have campaign offices with someone tending the phone, yet don’t answer calls nor return calls? This is “quite telling.”

Below is an e-mail sent to Republican candidates who have failed to respond. Failure to respond to such a simple, yet important, request is quite alarming!

Phil Merletti

to Garrett, Lauren, zach

Hi Garrett, Mary & Shawn:

I and other associates have tried to get prime time to meet with you for many months; for the purpose of vetting you on your commitment to the U.S. & Maine Constitutions. We have obviously been ignored. We represent many Maine people that support and are willing to continue to defend the Constitution’s from foreign and domestic enemies. We are continually asked if you have responded to our request and we have to tell them the truth. Many Governors and legislators and other public/civil servants do not understand our commitment to these Supreme Laws. The reason why we are so adamant in our commitment to these sacred documents is, when they are followed, we are GUARANTEED our protections of our GOD given, natural, unalienable rights.

Because you have continually ignored our request, I was asked to create a platform that will stop the destruction and begin the return of a Constitutional Government for the people of Maine. You will find two attainments, one to address those who responded to a request of targeted actions that would support the nest Constitutional Governor, if they wished to return to the U.S. & Maine Constitutions and the finalized “Platform”.

We need to know if you would be willing to sign this Governor’s Platform before the Primary? If any of you are willing to bring back the Maine Constitution to the Maine Government and to the Maine people; we will at that point put out the alert and give you the credit for your patriotism. You may print your name on the pledge and email it back, as long as you give your word/verbal confirmation to physically sign next time we meet; or you may make a copy and send to Phil Merletti, 124 Thomas hill Road, Lee Maine, 04455.

If you have any questions, you may call me at 738-4861
Thankx, phil merletti, Spokesperson, Take American Back

Governor’s Platform

Governors platform and explanation

Another issue facing this election is Rank Choice Voting (RCV). Following the same pattern of unresponsiveness of candidates are the offices of Secretary of State, Attorney General and Governor.

Below is an e-mail sent to SOS Matt Dunlap, A.G. Janet Mills (gubernatorial candidate), Governor Paul LePage, state legislators and numerous media outlets who have also failed to respond. This, also, is quite alarming!

Dear Matt:

Pleas find attachment “Revisor of Statutes”. Please, read the entire attachment, especially re-read the area in red. I and many of our researchers knew of this Statute, but it took until now to locate the exact language that mandates the language for “ALL” questions for the electors decide their choice on “ALL” Referendum Questions”.

Apparently, you and Janet Mills either did not know, or one or both of you ignored this statute/mandate. How could this happen, as both of you are Constitutional Officers. As I have mentioned to you more than once, these Constitutional positions are paramount to Maine’s Government and require the highest degree of knowledge in order to properly carry out and perform your positions. You or Ms. Mills can no longer deny that you have sworn to uphold, to the best, of your ability to support the Maine and U.S. Constitutions. Do you remember when you gave your sacred OATH’s. I know you gave these sacred OATH’s, because I and many others witness your confirmation and promise to the Maine people (this was also done before the eyes of GOD).

Now to the point, for the sake of the Maine People and its Government, you and ms. Mills can fix what you did, but you must admit to the mistake and act quickly, before the primary election. You and the Attorney General and the Governor can call a foul, based on the fact that the results of the election will be repugnant to the Constitution Fact: the original referendum affected an established president to the people’s right to vote (a century and a half) and because this current vote will not afford an educated vote based on a true outcome, which in effect, is truly unconstitutional. As this referendum question is REPUGNANT to the Maine Constitution and it violates the Maine Statutes, it will effect the next Governors ability to execute and enforce Maine’s laws. Based on my constitutional knowledge, I would suggest that you, Ms. Mills and Governor LePage make a command decisions and declare question 1 REPUGNANT. This will cease any further action and prevent the vote on question 1, until you can find someone that can write a simple Referendum question. For example: Do you want to retain the Rank Choice Voting system? Yes or No!

Your friend, Phil Merletti, Spokesperson, Take America Back.

The RCV issue needs more clarification. People are confused about this. Fixing it “after the fact” is wrong. A gubernatorial candidate involved in the wording is a conflict of interest and also leaves an impression of impropriety. Press Releases for Maine.gov (May 18th) “The Department of the Secretary of State, in collaboration with the attorney general, prepared the guide as an unbiased and non-partisan review of the People’s Veto question that voters will consider at the polls this June.”

It’s imperative that the public know there are people attempting to seek answers from candidates who have chosen to remain silent.

Will Augusta history repeat itself?

Published in: on June 4, 2018 at 8:47 am  Leave a Comment  

“BEHIND THE CURTAIN”…..Maine Gubernatorial Candidate Janet Mills and Former Governor Joe Brennan

“BEHIND THE CURTAIN”…..Corruption in Maine has been ongoing for years…..and continues today. Folks, please view this most powerful video https://unmasker4maine.wordpress.com/…/most-powerful-revea…/

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text

“I’m deeply honored to have the endorsement of former Attorney General and Governor of Maine, Joe Brennan.

“On issues from expanding healthcare coverage to environmental protection, Janet has always stood to protect the vulnerable and temper the powerful.

Just as important, among the Democratic candidates for Governor, only Janet Mills has shown the ability to win elections north of Portland. Janet has won majority votes in her four District Attorney general elections and in four legislative elections, all in Maine’s Second Congressional district. Janet Mills clearly has shown she can win the Blaine House.

A lifelong Democrat, a founder of the Maine Women’s Lobby, a person known and respected in all corners of Maine, Janet Mills will lead Maine with character, compassion and dignity.“

– Former Governor Joe Brennan


Published in: on May 31, 2018 at 2:28 pm  Leave a Comment  

2018 Maine Election – York County Treasurer

Two candidates vie for position as York County Treasurer – Brad Littlefield and Bob Mills.

Candidate Littlefield info

How Can Bobby Mills Justify His Candidacy For York County Treasurer?

Published in: on May 7, 2018 at 11:53 am  Leave a Comment  

The Dots Continue To Connect

Maine GOP state senator Eric Brakey kicks off underdog 2018 bid to unseat Angus King.

Brakey challenged his opponent’s spot on Maine’s June primary ballot, saying Max Linn submitted dozens of fraudulent signatures — including four from dead people.

Linn of Bar Harbor was allowed on the ballot in March by Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap. Brakey challenged Dunlap’s decision last week in Kennebec County Superior Court. Since then, his campaign says that it has found an additional 25 signatures that should be disqualified, including 16 from people who aren’t Republicans. (All well and good, however, Dunlap didn’t see this? What’s with the SOS “validating” signatures???)

Superior Court Justice William Stokes granted an order sending Linn’s case back to Dunlap, a position supported by the state and Brakey’s attorney, Josh Tardy.

What is so disturbing about this? Brakey’s attorney is Joshua Tardy!

(Now former) Rep. Joshua Tardy(R), during the tenure of Governor John Baldacci (D), was contacted regarding a fraudulent election in Biddeford, Maine. He was informed of ballot tampering and tampering of first class mailings with the post office. His help was also sought with fraudulent confiscation of properties. He stated, quote “this has been hashed over.” When asked why the complaining party wasn’t included in the “hashing over” of this issue, he declined to speak and hung up. And Governor LePage nominates him to the Judicial Selection Committee?

Will history repeat itself with Brakey replacing Senator Angus King? Attorney Joshua Tardy is a huge “big boy network” player.

You are known by the company that you keep!

Maine Election 2018: Maine Senate President Mike Thibodeau Drops Out Of Governor’s Race

PPH reports “Thibodeau said “there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to run a business, run the State Senate, have a quality family life, and run for governor.” (he didn’t know this before going in?)

This PPH article (April 1, 2017) Maine’s Republican Senate President Mike Thibodeau tired of party’s personal attacks against Democrats is worthy of reply.

Courtesy of Dorothy Lafortune

A “swamp” does exist in Augusta…and has for a long time, back to the days of Governor Joseph Brennen and A.G. Jim Tierney.  The “swamp” expanded with every single Governor and Attorney General…to this day!

Some of the public are just recently noticing the “spotlight.”

Problems within state government were brought to many legislators, inc. Senate President Thibodeau…….the “standard” response…there’s nothing I can do! In “people language” it’s called “cover up.”

What do personal attacks “over alleged ethics violations” have to do with “bipartisan goodwill” in balancing a state budget?

When the corruption is acted upon, only then will the legislature “deliver the best state government” to the people.

If you need “catching up” there are many categories on the right side of this blog to view.

State legislators who are “termed out” receive such “kudos” in the media. Unfortunately…too many have “played the game!” Some of you may not want to hear this…..so be it!


Published in: on April 1, 2018 at 3:56 pm  Comments (9)