Corruption in Maine has been ongoing for years…..and continues today. Many of the same people mentioned on this tape are still in positions of power today. IT’S TIME FOR A FULL HOUSE CLEANING!


Related: Maine Governor Joseph E. Brennan Archives To Be Dedicated In Portland (with Tom Dunn’s credentials), click here.

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20 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hi!

    This is very interesting to say the least.

    Lise from Maine

  2. And criminal at best!

  3. Would be great to make some new videos of our current issues. I may know some people who can help with this. It does take a fair amount of time and work.

    • I could really use some help with DHHS Stealing from my children. aaarrrggghhhh

  4. Joe, I’ve had this idea on my mind for a long time. I’ve got the documents to back up the corruption, cover ups, who the “players” are.

  5. What year was this done?

  6. I believe it was 1986, but Tom had gathered other cases in the early-mid 1990’s. He had intentions of making a longer documentary. I don’t think that was completed. However, the same pattern continues today with many of the same players, agencies, etc. The LePage administration is aware of this, have documents, and I’ll wait just a little bit longer to see if the Governor will uphold his oath of office and the Maine Constitution, Art. V, sec. 12. Shall enforce the laws. The Governor shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. The Attorney General’s office is a good place to start!

  7. The corruption at this level is appauling. It is Criminal! These people involved deserve life sentences! They have abused their privileges and oathes to the highest degree and need to be held accountable for every dishonest and unlawful act!

  8. I am happy to see that you fully understand criminal activity. I agree with you 100%. Until full accountability is upheld in the State of Maine and the people demand accountability, NOTHING WILL CHANGE!

  9. thank you for searching and sharing information. an excellent blog and an excellent page.

  10. thank you for all the work you have done. I thought I had seen many things that were bad but it was far worse then I realized. Exposure and citizens taking a stand together is the only way to stop this. The big push now is salvage yards and junk yards popping up everywhere. Good towns will stop them or at least attempt to make them safe. But some are letting them do what ever they want with disregards to zoning, wet lands or rights of property close by. Corruption is usually where the money is and money is in salvage and dumping of hazardous wastes and they have the money to buy their way into the community.

    I feel sorry for all the people in the video that fought so hard and spent their hard earned money and life savings to correct the wrong and some of them died with no answers. My heart went out to them because I have had that same thing happen to me and it give you a sense that you don’t matter, sometimes I get an overwhelming sense like I have no control of my well being. I have lost much from my case but not my life like some of the other.

    My car was also tampered with a few times. I moved but was forced to retire early because of the stress.

  11. Well now people should know the caliber and character of Governors Angus King, John Baldacci and legislators during this time frame who received copies of this video and chose to stick their head somewhere.

    The corruption viewed in the video continues today with many of the same people mentioned still in public office. It is apprarent that this current administration is cut from the same old cloth.


    The Case Against the World System of Political States.

    A partial listing of their abuses of human rights

    • Nelson, there is only one Sovereign and He is our Maker in heaven. Mankind will either be servants for Him or slaves to men.

      Governments established by Him have Him ruling over them. This USA government was not established by Him, neither are any other governments in the world today.

  13. Excellent work, and my hat is off to your integrity, stamina , courage and determination. The fact that I know what it is like to fight them all, both State and Federal, receiving injury after injury, stole all my real estate, commercial , robbed sales proceeds from 1031 reverse property exchange of mine costing me the development valued at 1.25 mil conservatively, plus the development fees , design and construction management fees of another 400k. Stole my beach house , stole fraudulent conversion of tile to my home of the 32yrs, office building and automotive shop, all contents of the home, shop and Office, plus all my vehicles , boats and trailers, clothing right down to my tooth brush. Improper venue in every case I have had, not just my opinion but according to statute . I file a jury demand for a case that Washington state Law demands a jury trial for all Real estate cases. I prepay for the 6 person Jury as required. They ignore & violate my Jury demand, steal the money I prepaid for the jury with that I still have the receipt for, and they violate Wa. State Law concerning venue for this case, and they maliciously place it in front of a corrupt court commissioner who is focused on a butt kissing chief judge mind set. This whole case started from them allowing a unlicensed attorney to continue to practice law multiple times during my divorce. als allowing this same unlicensed attorney to commit Fraud, Grand theft/embezzlement of my money from the trusty account. and illegally with hold my deed release from me that had been agreed to be provided to me in court. I file two different motions, one for contempt, one an emergency motion , but both with detailed attachments telling the court that this is destroying my good hard earned credit, that it was illegally forcing me into defULT AND HAS CAUSED ME TO LOSE MY NEW FULLY APPROVED LOCKED IN AFFORDABLE MORTGAGE LOAN . tHE SUPERIOR COURT NEVER RESPONDSTO THE TIME & DATE STAMPED MOTIONS, MY PHONE CALLS OR MY HAND DELIVERED LETTER TO THE JUDGE AND THE COURT ABOUT THIS SITUATION. illegally FORCES ME TO BANKRUPTCY . I NOTIFY THE THE b.r. CLERK oFFICE, THE jUDGE PAUL B. SNYDER, THE ATTORNEY FOR THE MORTGAGE COMPANY BRIAN D. LYNCH, THE U.S. TRUSTEE AND THIS IS ALL IN WRITING FILED IN THE CLERKS OFFICE AND SENT TO EACH OF THEM. NONE OF THEM RESPOND TO FELONYCRIMES 100% RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS EVEN BEING A CASE AT ALL ,WELL WITHIN THERE JURISDICTION AND RELEVANT TO THE CASE . THEY COVER FOR THEIR bAR ASSOC. FRIENDS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THEIR UNPROFEESSIONAL NEGLIGENCE, AND THEIR 100% LIABILITY FOR IT ALL. THEY.ARE OUT OF CONTROL AND ARE DESPERATE TTO SAVE THEMSELVES FROM THEMSELVES. THEY WILL VIOLATE ANY LAW, ANY RIGHT , OR WHAT EVER IT TAKES TO AVOID ACCOUNTABILITY AND PUBLIC DISCLOSURE. kILLING ME IS ALL THAT IS LEFT. tHE FBI COVERS FOR THEM AND SO DOES THE ENTIRE U.S. ATTORNEYS OFFICE AND ALSO THE NINTH CIRCUIT CT. OF APPEALS . THIS RICO ORGANIZED CRIME CULT IS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY AND OUR LIVES, WHILE ROBBING US BLINDE. tHEY LOOK DOWN ON US AND RIGHTLY SO, BECAUSE WE AS A PEOPLE CANNNOT EVEN GET IT TOGETHER ENOUGH TO CONTROL OUR OWN ELECTED POLITICIANS , JUDGES, LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES. PLUS WHO DO WE KNOW THAT WILL PAY US 200K EVERY YEAR TO LIE TO THEM, ROB THEM, ABUSE THEM, DEFRAUD THEM, AND THEN ALLOW YOU TO STEAL THEIR HOME AND EVERYTHOING YOU OWN ALL THE WHILE YOUR INSISTING THAT WHEN THEY ATTEMPT TO SPEAK TO YOU, THEY STILL MUST REFER TO YOU AS YOUR HONOR! THE AMSWER IS FOR ALL OF US IS NO ONE. ABSOLUTLY NO ONE ANY OF US KNOW IS INSANE ENOUGH OR HATES THEMSELVES ENOUGH TO GO FOR SOMETHING AS INSANE AS THIS . BUT ALL OF US ARE YEAR AFTER YEAR. AND IF WE SSPEAK OUT AND TRY OUR BEST TO STAND UP FOR OUR RIGHTS AND OBEY THE LAW, THEY EAT US UP. YA KNOW IT WAS NOT ALL THAT LONG AGO IN THIS COUNTRY, IT WAS THOUGHT TO BE ACCEPTABLE FOR HANGING SOMEONE WHO STOLE YOUR HORSE. WHAT DO YOU THINK THOSE SAME AMERICANS WOULD THINK ABOUT ALL OF THIS B.S. WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO DEAL WITH? WHAT THEIR REMEDY FOR ALL OF IT WITH A LASTING QQUICKNESS WOULD BE?

  14. Get involved with NATIONAL LIBERTY ALLIANCE. ORG. we ARE STARTING TO GET INTO THE COURTS . shortly we are going to start to indicting . we need more people to be involved . lets get this information before the UNIFIED UNITED STATES GRAND JURY . Its time to clear these crooked little cockroaches out. Stand and be counted.Its time for action . Maine has 89 members , lets get 89 more . do the civics course . Lets fill these offices .. the ball needs to get rolling . that video was very moving .this isn’t going to get done talking about it . We have a live affidavit , evidences , and probably everything needed I would guess . Please Help,

  15. Maybe before you all go and get excited, perhaps you should read what a member of the liars, killers and thieves club has to say about the National Alliance.

    Click to access National-Liberty-Alliance-Exposed.pdf

    • There is no remedy in the laws of men because they are a counterfeit government created to rebel against the Laws of heaven. New England colonists who fled Europe over religious persecution came here and established their government based on the 10 commandments. That is the government we are commanded by our Creator to establish if we want His Blessings and promises. The government we have now is not based on the Law of our Creator God, it is a government created by men who want to lie cheat and steal from those it puts under its law.

      It would not even matter if this evil government left its corporate standing to go back to the boundaries supposedly placed by the US Constitution because it was those documents that allowed the government we have today. A law without clear boundaries is no law. The laws of the corporate US are designed to enslave the public to keep the printing presses at the FED working. The only remedy is to come out of Babylon and trust that your Creator God will protect you from it.

  16. Thank you for this 25:46-minute video. I met Tom in 1981 when he was over with Roger M. Rush of Portland, Maine. Roger I met through F Tupper Saussy’s “The Main Street Journal”. Tom’s Public Money For Private Bridges I found interesting because that’s how Sherman Adams had the bridge over the built to his later Loon Mountain Ski Area was to protect the town of Lincoln from any potential forest fire. The land on the “other side” of the river bought for pennies on the dollar by Adams from The Parker-Young Lumber Co. who he at one time worked for before working for Ike and into the Federal Funds. These F.F.’s actually “blood money” from victims of unlawful Treasury tactics here in New Hampshire I said last year at a Belknap County Commissioner’s Meeting in Laconia, N.H. See “Glen Waring” the current crook there from Gilmanton who does REFUSE to see to it that the bank put up the RSA Ch. 41:29,V(a) “collateral” so that the Town employees and others can get their RSA Ch. 275:43,I*a) “lawful money” / / / / So WHERE are the details on that corrupt Federal Bankruptcy Judge Goodwin? mentioned at 3:33. He was the judge in my friend’s case involving some Urban Renewal project in Laconia and the judge in my case too of who ignored the case-law for equal rights in not to have a property sold at a “constructive fraud” value of less than 25% of value on a Town Tax Sale or 32.5% on a Sheriff’s Sale, mine was even worse of LESS than 5%! / / / / / And who was this Helena Littlefield (of Bangor?) case #___ right after this of some company corruptors removed her boundary markers! The ________ Company. To re-watch. ” Cursed be he that removeth his neighbour’s landmark. And all the people shall say, Amen. ”

  17. The solution is to stop signing the adhesion contracts that gives government ownership of your property, including your body. Their law is defined using Law dictionaries rather than English language dictionaries which means the words dont mean what we think they mean. The only way to actually own property is to have aloidial title. If your title says “copy” on it, then whomever has the original is the owner. When we register something, we are giving up ownership of it per their law. Lawyers take oaths to protect their scam system rather than protecting their clients. Research Strawman, corporate fiction, Person, US Citizen, and learn how we have been tricked into being debt slaves for a bankrupt corporation.

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