Phil Merletti Testimony In Opposition To LD 798

Preface –

On Wednesday, March 13, 2019 a public hearing was held on LD 798 – An Act To Protect Maine Children and Students from Preventable Diseases by Repealing Certain Exemptions from the Laws Governing Immunization Requirements 

Actions for LD 798

Roll-calls for LD 798 –

No Senate roll-calls were found.

No House roll-calls were found.

Testimony of Phil Merletti

“I am outraged that there are people in government that are willing to force substances under the skin of children and adults that have the belief that they have the last say to their own religious rights and protection under our U.S. and Maine Constitutions.

Hitler’s Doctor Joseph Mengele would be celebrating the Democrats (socialist and Communist) in this State for their Nazi style beliefs of Government controlled health ideas.

I believe, as always, that our only way to contest these followers of Hitler, is to use our religious freedoms and ideals and the U.s. and Maine Constitutions and not emotion and fear.” (Phil Merletti)


Letter to Americans From a Disgusted Member of “The Herd”

Published in: on March 17, 2019 at 12:31 pm  Leave a Comment  




Send your questions, responses to Phil’s letters to Editor, Lincoln news – and/or respond in the “comment” section.



Send your questions, responses to Phil’s letters to Editor, Lincoln news – and/or respond in the “comment” section.



Send your questions, responses to Phil’s letters to Editor, Lincoln news – and/or respond in the “comment” section.




Send your questions, responses to Phil’s letters to Editor, Lincoln news – and/or respond in the “comment” section.


If you are new to this, or unaware, read/view videos in this post Charlie E. Summers, Maine’s 48th Secretary Of State, Selected For Appointment To The Senior Executive Service (SES) …. the dots are connecting!

Does anyone have info on other Maine members of the SES?



Send your questions, responses to Phil’s letters to Editor, Lincoln news – and/or respond in the “comment” section.



Rebuttal to Merletti

Send your questions, responses to Phil’s letters to Editor, Lincoln news –



Send your questions, responses to Phil’s letters to Editor, Lincoln news –

Courtesy of Phil Merletti

The three major responses that I have received, this week, concerning the Deep State and Shadow Government is:
1. Do these entities really exist?
2. How did the Deep State & Shadow Government get to be so strong & influential?
3. How have they stayed hidden all these years?

These 3 questions will take more than a months worth of explanation. I will address in detail these three subjects in future Letters to the Editor (Lincoln News) . But to give the public a chance to participate in a local meeting and to verbally address this subject, there will be a presentation in The Town of Lincoln, this Thursday night.

Camp Constitution’s speaker’s bureau Hal Shurtleff will present “The DEEP STATE”. Mr. Shurtleff will discus a historical overview, what it is, the groups involved, how to expose them and how we can prevent them from taking away our freedoms and liberty.

The meeting will take place at the American Legion in Lincoln, Thursday, August 30, at 7:00 P.M.

American Legion Post 3 Fleming Rd. Lincoln, Maine

Please attend this meeting and ask your town officials, legislative officials, law enforcers, pastors and civic leaders to also attend.

 DEEP STATE 101-1, read more HERE.


In lieu of not having a political page in this news paper, I am forced to address important political information in the “Letters to the Editor”. So, I will reduce important information into miniature reports of 500 words or less, to detail and prove the content.

I am going to throw caution to the wind and begin a series of letters to the editor that will address an issue that both political parties are going to come out of the skins and cry fowl. Nevertheless, it is time that the voting public and public officials find out that they have been unknowingly controlled for years. Those who are responsible for this control are either going to come to the surface to fight for their continued control or they are going to run like cockroaches in the light.

The reason why I am ready to tackle this deceitful, ominous and corrupt subject is, the enemies of our country and its freedom are now surfacing for air and admitting their agenda’s, yes the agenda’s are plural. If they continue to be successful in their cover-up’s, .this country will experience a social collapse like never before experienced. Those who have common sense and those who understand religious doctrine will understand why we must now come together and fight for what is right.

This issue will continue in the following editions in this news paper. Much of this revealing dialog will continue each week, as the information is voluminous. I will respond and include answers to questions of interest concerning the Deep State and Shadow Government.
So please, this is your opportunity, public servant or voter, I invite you be involved in this endeavor.  Read more HERE.

Spokesperson for “Take America Back”, Phil Merletti

Send your questions, responses to Phil’s letters to Editor, Lincoln news –

Published in: on August 27, 2018 at 8:43 pm  Comments (3)  


Courtesy of Phil Merletti


In 1787, one of Maryland’s delegates to our famous convention of the colonies, a lady asked Dr. Ben Franklin “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy.” Franklin replied, “A republic . . . if you can keep it.”.

Franklin, as well as the other founders, were scholars of their day. They knew the history of the world governments and they knew two very important facts of the development of the human. “Evil and good” were old advisories and this new experiment of a democracy styled republic would be under constant attack by those of evil intent and supported by the ignorant and naive; this was based on 5000 years of human evolution.

Since the 1900’s, our country fought four major wars against countries that were founded on the ideology spread by Socialism and Communism. We won some and lost some To this day, each country reinforced their philosophy.

Some people say that true socialism and communism is the best, but no country has ever reaped the fruits that we enjoy; we have our U.S. & State Constitutions to thank for that!

I mentioned that those who are evil were supported by the ignorant and naïve; this is true to this day and history will prove that out. Most people today will not read more than a headline or sentence, or even a paragraph or take the time to study issues and political views. The evil understand this fact and they feed the sheep with feel good emotional words and phrases that tug at the heart strings of their victims. Those who are good, are most vulnerable because if they are not vigilant, they become ignorant and naïve and subject to the evil.

Since the sixties, our society has welcomed the Socialist and Communist, for they have infiltrated our government and the political parties. Keeping us separated by feel good issues and emotional feelings has only led to taking sides and infighting amongst each other. This has kept us from seeing what the evil are doing to us in Washington and Augusta. This is easy to understand if the people just see what is going on!

Another voting cycle is almost upon us and the feel good issues and emotional feelings are there for the sheep to follow the wolves. There are four referendum questions on the ballot and money is at the root of each question. Have you the voter studied the questions? Voting has consequences and the ignorant and the naive will soon be voluntarily parting with more of their money (property). When you hear statements that the government will be helping with funds, just remember, state taxes come out of your left pocket and federal taxes come out of your right pocket, while gambling comes out of your wallet.

This sheep dog knows which way the wind blows, but the wolves know what they are doing. Please vote with your brains and not your money (property).

Phi Merletti, Spokesperson, Take America Back.

Published in: on October 31, 2017 at 2:01 pm  Comments (1)  


Courtesy of Phil Merletti

“I have been asked what can be done to prevent unconstitutional referendums from passing the Secretary of State, the Governor, the Attorney General, the Legislative Council and the Revisor’s Office and as a result, placed before the voting public and passed as public law. Secondly, what can be changed in the Maine Constitution to address Article IV, Sections 17, 18 and 19, which allows repugnant and unconstitutional laws and statutes to be created by a “direct democracy” system.”

Is it typical of legislators that they know nothing about history or the Maine Constitution?

View Phil’s research HERE.

Published in: on October 28, 2017 at 9:39 pm  Leave a Comment  

Is It Over?

Courtesy of Phil Merletti

Folks, this is a MUST READ.

“So you have wiped your brow and you think the election is over. No more lying and deceiving ads. No more trying to get the naïve, uneducated and low information voter to be fooled by the smoke and mirrors. No more betraying good people to fight each other on sensitive and emotional issues, gender, economics, religion, race, abortion and other natural unalienable protected rights provided by our U.S. & State Constitutions. The fact is, this destruction has been slowly occurring for many years.

No matter who wins this election, the president, congressional office, Maine Senate or Representative, the war to subdue your rights will still continue. The only difference will be how dedicated the winners of the election will either continue to destroy your rights or whether they will fight for you and the U.S. & Maine Constitution’s protections.

The ones who voted for the deceivers will have to suffer the guilt and the many consequences. Unfortunately, we will all suffer for what you have done. Learn what the U.S & Maine Constitutions protect, or continue to be fooled and led like sheep.”
Read more HERE.

Published in: on November 8, 2016 at 11:16 am  Leave a Comment  


By Phil Merletti

“I have been asked by legislators, law enforcement, lawyers and Maine voters who are confused as to the legitimacy of the 3rd referendum question and whether or not, it is Constitutional.

“An Act to Require Background Checks for Gun Sales and Transfers”

On the surface, the question seems innocuous and logical. I am going to by-pass the socialist propaganda and agenda, the anger, personal opinions and emotion driven discussions and ignorance of the United States and Maine Constitutions from both opponents and proponents. As a believer in the authority of the United States and Maine Constitutions, I am compelled to refer to both of them for answers and final direction rather than be redirected by past precedent, rules, regulations or statutory laws that are repugnant to the United States or Maine Constitutions.”

Read more HERE.

Spokesperson Phil Merletti

Published in: on October 22, 2016 at 1:04 pm  Comments (1)  

Hierarchy Of Law Enforcement In Maine…EXPOSED!

Courtesy of Phil Merletti

“It has been brought to my attention that the vast majority of the law enforcement officers, the legislature, the judges, the lawyers, government officers and the Maine people are unaware or confused as to the hierarchies of the law enforcement officers in Maine and how the past legislators deviated from the mandates and requirements of the Maine Constitutions.

This ignorance continues today for the same reasons that existed in the past. The greatest fault lies with those who refuse to read and understand the United States and Maine Constitutions and how they work in conjunction with each other. Many of the aforementioned legislators, leaders and bureaucrats do not wish to study or know the authority of the Constitutions because they are happy with the function of a fraudulent unconstitutional government hierarchy, they are comfortable and willfully knowledgeable with their false authority and they are comfortable as to where their fraudulent positions fit in to the hierarchy.

The information found in this report should not to be misconstrued to believe that I favor anyone agency, department or organization or position over another or that I hold any animosity against any agency, department or organization or person. What is recorded is historical fact was compiled to the best of my ability. If anyone can produce any provable or factual information to the contrary, I will yield to those facts. The intent of this report is to correct the authority found in the Maine Constitution, while placing the correct authority into the Maine statutes while maintaining the current positions of Sheriff’s Department, the State Polices and the Municipal Police Departments.”

Read report HERE.

Published in: on February 11, 2016 at 4:59 pm  Comments (3)  

Letter to the County Sheriffs of Maine…LD 652 Amendment Violates the Constitution


Subject: LD 652 amendment violates the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and the 5th section of Article I, as written in the Maine Constitution.

Read letter, HERE.

Published in: on June 20, 2015 at 4:39 pm  Leave a Comment  

The State of Maine’s Loss Of A True Patriot… Wayne Leach


Wayne Leach 12/12/1937 – 5/19/2015

It is with great sadness to report the passing of a true patriot, Wayne Leach.  Wayne passed away May 19, 2015.

Wayne will be remembered as an important Mainer who worked hard to restore the Constitutional state of Maine, putting himself out there, to educate others and to advocate, for the good of all of us.

A celebration of my Wayne’s life will be held on Sunday May 31st from 1pm until 4pm at the American Legion Post 179, 79 Legion Memorial Drive South China, Maine.

Members of the Maine Constitutional Coalition gathered on Thursday, August 14, 2014, for a press conference at the State House in Augusta. Pictured from left are Phil Merletti, Wayne Leach and Jack McCarthy.

Members of the Maine Constitutional Coalition gathered on Thursday, August 14, 2014, for a press conference at the State House in Augusta. Pictured from left are Phil Merletti, Wayne Leach and Jack McCarthy.

John McDonald speaks with Wayne Leach, of the Constitutional Coalition, about his meeting with Governor LePage 7/6/14. Listen HERE.

The Future of Maine…We The People Of Maine, click here.

“Life will never be the same.” Phil Merletti

“In 1775 they were called the “Sons of Liberty”. Wayne was one of the remaining Sons of Liberty. Here’s to Wayne Leach and those like him. Damn few left.” Roger W. Ek

 RIP Wayne Leach. Never to be forgotten!

Talkshoe Radio – Maine Exposed: Recap!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015
9:00 PM EDT

Call in Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 27398#

Click here to join in online.

Archived program, EPISODE 64, click here.

All Archived Programs, click here.