Have You Been Harmed By Maine’s Judicial System?

An Open Forum Community Meeting was held on Friday, May 2, 2014 in South Portland regarding Maine’s Courts particularly, but not exclusive to, Maine’s Family Courts and GAL Oversight.

Lori Handrahan organized Friday’s meeting as a response to Scott Dolan’s article in the PPH “Maine attorney general enters fray over divorce case.” Lori states that the article “made it look like I was the only one in the entire State of Maine who had problem with Judge Jeffrey Moskowitz.” The State of Maine was quoted in that article as saying there has never been a complaint against Moskowitz, or any other judge. Contrary to this statement, there have been complaints filed against other judges.

A real problem exists when the Senate chair of the Judiciary Committee, Linda Valentino, D-Saco, disagrees that legislators should be inquiring about judges’ qualifications.  The Judiciary Committee members’ task is to hear public testimony as to the honesty, integrity and qualifications of attorneys who are nominated by Governor LePage to be appointed and confirmed as Judges.

It is time for Maine people to see how the Legislators conduct their own actions of ignoring public presentations of written evidence and how they believe in their own favoritism of fellow legislators and Lawyers. Read more HERE.

Invited to attend this meeting, in order to learn, first hand, what is going on in Maine’s Courts were Governor Paul LePage, Mary Ann Lynch, Esq., Director of court information. A.G. Janet Mills, Linda Valentio, Senate Chair of the Judiciary Committee and many legislators were cc’d the invitation to attend. Only two legislators attended, Senator David Dutremble and Rep. Lisa Villa.

Judge Moskowitz is not the only judge who has violated the Rule of Law or constitutional rights of victims. He is not the only judge who has irreparably harmed and totally devastated lives and families. This is no surprise to us as we have run into roadblocks at every level in seeking accountability. Augusta has all of its “bases” covered…to include the courtrooms… with its “revolving door policy.” All doors to remedy injustices are closed!

Are Judges engaging in conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts, inconsistent with constitutional requirements, statutes, rules of court, decisional law, and common sense and in non-compliance with the Code of judicial and ethical conduct? Is there a continuous pattern of improper activity, breach of duty, intentional harm upon litigants, official oppression and racketeering?

MAINE LAW DEFINING ’OFFICIAL OPPRESSION’: A person is guilty of official oppression if, being a public servant and acting with the intention to benefit himself or another or to harm another, he knowingly commits an unauthorized act which purports to be an act of his office, or knowingly refrains from performing a duty imposed on him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office.”

The Obstruction of Justice within Maine’s court system, to include key players involved in protecting Maine judges, attorneys, prosecutors, commands an investigation and accountability. This is long overdue. It is time for a probe of judicial/official misconduct ……and perhaps an audit too!

Pursuant to Title 4: Judiciary, Chapter 1 § 1 administrative responsibilities of the court and the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, as the head of the judicial branch, shall, in accordance with the rules, regulations and orders of the Supreme Judicial Court, be responsible for the efficient operation of the judicial branch and for the expeditious dispatch of litigation therein and for the proper conduct of business in all courts and the prompt and proper administration of justice.

Pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 1 § 17, duties as State Court Administrator include, but are not limited to, the study of operation, condition of business, practice and procedure of the Judicial Department; making recommendations for the efficient administration of justice; examinations of the status of dockets of all courts so as to determine cases and other judicial business that have been unduly delayed; investigating complaints with respect to the operation of the courts.

Like Lori, there are many who know that such an investigation will not be commenced by Maine’s Attorney General, Maine’s US Attorney General, nor be initiated by our state legislators.

18 USC § 4
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

In 2008, the Justice Department announced an agreement with administrative officials of the Maine judiciary which resolved an investigation of a complaint alleging that the Maine judicial branch, which receives federal funding,was not in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. However, under the terms of the agreement, the Justice Department monitored Maine’s compliance for a period of two years. Maine courts are still in non-compliance with Federal law and continue to accept federal funding. The Maine Supreme Court continually upholds lower court decisions which violate the rights of the people. Another investigation is in order.

The pattern of CORRUPTION AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST PERMEATES WITHIN Maine’s judicial system, click here.

When official corruption is not “nipped in the bud”, it yields greater exposure. Lori is in contact with Federal officials. Any victim of Maine’s judicial/governmental system, with documented evidence, is being requested by Lori to submit their evidence to the following agents with whom she is in contact with:  Kevin.Ohlson@usdoj.org, James.Comey@ic.fbi.gov. Inform these two people at DOJ  as to the crimes committed against you, or your family. Too many people have suffered at the hands of (in)justice whether it be the unlawful confiscation of your property, business, livelihoods, homes, children, animals, etc.  The revealing of a pattern of official oppression/obstruction of justice/violations of protected rights will yield results for victims on this state of Maine. It is crystal clear that there is more behind this “curtain” than meets the eye. It’s more than unfortunate that Maine’s elected officials/law enforcement chose to “turn a deaf ear.” It’s a public scandal.

Upholding the “Supreme Law of the State” is not a political, nor party, issue.  Years of attempts have been made to contact and connect with Maine’s Senators, Representatives, and law enforcement to investigate evidence of crimes committed against the people, to no avail. However, most recently, some Maine representatives have seen the light and with their help, we can make a positive change within Maine’s governmental and judicial systems. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

A door of opportunity has opened for those who seek the justice that Maine fails to uphold. You have an opportunity to stand up and be heard. Meanwhile, legislators with a heart, conscience, and common sense will be pursued to help restore our judicial system and our republic.

Related:  Request for meeting with state legislators, HERE, HERE.

Corruption on Maine has been ongoing for years…..and continues today. Some of the same people mentioned on this tape are still in positions of power today.  MOST POWERFUL, REVEALING VIDEO BY TOM DUNN, view HERE.


U.S. Senate Confirms Judge Linked To Benghazi Scandal

The Hill reports “The Senate confirmed four of President Obama’s executive and judicial nominees Thursday.

Theodore Chuang and George Hazel will serve as U.S. district judges for Maryland. The Senate voted 53-42 on Chuang’s nomination and 95-0 on Hazel’s.

Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said he couldn’t support Chuang’s nomination because he helped the Obama administration “stonewall” Congress on the investigation of the death of four Americans at the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya.

Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) defended Chuang, saying he was only doing his job and Grassley’s “beef” was really with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.”

Read more HERE.

Published in: on May 3, 2014 at 8:55 pm  Comments (1)  

East Texas State District Judge Elizabeth E. Coker Resigns Amid Allegations Of Improper Conduct

Chron reports ” An East Texas state district judge who had been accused of sending text messages to coach a prosecutor during a trial, being biased against some attorneys and improperly meeting with jurors has resigned as part of an agreement with a state judicial commission.

The commission said that during an August 2012 child abuse trial Coker presided over, the judge sent text messages to Polk County prosecutor Kaycee Jones, suggesting questions that Jones should relay to the prosecutor handling the case.

Coker was also accused of suggesting that a witness review a videotaped interview he gave to law enforcement to refresh his memory and rehabilitate his testimony and of discussing legal issues pertinent to the case “in an unsuccessful effort to assist the State (to) obtain a guilty verdict in the case.”  Read more, click here.

And the pattern continues………

Published in: on October 29, 2013 at 5:51 pm  Comments (1)  

Texas State District Judge Abel Limas Sentenced To Prison

Read more.

Published in: on September 13, 2013 at 8:10 pm  Leave a Comment  

Maine Judges Sit On The Bench In Secrecy

Here is a great piece of work from Lise M. who has spent years of  extensive research on Maine’s judicial system.  She is in the process of writing a book where you will get the full understanding and details  on Maine’s judicial system.


“Since all power is inherent in the people, then it follows that all power is not inherent in the judges.

Can judges sit on the bench in secrecy with “superior” knowledge in that they know that they have never been named in a commission which vests the office, a public office?

In other words, the judges have prior knowledge, which is not known to the public at large, knowing full well that they are not a public officer without a commission and possess no judicial powers and immunity plus they do not operate from a public office. Remember, that a public office is a place of trust, and the judges are suppose to acknowledge, recognize, and uphold the constitutional secured rights of the people.

The judges, in turn, have a fiduciary relationship with the people who enter his or her court and must protect their rights. A fiduciary relationship arises when one places trust in another, and that the people’s rights must be upheld as a matter of those judges operating from a constitutional public office.

Do they actually do that when they sit on the bench in secrecy?

Of course not!

Is it not a breach of trust when the so-called judges sit in silence and do not fully disclose the truth of the matter in that they are not commissioned judges, and that they are only “mere” employees of the state? In other words, they are only ministerial judges otherwise known as hearing examiners.

They have a duty to fully disclose their “superior” knowledge otherwise it is a violation of the canon rules of being impartial judges meaning that secretly they will not administer justice and will favor the side of the prosecution. It is a fraud to conceal information from the public where there is a duty to disclose such knowledge, and that disclosure must be complete and free of any misrepresentation.

Failure to speak on the part of the judges is a very wrongful act and is a betrayal of the people’s rights. Judges cannot be permitted to avoid liability for their actions by deceitfully concealing any wrongdoing of any kind. They are legally and morally bound to reveal such “superior” knowledge to the public at large.

Where there is a fiduciary duty, there is an active duty to inform the public otherwise there is not an “equal footing” while in their courts. Causing a person to remain ignorant of the fact that the judges hide that they do not possess a commission is a form of self-concealment, and it is a wrongful act.

Silence or concealment where there is a duty to speak out is creating a false impression and is a deception on the part of the judges who do so. It is called lying by omission. They are avoiding divulging “superior” information that they possess by the use of silence and cover up the fact that they are not genuine, constitutional judges.

Of course, this is all shrouded in secrecy and mystery, and where there is secrecy and mystery, there is a high potential for danger. This particular knowledge is available to only privileged people, and it is all a semblance of assumed appearance in order to obstruct from view the fact that they are not public officers by wearing the black robes. Wearing the black robes is used as a mask or veil in order to mislead the public into believing a material fact that they are genuine constitutional judges, and this wearing of the black robes is intended to induce a false belief by the public at large.

Is it not treason against the original, constitutional State of Maine and the people when the judges act deliberately in suppressing the truth of the matter?

Of course it is!

The judges are supposed to be in court to make certain that everyone’s constitutional rights are upheld but is that what really happens in these state-wide courts today? State-wide courts are courts that have been taken over by the state, and we no longer have county courts within and for the county. In other words. we no longer have local control. It is gone.

Lastly, judges are not allowed to engage in:

1. Secrecy
2. Misrepresentation
3. Pretense
4. Suppression of truth
5. Hiding information
6. Non-disclosure
7. Cover up
8. Deception
9. Defrauding the people
10. Lying by omission
11. False representation
12. Concealment
13. Obstruct from view/sight
14. Deceitfulness
15. Assumed appearance
16. Intent to deceive
17. Have an unfair advantage by possessing “superior” knowledge and concealing it
18. False impression
19. Fraud
20. Wrongdoing/misconduct
21. Etc, etc, etc.”

Thanks for this info and the unmasking of judges.

Published in: on June 7, 2013 at 9:31 am  Comments (6)  

Behind the Black Robes: Failed Justice, Author Barbara C. Johnson

By:  Dorothy Lafortune

This book is about the need for court reform and the abolishment of judicial and quasi-judicial immunity. The book is filled with the courts’ tricks and traps for the unwary.”

Barbara was the attorney from Massachusetts who came to Maine to defend me, pro bono, on my case of criminal trespass upon my property. York County Superior Court Judge Arthur Brennan did not permit her to enter evidence, call witnesses, or challenge a judicial writ requiring I leave my home. York County D.A. Mark Lawrence prosecuted me with my evidence in his hands. She argued the state failed to prove that I had acted in defiance of a lawful order. “You can’t defy a lawul order if you don’t have one,” she told the jury. Such educated York county jurors!

Barbara Johnson summarized the court proceeding. See summary of Criminal Trespass charge, click here.

Biddeford property summary, click here

Maine Supreme Court letter, November 17, 2003, click here.  I was unlawfully removed from my home on November 19, 2003 by a 13 member SWAT team, armed and masked, with full knowledge by the Maine Supreme Court that there was pending litigation against the City of Biddeford.  I had guns pointed at my head and side as I lay face down on the floor.

D.A. Mark Lawrence letter, June 6, 2003, click here. Mark was working with me, prior to my unlawful arrest. He jumped the fence and prosecuted me.

Was the ransacking of my home necessary?  View the video of the SWAT Team‘s aftermath. (Scroll down)

To order Barbara’s book, click here.

Players in my case are the same ones reported by Michael Doyle, Editor Falmouth Today. Click here.

I’m asking for your help in contacting Governor LePage and Attorney General Janet Mills seeking the reasons for their refusals to investigate these crimes.   So many Mainers have suffered irreparable harm and losses due to the failure of our governors/attorneys general/judges to uphold their oaths, duties, obligations and the law. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

I thank you for your support. It is crystal clear that there is more behind this “curtain” than meets the eye.

Governor Paul LePage
Office of the Governor
#1 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0001

Phone 207-287-3531
Fax 207-287-1034

Attorney General Janet Mills
Office of the Attorney General
6 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333

Phone: 207-626-8800

Maine Court Judges Exposed!

Falmouth Today, Editor Michael Doyle, unveils more judicial corruption within Maine courts.

Attorney Jens-Peter Bergen and Judges named in this article are the same players in the theft of my business property,  my home and property in Arundel, Maine.

I went public with a public access t.v. talk show, The Maine Forum, from April 18, 2001 to July 2002 when (now former mayor) Donna Dion and (now former city councilor) Jim Grattelo banned me from Biddeford Public Access. My reasons for going public was due to the controlled mainstream media’s refusal to print or broadcast the truth that people had a right to know. I was tired of having issues brushed under the rug. The Maine Forum was a vehicle used to educate and inform the public on issues that involved everyone at the local, county, state and federal levels. It was time to take a stand for my (our) rights before we no longer had any rights left. Many wonderful and interesting people from Maine to California were guests on my program.

The July 4, 2001 program “What Price Justice?’ featured Philip Castora, a licensed Private Investigator, who gave a report containing his opinions and conclusions with respect to various public documents relative to his investigation into fraudulent confiscations of property through the concerted actions of city officials, bankers, the courts…….and let’s not forget William Zafirson, HAZA Auctioneer who went crying to the mayor because I mentioned his name on my program.

Read more, click here.

Read more about:

Jens Peter Bergen, Esq.

Attorney Jens-Peter Bergen, one of the client’s charged in the Zumba Prostitution Case, was also involved in the theft of Dorothy Lafortune’s home in concert with officials in the City of Biddeford and Biddeford District Court Judge Christine Foster.

As with both cases, Atty. Bergen knows, or should know, the law. In the Zumba case he chose to commit a criminal or unlawful act that reflects adversely on his honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as an attorney. Since the beginning of this case it was obvious there would be a double standard of justice and selective prosecutions where it concerned public officials/attorneys. Attorney Bergen and his cronies in the City of Biddeford, including Judge Christine Foster, are NOT above the law! This is NOT the first time he violates the law! The proof is in the pudding!

Wouldn’t you agree that Attorney Jens-Peter Bergen, who knows, or should know, the law and pled guilty to violating state law is conduct unbecoming an attorney and in violation of BAR rules and professional conduct? He gets away with just a slap on the wrist and still practices law in Maine.

And what about the remaining suspects?

Freedom of Access Act request, December 27, 2012

Second Freedom of Access Act request, January 20, 2013

On January 28, 2013 a response was received to my FOA request to Justina McGettigan, Deputy D.A. from D.A. Kathryn Slattery. D.A. Slattery provided the list of approximate 60 individuals charged. The request was for the remaining 150+ suspects charged.

FOIA – clarification, February 7, 2013

Why is it so difficult to get a response from the District Attorney’s Office to a FOA request? Why will the D.A. not uphold Maine statute and supply the list of the remaining 150+ suspects charged?

Atty. Bergen represented the owner of a Maine Realty company and aid and abet the theft of Lafortune’s home and aided and abetted in the attempt to extort $35,000 from her. Her persistence in pursuing this fraud against her led to the mysterious disappearance of the case file in Biddeford District Court. 

She was not afforded the opportunity, consideration and fairness in the reporting of her side of the story. She was not ensured a fair trial. She was maliciously prosecuted when (now former) D.A. Mark Lawrence had her evidence in hand and working with her. She lost her home, removed by a 13 member SWAT team, armed and masked, arrested and charged with criminal trespass upon her own property and thrown out into the street like a wild animal. She most certainly resents the fact that she paid the salaries of these official “scabs” to defraud and “rape” her.

See summary of Criminal Trespass charge, click here.

Judge Arthur Brennan, click here and here.

Judge Thomas Humphrey

Paper trail to my complaint against Judge Christine Foster, dismissed by the Committee on Judicial Responsibility and Disability also leads to Judge Humphrey.

Related, click here.

Well, if  “you haven’t heard of a docket, any docket, being removed from the court system locally or statewide”, you’ve got more proof that this is “procedure” within Maine’s courtrooms.

Take Notice:

Members on the Committee on Judicial Responsibility and Disability include Judges Paul Fritzsche, Robert E. Crowley. Is this not a conflict of interest? Judge Thomas Humphrey previously sat on the committee. He is the current Chief Justice of the Superior Courts.

The Committee on Judicial Responsibility and Disability is a Personal appointment which does not require a public hearing or approval of the State Legislature. If Governor LePage’s priority is to “put Maine people ahead of politics”, he must remove the members with this committee.

The corruption is rampant, blatant and more visible with greater exposure. It’s time to take this “bull by the horns.”

Russell Wheeler Testifies Before The House Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing on The Federal Judicial Conduct And Disability System

Testimony | April 25, 2013

An Examination of the Judicial Conduct and Disability System
By: Russell Wheeler

Editor’s Note: Russell Wheeler testified before the House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on the federal judicial conduct and disability system on April 25, 2013. The Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 authorizes any person to file a complaint alleging that a federal judge has engaged in conduct “prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts.” The text which follows is Russell Wheeler’s opening statement.

Read more.

Congressman James Sensenbrenner letter, July 14, 2004.  No response.

Senator Charles Grassley letter, May 12, 2006.  No response.

Judge Brock Hornby was  appointed to the “Breyer Committee,” to investigate judicial misconduct. Was Judge Hornby qualified for this position? Was this a conflict of interest? His judicial abuse “raises profound questions” with respect to whether he should enjoy the delegated authority to investigate and discipline himself.

Do you believe the judicial branch is doing  a very good job of administering The Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980?  Or is this hearing just another “whitewash”?

Congressional Leaders Permit Judicial Prostitution

Congressional Testimony: Roger Tanner to Bill Windsor of Lawless America

When will senators be as disgusted with judicial prostitution? Judges regularly engage in “reckless, “morally repugnant” behavior with opportunities for blackmail or coercion threatening” the very foundation upon which our country was built. When judges sell their services to the highest bidder is this not prostitution? People are focused on why congressional leaders permit this culture in which such behavior is tolerated.

With all the evidence Tom Dunn presented to Senator Olympia Snowe back in 1979, Snowe was “satisfied that sufficient investigation has been carried out by the office of the Attorney General.” The pattern of official corruption is ongoing today evidenced by the refusal of members of Congress to take action on testimonies of victims of government and judicial corruption presented to them in February 2013. Maine’s Attorneys General have followed suit.

Read more.

Senator Olympia Snowe letter.
Tom Dunn – video.

Congressional Testimony presented to members the United States Congress in February, 2013.

View congressional testimonies.

The demands for investigation into judicial misconduct, based on documented evidence provided by the people, has long been ignored. With all of this evidence on the table, do they really think they are kidding anyone else but themselves? This is a public scandal!