BDN reports Susan Collins calls for independent review of Secret Service misbehavior.”“Charles Edwards, Homeland Security’s acting inspector general, said his agency has reviewed the Secret Service investigation and conducted interviews of its own. Homeland Security officials, however, have stopped short of a full-blown inquiry.”

“I think it’s critical that the [Office of the Inspector General] do a completely independent review and investigation, not just a review of the [Secret Service’s] investigation,” Collins said.”

Homeland Security, Office of the Inspector General, stopped short of a full-blown inquiry? Do we have another area of misconduct?
Complaints on two US Attorneys were file with the OIG at the DOJ during the tenure of Glenn Fine. The OIG acknowledged receipt of my complaints dated February 23, 2007, determined that the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys management should review my complaint and forwarded my complaint to the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys. No action taken. My complaint was faxed to H. Marshall Jarrett, Counsel, the OPR (Office of Professional Responsibility). Jarrett discounted my serious complaint.

In April 2009 H. Marshall Jarrett, the longtime chief lawyer in the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility” was “reassigned to head the Executive Office for United States Attorneys.” 

Full post

Unfortunately for our congressional leaders, their public comments contradict their representative actions. Do they really think that we believe what they are stating to the controlled media? Regarding the mainstream media, why hasn’t BDN, or other Maine media, reported on the evidence of misconduct by elected officials?

More on video regarding the mainstream media.

Senators Collins and Snowe, it is equally “critical” that a complete independent review and investigation be conducted within the judicial system.
However, due to the “revolving door” policy, can there ever be an independent review or investigation by Washington officials?
While we’re at it…..why don’t we get into the 1933 bankruptcy?
PPH reports “Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine told the hearing several small groups of Secret Service employees engaged in reckless, “morally repugnant” behavior and the prostitution scandal wider than believed. Collins said the employees’ actions could have provided a foreign intelligence service, drug cartels or other criminals with opportunities for blackmail or coercion threatening the president’s safety.”
“This week the Drug Enforcement Administration said the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General was investigating possible misconduct by two or more agents in Colombia. The investigation is unrelated to the Secret Service scandal but is based on information provided to the DEA by the Secret Service.”
“Senators focused on whether the Secret Service permitted a culture in which such behavior was tolerated.”
Prostitution nothing new to Washington.
Secret Service agent also fired in 2008 prostitute case.
When will senators be as disgusted with judicial prostitution? Judges regularly engage in “reckless, “morally repugnant” behavior with opportunities for blackmail or coercion threatening” the very foundation upon which our country was built. When judges sell their services to the highest bidder is this not prostitution? People are focused on why congressional leaders permit this culture in which such behavior is tolerated.
The demands for investigation into judicial misconduct, based on documented evidence provided by the people, has long been ignored. This is a public scandal! 


I will be adding documents associated with the links below. Check back often.

Gov. Angus King letter

Attorney Mark Lawrence (former President of the Maine Senate) was appointed District Attorney by Governor John Baldacci to fill the vacancy created when Michael Cantara became Commissioner of Public Safety. He ran for congress, 2008 election, and lost.  He was later nominated by Congressman Michael Michaud for position of Maine U.S.A.G. I wrote Congressman Michaud and asked that he justify his nomination of Mark Lawrence for said position. No response.  Lawrence was no longer named as a possible nominee. He has opened his own law firm.

Lawrence campaign contributors

Gov. John Baldacci campaign contributors, click here and here.

Printed in the Clarion Edict.

The articles in the last edition of the Clarion Edict are excellent! They are very informative and inner-twine with each other. It is refreshing to know that the people have a place in which to have their voices heard.

I want to expand on the article by Joseph Nugent “Maine U.S. Attorney Office Non-Feasance.” Why do public officials keep passing the proverbial buck and look the other way? Joseph Nugent asked “who is going to do something about corruption? Why is it happening? Who is profiting from it? Why is no one doing anything about it? How long is this type of wrong doing going to be tolerated? And who will ultimately enforce the law, maintain the public trust and protect our faith and confidence in our system of government?”

The duties of the Attorney General are established by the Maine Revised Statutes Annotated, Title 5, sections 191 – 205. These statutes direct the Attorney General to discharge various responsibilities, including investigating and prosecuting homicides and other crimes. In addition to these statutory powers, the Attorney General is vested with certain other powers deriving from the Office’s common law powers. The leading case on the powers and duties of the Attorney General is Superintendent of Insurance v. Attorney General, 558 A.2d 1197 (Me.1989). The essential principle stated by the Court in this landmark decision is that the Attorney General possesses constitutional and common law authority, independent of the agencies represented by the Office that may be exercised by the Attorney General in the public interest.

The State Court Administrator, established by M.R.S.A. Title 4, Chapter 1 ξ 17, subject to the supervision and direction of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, is responsible for administration and management of the court system, including investigating complaints with respect to the operation of the courts. Maine’s Court Administrator is James T. Glessner.

Why are the unlawful interferences by officials rubber-stamped by Maine’ judicial system? Why do state government agencies in place to protect consumers, fail to do so? The power of the agencies, etc. is supported by the corruption of the courts. Why do they get away with this? Because they can. The lack of oversight and accountability that exists in Maine government agencies/departments/committees/commissions, including the Judiciary, pose a real problem for small business owners and residents.

It is disgusting and appalling, through past administrations, that there has always been the excuse, including the Attorney General’s Office – top law enforcement agency in the State, that “there’s nothing we can do.” This being the case, it is my opinion that the state has 2 choices: 1) replace the person in charge of an agency or 2) if an agency is not servings its purpose/mission, eliminate the agency. This would be fiscally responsible. Paying salaries of employees who fail in their job performance is a misuse of taxpayer money. It is imperative that Governor LePage initiate investigations into the job performance of the Attorney General’s Office and Administrative Office of the Courts as this is a matter of public interest and trust.

As long as we have family connections, “revolving doors” in Augusta and legislators who leave their common sense at the door when entering the chambers, public and judicial corruption in this state will continue.

As Mr. Nugent reported, lack of action by Attorneys General Steven Rowe and Janet Mills occurred during the (former governor) John Baldacci administration. If “you wonder why public and judicial corruption is going unfettered here in our State”, connect the dots. The masquerade party ongoing in Augusta is known by more people than our officials realize. The political players dance from one elected position to another, wheel and deal with connections they’ve made, ignore the pleas for help from their constituents who pay their salaries, then eventually climb the ladder to a higher position. Then family members join the party. The individuals we thought would be great representatives of the people, and we voted for, have lost their way. They sold their souls and the future of their children, grandchildren and the American people for the sake of comfort and wealth. They have elected to take the path of corruption which, eventually, will effect them.

U.S. Attorney for Maine Thomas Delahanty II, a longtime Superior Court justice, is related to Judge Robert Crowley.

Maine’s Ruling Family – the Mitchell-Baldacci family.

Baldacci – Business As Usual.  Source: LANCE TAPLEY

Baldacci swears in judges with area roots.  “The swearing-in ceremony for five Maine judges seemed more like a family reunionthan an official event.”

Senator Barry Hobbins, click here, Kennebec Journal, Cutts Island Group.

Re Radio Address – Sen. Hobbins on Government Transparency, March 19, 2011:
“Democrats have long believed that people should know who, how, where, and what is being governed.” Hobbins “wants to work with Governor LePage moving this state forward, but he wants to do it with transparency and openness.” He stated, “Governor, I hope you will join me.”

Hobbins brought up one case in point, the Governor’s announcement of the formation of a Business Advisory Council, “however, in the Executive Order, the Governor added language exempting the Council from Maine’s Right to Know Law.” “As a founding member and former chair of Maine’s Right to Know Committee, Hobbins felt “a responsibility, a stewardship, for transparency in Maine government” and “in response to the Executive Order, he wrote a letter to the Governor asking him to re-evaluate his decision exempting the Advisory Council from the Freedom of Access Act. To date, he had not received a response from him or anyone in his administration. Hobbins stated he “will remain dogged in his efforts to allow the people of Maine access to the state’s business. Transparency is essential to an open society. A cloud of suspicion forms over elected officials and governments where the truth is shrouded in anything but openness. Sunshine Week and the Freedom of Access Act were borne out of this—this need to know, the need to hold elected officials accountable.”

Now that the shoe is on the other foot, Senator Hobbins should understand the peoples’ plights including, but not limited to, the decades of seeking justice, the decades of frustration due to the unresponsiveness of elected officials, the lack of transparency in Maine government, the lack of official accountability and the taxation without representation. Hobbins asked Governor LePage to join him in moving this state forward, but he wants “to do it with transparency and openness.” I’m asking Senator Hobbins to join me, and the people, in reining in an out-of-control government and to “do it with transparency and openness.” I, we, remain dogged in our efforts for fairness and truth. Senator Hobbins has long been a member of “there’s nothing I can do club.”

Top 25 Biddeford-Saco political players and coaches according to All Along the Watchtower. The list is not surprising to those of us in the know whose names are included:

Donna Dion and Jim Grattelo (former Mayors/councilor of Biddeford). Biddeford, I’ll See You In Court –Click here, First Amendment Case – click here, Click here.

Biddeford Police Chief Roger Beaupre. – I learned that there is an unwritten rule in Chief Beaupre’s Department. That rule “none of his police officers are to speak with me.” Why’s that? They might learn a little about the law, their constitutional duties or maybe a secret about their own chief.

William Kany – Saco-Biddeford Savings Institution.

Senator Barry Hobbins.

The Honorable Mike Cantara – Michael Cantara is a bar certified attorney. A former Biddeford mayor, Cantara was later elected to become York County’s District Attorney before being tapped by Governor John Baldacci to serve as Commissioner for the Maine Department of Public Safety and later as a Maine District Court Judge, where he serves today. Attorney Mark Lawrence (former President of the Maine Senate) was appointed District Attorney by Governor John Baldacci to fill the vacancy created when Cantara became Commissioner of Public Safety. Official corruption was brought to D.A. Cantara back in the 1990’s. However, my complaint against Atty. Michelle Robert (who was appointed to the A.G.’s office by Governor Angus King, despite his pledge of a “hiring freeze”) was dismissed by Cantara because Michelle Robert was “his friend and colleague.”

Judge Michael Cantara’s Stall Tactics On Reagan’s Foreclosure Case

Also Pro police brutality and elder abuse.

Of importance to “all in the family” is the creation of 147 positions in government by (former governor) Angus King.
With further regard to Nugent’s concerns about the Maine U.S. Attorney General’s Office, malfeasance and non-feasance extends into Washington, D.C., including members of Congress.

In February 2007 a complaint was filed with the O.I.G. against two U.S. Attorneys on their failure to perform their duties as Federal Agents and their failure to uphold the law. The complaint was forwarded to the Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys, per correspondence of Roger M. Williams, Special Agent and dated April 12, 2007. This was during the tenure of (now former Attorneys General) Alberto Gonzales and Michael Mukasey. Involved in this cover up is H. Marshall Jarrett, the longtime chief lawyer in the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility, who was appointed by President Obama to head the Executive Office for United States Attorneys.

U.S. Congressman Robert Torrecelli. Torrecelli did not take action. When Torrecelli left Congress ), Eric Shuffler later became speech wirter for N.J. Governor Jon Corzine.

On December 5, 2008 I attended a Judiciary Committee Field Hearing in St. Albans, VT, chaired by Senator Patrick Leahy, re: “Community-Based Solutions to Drug-Related Crime in Rural America.” 

I submitted documentation and a demand for a full investigation into drug related crimes and violations of law, rights and due process. I am quite disappointed that I was not afforded the opportunity to speak with Senator Leahy after traveling hours to Vermont. His only response to me was that he would read my documents on the plane. The evidence/documents presented to him demands a full investigation into the cover up of drug-related crimes, including a death, and extends from New Hampshire to Washington agencies, ie., DOJ, FBI, US Attorneys Executive Office, H. Marshall Jarrett, Counsel – Office of Professional Responsibility, NH U.S.A.G. Thomas Colantuono (left his position) and N.H. Asst. U.S.A.G. Mark Zuckerman, and others. I never received a response from Senator Leahy regarding this matter.

Is it not surprising that public officials keep passing the proverbial buck and look the other way? Where are the checks and balances? There are none. Governor Paul LePage must exercise his authority, per the Constitution of Maine, Art V, sec.12, and take care that the laws be faithfully executed. His enforcement of the law can restore the public’s trust, faith and confidence in our system of government.

As The Plot Thickens, Connect The Dots.


Printed in the Clarion Edict.

The PPH (12/13/11) reported that the “Maine Medicaid deficit is mostly the result of a series of technical budgeting miscalculations, according to a report prepared by the LePage administration.” Miscalculations?

The state Department of Health and Human Services is facing a $221 million budget deficit for this fiscal year and the next says DHHS Commissioner Mary Mayhew.

In a press release (12/12/11) Governor LePage’s “plan protects and preserves services for Maine’s most vulnerable while addressing Medicaid’s out of control spending” while the “Democrats would rather ignore the problem altogether.” Surprised? Not I.

Governor LePage defended the cuts in his radio address, “drawing a response by Democrats who labeled them “irresponsible and shortsighted.””

As the lawmakers are trying to dissect the causes of a projected $220 million budget shortfall in the state’s Department of Health and Human Services, let’s shine some light on past history with DHS and Medicaid. We find ourselves in the same situation when (former) Kevin Concannon was Commissioner of DHS during the tenure of Governor John Baldacci (D). On September 17, 2003 PPH reported “State finds $37 million DHS snafu. The state has uncovered a $37 million budget problem at the Department of Human Services, just months after state officials and a consultant found millions of dollars in accounting mistakes in a separate program at the DHS.The latest problem involves a series of errors in the Medicaid program that occurred over a period of years and finally came to light this year.” Is this a mere “miscalculation?” In March 2003, Kevin Concannon left DHS and was appointed by Governor Vilsack to serve as the Director for the Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS). A consultant was hired to help figure out what happened to the money. Gov. John Baldacci said that there was “no inkling of any wrongdoing or any malfeasance in the latest DHS incident, but he and a top aide detailed several costly errors that add up to $37 million.”

Is this deja vu all over again? The LePage administration has introduced a supplemental budget addressing the Medicaid shortfall which will affect the safety net of Maine’s most vulnerable and needy. As both parties dicker over the reasons for the shortfall, it’s time for oral extractions. Maine could have prevented truth decay had our politicians taken action on the evidence presented to them regarding the fraud, waste and abuse of Medicaid funding.

I repeatedly requested a full investigation into Medicare and Medicaid payments that were paid out in excess for prescription drugs, that were not needed, medical equipment that was not needed and stays at a local hospital and nursing home against the will of my mother, all at the expense of the taxpayers.The abuse that has gone on in this case goes beyond all bounds of decency and the refusal of our elected officials to stop this abuse is a disgraceful PUBLIC SCANDAL.

Governor John Baldacci had years to work on health care issues to include Medicaid funding and elder abuse which continues today. However, he chose instead to further his personal agenda with the help of his campaign contributors, ie. North Country Associates, at the expense of taxpayers and the precious lives of our family members. It is critical that this information be reported, as the mainstream media has failed to do so, and share the truth with the public to avoid futher decay. Our representatives only report what they want us to hear.

What are the real truths and facts that lie behind closed doors beyond sight of the public view? As Governor LePage revamps the DHS, it’s imperative that he dismiss the ”problem” people left over from the Baldacci administration. This raises reasonable questions about the impact on Maine people. “The Governor has made difficult and painful decisions to correct an ongoing deficit that has been neglected in the last decade” and is looking for solutions. He could start by investigating the “miscalcuations” of monies given to a corporation that was not licensed at the time of receipt of Medicaid funding (1998), the unnecessary prescribed medications and the holding of elderly patients against their will in order to profit and gain financially and recoupt the funding. If health care institutions don’t keep records of patients, how do they receive Federal funding? There is a smell to this!

I brought these serious concerns regarding possible Medicaid fraud to Senator Susan Collins. As Chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Senator Collins thanked me for contacting her and that was the end of that!

There is need for a citizens review board to oversee DHS agencies and hold officials accountable for wrongdoings to prevent any further moral or truth decay.

“Every violation of truth is not only a sort of suicide in the liar, but is a stab at the health of human society.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

“It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.” Thomas Jefferson


BDN reports “A Northport couple has sued employees of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, DHHS Commissioner Mary Mayhew, as a successor to former Commissioner Brenda Harvey, and department employees Debra Potter, Claudia Kjer, Martin Smith and Christine Theriault in August in U.S. District Court. The state has until Jan. 12 to reply to the complaint. In addition to state officials, the couple sued former Waldo County Sheriff Bryant White and Bob Tiner, a Waldo County Sheriff’s Department employee. Joseph Baldacci, Bangor attorney represents them” (the couple).

I find this quite interesting that former Governor John Baldacci’s brother is the attorney representing the couple. Governor Paul LePage is attempting to reform the mess in DHS made by the Baldacci administration. Requests for help/investigation into elder abuse and evidence of Medicaid fraud were brushed under the rug. A first request for help was to Senator George Mitchell who stated to get a good attorney, turned and walked away.

Related, “the most connected and potentially conflicted political clan of all: the Mitchell-Baldacci family.”

Also view:

Letter to Congressman John Baldacci, January 15, 2002

Letter to US Senator Susan Collins, Jan. 11, 2001

US Senator Susan Collins letter to P. Castora, January 18, 2001

Letter to Dr. David Satcher, Acting Secretary, January 23, 2001

State finds $37 million DHS snafu, PPH September 17, 2003

As Governor LePage revamps the DHS, it’s imperative that he dismiss the “problem” people left over from the Baldacci administration.



1. Ayotte (R-NH)
2. Barrasso (R-WY)
3. Blunt (R-MO)
4. Boozman (R-AR)
5. Brown (R-MA)
6. Burr (R-NC)
7. Casey (D-PA)
8. Chambliss (R-GA)
9. Coats (R-IN)
10. Coburn (R-OK)
11. Cochran (R-MS)
12. Collins (R-ME)
13. Conrad (D-ND)
14. Corker (R-TN)
15. Cornyn (R-TX)
16. Crapo (R-ID)
17. DeMint (R-SC)
18. Enzi (R-WY)
19. Graham (R-SC)
20. Grassley (R-IA)
21. Hagan (D-NC)
22. Hatch (R-UT)
23. Heller (R-NV)
24. Hoeven (R-ND)
25. Hutchison (R-TX)
26. Inhofe (R-OK)
27. Inouye (D-HI)
28. Isakson (R-GA)
29. Johanns (R-NE)
30. Johnson (R-WI)
31. Kohl (D-WI)
32. Kyl (R-AZ)
33. Landrieu (D-LA)
34. Lee (R-UT)
35. Levin (D-MI)
36. Lieberman (ID-CT)
37. Lugar (R-IN)
38. Manchin (D-WV)
39. McCain (R-AZ)
40. McCaskill (D-MO)
41. McConnell (R-KY)
42. Menendez (D-NJ)
43. Moran (R-KS)
44. Nelson (D-NE)
45. Portman (R-OH)
46. Pryor (D-AR)
47. Reed (D-RI)
48. Risch (R-ID)
49. Roberts (R-KS)
50. Rubio (R-FL)
51. Sessions (R-AL)
52. Shaheen (D-NH)
53. Shelby (R-AL)
54. Snowe (R-ME)
55. Stabenow (D-MI)
56. Thune (R-SD)
57. Toomey (R-PA)
58. Vitter (R-LA)
59. Whitehouse (D-RI)
60. Wicker (R-MS)


Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet.com reports “The Senate is set to vote on a bill next week that would define the whole of the United States as a “battlefield” and allow the U.S. Military to arrest American citizens in their own back yard without charge or trial.”

“Under the ‘worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial’ provision of S.1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which is set to be up for a vote on the Senate floor Monday, the legislation will “basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who supports the bill.”

“The bill was drafted in secret by Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), before being passed in a closed-door committee meeting without any kind of hearing. The language appears in sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA bill.”

View entire article, click here.

Contact Your Senator Now And Demand They Vote Against This Bill.

Can these traitor Senators Carl Levin, John McCain and Lindsey Graham get away with this? They deserve a piece of our mind!

Why isn’t the mainstream media reporting on this? When will reporters realize  that they are mere puppets and are contributing to the demise of each state and this great country!

STOCK ACT OF 2011 (H.R. 1148)

CBS reports “A bill to stop “insider trading” in Congress is gaining momentum with two new Senate supporters.”

Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., today introduced the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act of 2011, which would prohibit members or employees of Congress, as well as executive branch employees, from using nonpublic information obtained through their public service for investing or any attempt at personal financial gain. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., is introducing a slightly different version of the legislation on Wednesday.”

“”Members of Congress should live under the same laws as everyone else,” Brown said in a statement today. “If they trade on inside knowledge to line their own pockets, they should be punished. Serving the public is a privilege and honor, not an opportunity for personal gain.”

View entire article, click here.

Published in: on November 15, 2011 at 11:14 pm  Leave a Comment  


“The information contained herein is dedicated to the future of HUMANITY.”

A must read! Very interesting and informative. To view, click here.

Published in: on October 18, 2011 at 4:47 pm  Comments (2)  

316 Of President Bush’s Article III Judicial Nominees Have Been Confirmed

The Constitution requires that the President seek the Senate’s advice and consent in making appointments to the federal courts.  As a senator and as the Democraticleader of theSenate Judiciary Committee, I take this responsibility very seriously.
— Senator Patrick Leahy, Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee

President Bush’s Confirmed Judicial Nominations, click here.

Published in: on October 16, 2011 at 7:17 pm  Leave a Comment  


Documents referenced on the Maine Exposed series “Spotlight On Official Corruption” will be posted weekly. See below.
To access the recorded archives, click here.

You are invited………

Maine Exposed, hosted by Leon Bard, will broadcast a series of programs on public corruption. A video, documented by Tom Dunn, has recently been put out on the internet and prompted this series.

These broadcasts will educate and inform the public that this pattern of public corruption depicted on Tom’s video continues today. Officials named in Tom’s tape continue to sit in their official capacity or were elevated to higher positions, including appointment to judgeship. This pattern of public corruption will take us into New Hampshire, New Jersey and the Department of Justice, Washington DC.

Tom’s impressive resume includes his recruitment into N.S.A.’s (National Security Agency’s) A.S.A. (Army Security Agency), Far East, as field agent with 330th A.S.A. as head of Top-Secret-Codeword operations as Non-Commissioned-Officer-in-Charge, member of the Baltimore P.D., and president/investigator for L.A.W., Inc., a citizen’s advocate organization that exposed corruption at all levels and which was extremely successful.

Dottie Lafortune who produced and hosted a public access t.v. talk show, The Maine Forum, in Biddeford, Maine, and a personal friend of Tom’s, will join us in these discussions. Tom had been a guest several times on her program as was Philip Castora, a licensed Private Investigator, who gave a report containing his conclusions with respect to various public documents relative to his investigation into fraudulent confiscations of property through the concerted actions of city officials, bankers and the courts. This resulted in the pulling of the “What Price Justice” program from the air and the black-out of public access to all producers. A copy of “What Price Justice?” was mailed out to many of you across the country and you know the contents of that broadcast. We hope that this invite gets out to those of you and that you join us on this program.

These broadcasts will be held on Wednesday evenings, series beginning on October 12, 2011, and will be most interesting and revealing. We hope to see you there.

Date: Wed, October 12, 2011

Time: 09:00 PM EDT

How to participate:

Call in:

Dial: (724) 444-7444

Enter: 27398 # (Call ID)

Enter: 1 # or your PIN

Join from your computer on Talkshoe.

Please forward far and wide.


October 12, 2011

Tom Dunn Affidavit