Points To Ponder As Maine’s 2012 Election Comes To An End

As the November election comes to an end, let’s take a look at the integrity, honesty, trustworthiness and character (or lack thereof) of Maine’s U.S. Senate candidates. Let’s see who ‘says one thing and does another’.

I’ve seen the candidates campaign ads on tv. The same message for decades with a different face. In my opinion, the following are points to ponder before you vote.

Candidate Charlie Summers (Maine’s Secretary of State)
In his tv ads he speaks of losing his wife, having to be mother and father to his children and laying awake at night wondering how he will pay his mortgage to the bank.

Well, Mr. Summers, I (as so many other Mainers) lay awake nights too. I lost a husband (his life taken, covered up), I lost my only child and had to bury her without insurance that I paid Metropolitan Life Insurance for. I lay awake wondering when the Bureau of Insurance will hold MetLife accountable. It’s been three years since they “are still looking into it.” I lay awake nights waiting for Saco Biddeford Savings Inst., and their coherts in Biddeford (inc. Atty. Jens-Peter Bergen on the Kennebunk prostitution “client list”) to be held accountable in the fraudulent taking of my business property and home. I lay awake nights waiting for you, (and former SOS Matt Dunlap), Attorney General William Schneider and Jonathan Wayne (Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices) to investigate election fraud in Biddeford. These are only a few examples of sleepless nights.

Summers wants us to know that we will have him to work for us in Washington. Why isn’t he working for us in Maine? Why is he not upholding his duties as Maine’s Secretary of State?

Candidate Kevin Raye – President of the Maine Senate.
Ignored requests to meet with him to present issues of fraud, waste and abuse. Worked for US Senator Olympia Snowe for 17 years. Birds of a feather….

Andrea Mitchell’s exclusive interview with Sen. Olympia Snowe when she ubruptly decided not to seek re-election and giving possible candidates approximately two weeks to gather signatures. “Having a milestone birthday helps you to focus about whether or not I was prepared to commit for another six years in the United States Senate.” I find it hard to believe that Senator Snowe didn’t know last year that she was coming up upon a “milestone birthday.”

Candidate Angus King
Angus King created 70,000 jobs. Were they generated from his 147 government appointments?

During the tenure of former governor Angus King, I received from a state legislator a list of the key “serve at the pleasure” of the governor positions. I learned from this legislator that he was chastised on the House floor for taking this public. Why the big secret? According to this document, there is a more comprehensive list than what is provided here and is kept within the Office of the Secretary of State. We the people have a right to know whose salaries we are paying! We also have a right to know who the “Confidential Employees” are. Additionally, King (and other state officials) was given the evidence of official corruption in Maine via Tom Dunn’s video which investigation initially began with the Attorney General seeking Tom’s assistance.

Candidate US Congresswoman Chellie Pingree
Pingree runs her campaign on veterans issues. Her debate with Maine Senator John Courtney (another good ole boy network member) on Maine Watch she said she was there for individuals who need help with veteran issues. Well, not so. E-mails to her go unanswered and there is no getting past her aide (gatekeeper) Jim Pineau, despite his lies to the Maine Director of Veterans Services.

Candidate Danny Dalton
Republican Charlie Summers, independent Angus King and Democrat Cynthia Dill squared off in a three-way debate at the Franco-American Center. The three other independent candidates, Steve Woods of Yarmouth, Andrew Ian Dodge of Harpswell, and Danny Dalton of Brunswick, were not invited to the live debate.

Dalton, 56, is a former intelligence specialist with the Army and Air Force who went on to travel the world as a federal agent and civilian contractor chasing down terrorists and drug smugglers.
After Dalton left the security business, he continued to gather intelligence from his old contacts, at his own expense. When he tried to share the information with the federal government — including the specific location of Taliban commanders — he again got nowhere, he said.

Eventually, Dalton said, he tried to share some of his information and complaints with Maine’s senators, Snowe and Susan Collins. He met with their staff members but said his leads and complaints still went nowhere.

He decided to run against Snowe as a way to expose the waste and dysfunction and the failure of the two-party system.

And so much to be said about term limits. Maine Senator Barry Hobbins is termed out as senator, so now he runs for the House!

Will Maine’s history repeat itself in Washington? Will it be different this time around? I think NOT!

NOTE:  My attempts to send this to J. Scott Moody, Maine Heritage Policy Center comes up with “Error The address “J. Scott Moody” in the “To” field was not recognized.

This is not the first time I cc blogs to this agency. The e-mail address is the one noted on The Maine Heritage Policy Center website.  What’s up with this Scott Moody? The same happened with Lance Dutson prior to his move to campaign for Secretary of State Charlie Summers.


10.25.12 update

” McKernan, who is married to retiring U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe, has been a director of EDMC since 1999 and served as its chairman of the board from June 2006 until August of this year. He served as the corporation’s CEO from September 2003 to February 2007. He originally was named personally as a defendant in the lawsuit, but has since been dropped as a defendant.”

If this were you or I would we get off the hook?  Is this not selective prosecution? Is this not a double standard of justice?


PPH reports “A federal judge has recommended that a fraud case against a for-profit university corporation once led by former Maine Gov. John McKernan can go forward. Pittsburgh-based Education Management Corp. has been accused by a whistleblower of engaging in “a multi-faceted, corporate-wide scheme to enroll as many students as possible, and to keep them on the rolls for as long as possible, without regard to (their) qualifications or … likelihood of graduation or career placement, in order to maximize financial aid” from the federal government, according to court filings.”

“Education Management has a nonprofit based in Portland — The Education Foundation — that gives scholarships to students attending Education Management schools. Until earlier this year, the foundation was led by Ruth Summers, wife of Snowe’s former longtime aide Charlie Summers, who is running for Snowe’s seat.

“According to The New York Times, the company received $2.2 billion in federal student aid in the fiscal year ending in June 2010, nearly 90 percent of its net revenue.”

“McKernan is married to U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine, who is not seeking re-election this year.”



[new post] How Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services Defrauds the Federal Government

You Tube Video

MAINE CPS DEFRAUDS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ACCORDING TO REPUBLICAN STATE REPRESENTATIVE HEATHER SIROCKI, Maine has been caught defrauding the federal government for hundreds of millions of dollars over the last twenty years, by double billing the feds for child services through Human Services and through the Education department fraudulently!! By billing the feds for medicaid services for Inelegible inmates, and for exagerating or even making false diagnosis of children, so they could bill Regular foster care at the much higher medical rate of theraputic foster care, stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from trusting tax payers, and as a result, inflating child abuse statistics for gain!! The IG is investigating.

Related:  Prevent Truth Decay


Republican Charlie Summers, independent Angus King and Democrat Cynthia Dill squared off in a three-way debate at the Franco-American Center on Monday evening.

The top rivals hope to win the seat of U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe.

Andrea Mitchell’s exclusive interview with Sen. Olympia Snowe when she ubruptly decided not to seek re-election and giving possible candidates approximately two weeks to gather signatures. “Having a milestone birthday helps you to focus about whether or not I was prepared to commit for another six years in the United States Senate.” I find it hard to believe that Senator Snowe didn’t know last year that she was coming up upon a “milestone birthday.”

“Summers pitched his experience as a veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Summers said he didn’t believe the government in the U.S. was broken, only without leadership.

“King pitched the things he accomplished during his eight years as Maine’s top executive, his independence and focused on trying to be a politician who would do things differently than the status quo of the two-party system. “The system isn’t working,” King said.

“Dill pitched her lifelong commitment to progressive values. Dill said neither Summers or King had it right. “You’ve got one candidate who says the system is broken. But let’s face it, it is broke, but it’s not broke for guys like him. It’s broke for the rest of us. Dill said she was the only candidate in the race standing up for working families and small businesses.”

The economy, job, taxes are the main themes for candidates. These Maine candidates are/have been in political positions. They speak as all other “has been” politicians who could have made a difference, but wouldn’t. Angus King was Maine’s governor, Charles Summers is a former member of the Maine State Legislature and Cynthia Dill currently sits in Maine’s legislature.

How do these people expect the economy to grow with such corruption under their control? They all have the same answer “there’s nothing I can do.” Well they are paid to do something! They didn’t do anything to help the abuses inflicted upon Mainer’s while in office then, do you expect they will when elected? Rather than listen to their scripted speeches, take a serious look at their honesty and trustworthiness. Their character speaks volumes!  Do you realize the votes in congress affect the entire country?

The three other independent candidates, Steve Woods of Yarmouth, Andrew Ian Dodge of Harpswell, and Danny Dalton of Brunswick, were not invited to the live debate. They were invited to participate in an online forum. Angus King is running as an independent. It’s unfair that these three independent candidates we not invited to the debate.

Mainers do have a choice!

Related, click here, click here.

[new post] Congressional Testimony: Dottie Lafortune to Bill Windsor of Lawless America in Maine

View YouTube 

[new post] The Hill’s 50 Wealthiest Lawmakers

Click here.

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas)

Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.)

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) 

Click to see The Hill’s ranking of the 50 wealthiest lawmakers.

12345678910Next >End »

Is it any wonder that our elected officials don’t understand reality………or give a damn about us?

Published in: on August 21, 2012 at 8:26 pm  Leave a Comment  

[new post] WAKE UP MICHIGAN!

The Hill reportsPoll: Conyers up big heading into Tuesday primary.”

Congressman John Conyers is a major problem for us all! Since this man refuses to listen to the people, especially as a member of the Judiciary Committee, he can watch what has been covered up on Lawless America…The Movie.

Remove this incompetent from office!


Published in: on August 5, 2012 at 3:33 pm  Comments (1)  


BDN reports “The secretary of state’s office administers Maine elections, and the Maine People’s Alliance says Summers, a Republican, should resign because of a conflict in overseeing his own election. “They want me to resign and I’m not going to do it,” Charlie Summers said Tuesday after criticism from the Maine People’s Alliance and Maine Democratic Party.” “Summers brushed aside both complaints, saying his deputy, Julie Flynn, will oversee the November election as she has for the past 18 years.”
“Besides, Summers said, others have held the same job while running for higher office. Democrat Bill Diamond of Windham was secretary of state during his losing bid for Congress in 1994. Democrat Joe Brennan was attorney general when he ran for governor and won in 1978. Maine’s constitutional offices — secretary of state, state treasurer and attorney general — often serve as a springboard to elected office in Maine.”
“Maine Attorney General William Schneider, who lost to Summers in a six-way Republican primary, had said he’d give up his job to devote his full attention to the Senate race, if he had won the nomination.”
Further evidence will prove that Senator Bill Diamond failed in his duties during his tenure as Secretary of State. He covered up frauds perpetrated by Clairma Matherne, Clerk, City of Biddeford. As far as Joe Brennan, the evidence speaks for itself. Maine Attorney General William Schneider should be removed from office for Misprision of Felony, 18 U.S.C. sec. 4 and Obstruction of Justice.
This goes beyond a “conflict of interest” as the evidence proves in this post. Secretary Summers is following the same pattern of corruption that has been ongoing for years by both major parties. IMO, a full investigation into the predicate acts of Deputy Secretary of State Julie Flynn, Asst. A.G. Leanne Robbins and Jonathan Wayne, Director of the Ethics Commission, is long overdue. Why won’t the Maine People’s Alliance and Maine Democratic Party address the major issue?
Maine held its primary election on June 12, 2012. Democrats had four candidates; Republicans had six all vying to be Maine’s replacement for long-serving Republican U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe.
Maine Secretary of State “Charlie Summers has won the Republican nomination to succeed his former boss U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe who abruptly ended her campaign in February, citing partisan gridlock in the Senate. Snowe employed Summers as her state director for six years.” He was Snowe’s state director from 1995 to 2004. However, “Immediately after abandoning her re-election bid, she donated her mailing list to Maine Attorney General William Schneider to help him gather petition signatures to get on the primary ballot and finished fifth in Tuesday’s six-way primary.”
Andrea Mitchell’s exclusive interview with Sen. Olympia Snowe when she ubruptly decided not to seek re-election and giving possible candidates approximately two weeks to gather signatures. “Having a milestone birthday helps you to focus about whether or not I was prepared to commit for another six years in the United States Senate.” I find it hard to believe that Senator Snowe didn’t know last year that she was coming up upon a “milestone birthday.”

The Maine People’s Alliance is calling for Republican U.S. Senate candidate Charlie Summers to resign his job as secretary of state citing conflict of interest because his office oversees elections. Summers has said he will remove himself from overseeing the election by delegating those duties to staff.

Summers has handed over management of elections to Deputy Secretary of State Julie Flynn, who runs the secretary of state’s elections bureau, in an attempt to avoid a conflict of interest as he runs for the Senate. Summers also sidestepped any perception of conflict about running for the Senate while serving as the state’s top elections official. Secretary of State Summers will have control over the same ballot on which Candidate Summers will appear and Julie Flynn will count her boss’ votes.

“(Deputy Secretary of State) Julie (Flynn) is in charge of the Bureau of Corporations and Elections,” Summers noted. “Ultimately, she’ll give what her findings are. And if there were some kind of problem, then obviously I would consult with her, I would consult with the Attorney General’s Office and make a correct decision.”

Let’s take a look at how Secretary Summers makes “correct decisions” and the disgraceful, unlawful, job performance of Deputy Secretary of State Julie Flynn, in concert with the Attorney General’s Office.

Letter to Secretary of State Summers, August 2001

Reply from Secretary of State, November 7, 2011.

FOIA Request to Secretary of State Summers, November 14, 2011.

FOIA reply from Secretary Summers, December 1, 2011.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Secretary Summers did not find that there is significant evidence to support an investigation into the City of Biddeford’s election fraud of 2004. Deputy Secretary of State, Julie Flynn, “thoroughly” examined the incident with the Attorney General’s Office. Secretary Summers was confident Deputy Secretary of State, Julie Flynn, arrived at the proper outcome. To the best of his knowledge, his “office does not possess any documentation of Ms. Flynn’s review of the matter in question as the process was based on oral communication. Please understand that I am not denying your request for documents; it is just that what you have requested does not exist.”

An “oral communication” does non constitute an investigation! Had a full and fair investigation been conducted Ms. Flynn, and Asst. A.G. Leanne Robbins, would have viewed the Post Office’s role in this state’s scam against decent, honest people who run for office. Campaign flyers and postage paid with clean election money were returned after the “post office forgot to mail them.” They were returned as “undeliverable.” This is a lie! Calls were made to many of the people who did not receive this mailing and did receive mail as addressed.

Where is transparency in government and accountability where it’s concerned? Are we to  trust that Summers will make the “correct decisions” in the upcoming election? There is not even a justification for his run for U.S. Senate. Secretary Summers has some explaining to do!

Where does the buck stop?

 Related: click here, here.


The Hill reports “Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) announced that his panel will vote next week to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress if he fails to provide documents related to the controversial Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation.”
“The DOJ and the White House immediately blasted Issa’s announcement, saying that the head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee was playing “political games at the expense of all Americans. Issa contends that Holder is undermining Congress’s constitutional authority to oversee the executive branch by refusing to provide him with documents despite an October subpoena. ”
“An anonymous source gave Issa a significant step up in his investigation by handing the chairman documents which are under a federal court-ordered seal.”
“The committee’s top Republican, Sen. Chuck Grassley (Iowa), launched Congress’s investigation into Fast and Furious.”
Senator Grassley never responded to correspondence to him, yet he wants A.G. Holder to respond to him.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Step up to the plate Senator Grassley!
Published in: on June 14, 2012 at 10:33 pm  Comments (2)  


Huffington Post reports “Federal Judges’ Maui Conference Takes Heat From GOP Senators. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ upcoming conference on a Hawaiian island sounds more like “a vacation than a business trip” to discuss the administration of justice, two Republican U.S. lawmakers charged on Monday. In a letter to Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, Senators Charles Grassley and Jeff Sessions wrote that Congress has an obligation to guard against “waste, fraud and abuse” and demanded details about the conference, set for Aug. 13-16 in Maui.”
“Grassley said: “A judicial circuit court should be capable of using technology to share information without requiring a trip to an island paradise.””Republicans in Congress have long tangled with members of the 9th Circuit, who have consistently issued some of the most liberal rulings of any of the federal appeals courts. Grassley and Sessions asked the chief judge to respond by June 15 to 18 questions before any additional funds are spent for the conference.”
“The senators wrote that “the site makes clear that government funds are not to be used for any recreational or sporting activities and that court-related matters will be substantially considered. The conference is described on the court’s website.”
“Regardless, they added, “the programs read more like a vacation than a business trip to discuss the means of improving the administration of justice.”
Senator Charles Grassley wrote that Congress has an obligation to guard against “waste, fraud and abuse.”  Should Sen. Grassley and his colleagues in Congress respond before “any additional funds” are spent on their salaries?
Let’s quit with the hipocrasy! Your vacation is over. We are on to you!
Published in: on May 23, 2012 at 10:45 pm  Comments (1)  
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