Great Expose On New Hampshire Corruption

Mike Gill Sr. Connects the players of corruption in NH, view HERE.

Mike, job well done!

New Hampshire is not unique. This pattern of official corruption is happening within the state of Maine and New Jersey, well documented.

Here are a few pieces to your official corruption puzzle:

Cover up of criminal activity by (now former A.G. ) Kelly Ayotte, click here and here.

Attorney Kacavas was asked to defend Bill Miller in this false charge against him. Kacavas accepted a $5,000 retainer, but  then changed his mind. Shortly thereafter, he landed a job in the U.S. Attorneys Office, replacing Thomas Collantuono who covered up a criminal complaint to his office regarding the cover up of criminal activity  by law enforcement agencies/officials in New Hampshire.

A civil rights case was filed in the N.H. U.S. District Court, Judge Joseph LePlante presiding, which involved this criminal activity.  He dismissed the case. It was later learned that LePlante was an employee of the USAG’s office during the tenure of Collantuono when the complaint was covered up.

Grievance Committee Petition.  This petition was never brought before the committee.

Others involved in this “coordinated effort” include the N.H. State Police, the N.H. branch of the FBI and Kelly Ayotte’s “protector”, Rep. Al Baldasaro.  Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing!


Is there More Behind New Hampshire Corruption? Click here.

POGO (Project On Government Oversight) Reveals Hundreds of Justice Department Attorneys Violated Professional Rules, Laws, or Ethical Standards.  Click here.

Is There More Behind New Hampshire Corruption?

Mike Gill Patch is 100% on target. View his interview HERE.


During the tenure of Gov. John Lynch (D) and Kelly Ayotte’s (R) tenure as Attorney General, Kelly Ayotte and Lynch covered up official corruption. The corruption and cover up extended to New Jersey, involving Fort Lee and Bergen County Prosecutors office. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) is fully aware, as is the Office of Inspector General, US DOJ.

View reply from Governor Christie.

Is there a connection between Gov. Christie’s “Bridgegate“, US Senator Kelly Ayotte and the US DOJ? Is there political maneuvering behind the scenes?  Regardless, all three have personal knowledge of state and federal crimes committed, cover up, obstruction of justice and malfeasance of office, involving drugs. Documented evidence supports this.


Related:  Farmington Police Chief, Scott Roberge retired, Police Chief Kevin Willey who replaced Roberge, retired, Sgt. Scott Ferguson, involved with the cover up, resigned, click here.

Maine Congressional Delegation Scores Low On The 2013 Liberty Index

The Lisbon Reports ” The Maine congressional delegation scored low on the 2013 Liberty Index compiled by a panel of libertarian scholars headed by Dr. Clifford F. Thies, Elden R. Lindsey Chair of Free Enterprise and Professor of Economics and Finance at Shenandoah University in Winchester, VA. The Index was released Monday by the national Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC), of which Thies is former National Chair.

House and Senate members were rated on a scale of zero to 100 on a series of 2013 roll call votes involving economic liberty issues and rate on the same scale on a series of roll call votes on personal liberty issues. The average of the two scores produced the Liberty Index.

“I was disturbed when I read the scores and learned how out of touch our Maine congressional delegation is with the will of the American people when it comes to free enterprise, smaller government, lower taxes and personal liberty without government intrusions. And it crossed party lines with disappointing scores whether Republican, Democrat or independent,” said Maine RLC State Chair Vic Berardelli.”

Republican Senator Susan Collins scored 40 on economic liberty and 50 on personal liberty for a Liberty Index of 45. The average Senate Republican scores were 86 and 81 for an average Liberty Index of 83 for Senate Republicans.

Independent Senator Angus King scored 5 on economic liberty and 11 on personal liberty for a Liberty Index of 8, giving him one of the lowest scores in the Senate but placing him close to the average Senate Democrat scores of 6 and 14 for an average Liberty index of 10 for Senate Democrats.

Rep. Chellie Pingree, Democrat of Maine’s 1st District, scored zero on economic liberty and 75 on personal liberty for a Liberty Index of 38.

Rep. Mike Michaud, Democrat of Maine’s 2nd District scored 10 on economic liberty and 68 on personal liberty for a Liberty Index of 39.

Read more HERE.

Senator Tom Coburn’s (R) “Wastebook 2013” Report On Out-Of-Control Government Spending

“The office of Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) on Tuesday released a 177-page overview of questionable projects that have been allotted nearly $30 billion in federal funds.

From $15,000 spent on a project involving the collection of thousands of gallons of human urine (page 76 of the report) to $5 million spent on crystal stemware for the U.S. State Department (page 75 of the report) to the $3 million NASA plans to spend on studying Congress, Coburn’s fourth annual “Wastebook” report is one example of out-of-control government spending after another.

“When it comes to spending your money, those in Washington tend to see no waste, speak no waste and cut no waste,” Coburn said in the report.”

Read the full report, click here.

Source:  The Blaze

Published in: on December 22, 2013 at 11:10 am  Leave a Comment  


Click here.

Published in: on December 4, 2013 at 1:10 am  Leave a Comment  

U.S. Congressman Darrell Issa Caves to Drug Company Pressure

“Rep Darrell Issa, Chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has cancelled that committee’s hearing on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that was scheduled for December 11. No later date has been announced. House insiders cited resistance to testify from key people, pressure from within the House and pressure from the vaccine industry as the reasons for the cancellation.

The hearing would have been the first to review the operation of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program since it was created in 1986 to relieve vaccine manufacturers and physicians from liability for injuries caused by vaccines.

There is a possibility that the hearing will be rescheduled, but that is unlikely to happen unless enough political pressure is placed on Chairman Issa.”

Read more, click here.



Published in: on November 22, 2013 at 7:09 pm  Leave a Comment  

Maine Hires Controversial Medicaid Reformist For $925,000

Is this another “it’s looks good on its face”….but on the other hand……

PPH reports “Maine has hired the controversial former welfare chief of Pennsylvania to conduct a $925,000 review of its Medicaid program and the potential effects of expanding it through the federal health care law.

The Department of Health and Human Services announced Tuesday that it has contracted with The Alexander Group of Rhode Island to bolster ongoing “program integrity” efforts.”

The contract is worth $925,200, according to a copy of the document, and will employ the services of Gary D. Alexander, the former welfare chief in Pennsylvania who was criticized for policy initiatives that dramatically cut the state’s Medicaid rolls, eliminating health care coverage for 89,000 children.

DHHS Commissioner Mary Mayhew said in a media statement that Alexander’s firm brings much-needed expertise to evaluating social services that cost Maine $3.4 billion a year.

The emphasis on fraud has increased the number of prosecution referrals to the state Attorney General’s Office, from 10 cases in 2010 to 45 in 2012. The number of successful prosecutions has increased more gradually, from eight in 2010 to 15 in 2012. The amount of restitution that courts have ordered increased from $92,339 in 2010 to $104,341 in 2012.

The administration is also pursuing anti-fraud initiatives that it hasn’t publicly disclosed. Documents obtained by the Portland Press Herald show that the state has launched a special investigation that targets Maine’s approximately 500 licensed elver fishermen.

According to the contract, about $455,000 will be paid from the state’s general fund, and about $276,000 is “special revenue.” About $193,000 is federal matching funds.

In her media statement, Mayhew said the DHHS is “excited about the opportunity to work with such a knowledgeable group of experts.” It will be extremely helpful to have someone with significant Medicaid experience lending a hand to our program reform efforts,” she said.”

Rep. Jeff McCabe, D-Skowhegan, the assistant House majority leader, is concerned with “another gimmick to deny and delay health care for tens of thousands of Mainers, including nearly 3,000 veterans.”

“Alexander’s work has been hailed by conservatives who have called for a reduction in Medicaid rolls and a crackdown on fraud.

Sam Adolphsen, a former policy analyst for the Maine Heritage Policy Center, will oversee “programmatic aspects” of the contract. Adolphsen works for the DHHS as the strategic development director.”

“Republicans applauded the contract. House Minority Leader Kenneth Fredette, R-Newport, said in a prepared statement that he is glad to see the LePage administration “take yet another important step in bringing accountability.” Read more, click here.

There were repeated requests for a full investigation into Medicare and Medicaid payments that were paid out in excess for prescription drugs, that were not needed, medical equipment that was not needed all at the expense of the taxpayers. The refusal of Maine’s Attorney General, and elected officials, to seek an investigation is a disgraceful PUBLIC SCANDAL. How many more got away with it?

In her media statement, Mayhew said the DHHS is “excited about the opportunity to work with such a knowledgeable group of experts.” It will be extremely helpful to have someone with significant Medicaid experience lending a hand to our program reform efforts,” she said.”

How much “expertise” must one have to recognize “fraud, waste and abuse”? Apparently, this lacks within Maine government.  How competent is Maine’s Attorney(s) General? 

Notice and Demand to A.G. Janet Mills, click here. No response was received.

If nothing was done in the past, is the future any brighter? Will there be “accountability” at the expense of nearly $1 million dollars?

Most people know not to believe mainstream media. The full accounts of their reports are grossly flawed and misleading. You are getting the “rest of the story”.  

Is this another slight of hand at our expense?


Contradiction To Conversation With Governor John Baldacci, click here.

Maine Partners with Former Health and Human Services Leader for Medicaid and Program Integrity Improvements, click here.

Representatives Mike Michaud & Chellie Pingree and Senators Angus King and Susan Collins Still Support The President’s Signature Obama-Care Failure

Courtesy of Phil M.

“Have you noticed that every crisis or scandal that was created by the Obama administration, no one is ever responsible (it is always someone else’s fault)? Obama always claims that he never knew what his administration was doing or he did not know that his administration was out of control, but yet he never goes after those who were responsible. Even when a high-ranking person is targeted or questioned, vital information is hidden or lost. No one is ever held responsible, or they are removed from the limelight by giving them the choice to retire with a large retirement, or they are given a raise or promoted to a higher level. Another popular way to pass the hot potato is to blame President Bush, or the Republicans.

It now appears that the Obama Administration is running scared, their leaders are making ridiculous statements, obviously directed to the low information voters to hear. Cathleen Sebeleus, director for Health and Human Services, was quoted to say when she was asked to give testimony before the House energy and commerce committee: She responded: that she did not have to show up because she does not work for the people, but for the President. Harry Reed, President of the Senate said, that he doesn’t understand why some congressmen are making such a big deal of this issue, middle class and especially the rich people want to pay for Obama-Care (really?). Other Congressmen are blaming the Republicans, have they already forgotten that it was the Republicans that asked for Obama-Care to be unfunded by taxpayers money? Have the Senate Democrats and the people forgotten that it was the democrat Senate that was ultimately responsible for the government shutdown when they refused the bill(s) from the House?
Those who tried to defund Obama-Care warned the public that this socialist mandated health care program would not work. They told you that the young and the middle age and the families with children would pay the most for Obama-Care premiums. The elderly (especially those over 70) would not receive the care that they need because much of the current coverage would now have to go before non-medical government panels who would determine what procedures would be covered. The political panel’s decisions for medical coverage would be on a sliding scale as to how the elderly could benefit the community if the procedures were granted. Yes, Sara Palin was right, “Death Panels”!

Let’s approach the facts head on, the Obama Administration are classic bullies. They ignore our rights and do things their way. What free government creates a socialist law that force people to purchase a product that they can not afford or do not want? And what free government applies a fee/tax when the people do not accept socialism? Let’s look at the facts; all Democrats support Obama’s Administration and most of the Republicans are Rino’s and cowards. The Congress voted in this law, they think it is good for the commoners, so they want us to have Obama-Care, but they created law to not force them and their staff to not accept Obama-Care. What do they know that we do not (think about that for a while)?

Representatives Mike Mishaud & Charyle Pinagree and Senators Angus King and Susan Collins still support the President’s signature Obama-Care failure. During the recess break here in Maine, where are the voices from the Congress to support and protect you. Where are your local legislators on this issue? We know Emily Cain is for Obama-Care, where are the Representatives on this issue, why do you not here from them? Why are there no town hall meetings for you to question them (I hear crickets)? I have the answer; they are afraid of the truth and they know that there are many of us who have the real answers on this issue.

Three years ago, Nancy Pelosi said: “we will get this health care legislation though if we have to go around them, under them, over them or through them”; the Obama Administration has done just that while you sat back and watched!

My question to the readers of this article is; how many more crises are you willing to put up with? How many more times are you willing to allow your state and federal legislators to ignore and destroy your natural, GOD given, Constitutional rights; or do you even care?”

Spokesperson Phil Merletti
Related: “Affordable Care Act explained to the Lincoln Residents”, click here.

Couldn’t Resist!


Published in: on October 15, 2013 at 6:12 pm  Comments (2)  

U.S. Congressman Mike Michaud Guest On The Rick Smith Show Tonite

Congressman Mike Michaud will be joining Pat Lamarche tonite shortly after nine o’clock. Says Pat “he’s given up his pay until the shutdown ends. We’re gonna check in on what’s up or not up in Washington and we’ll find out about yesterday’s lockdown.  There is a call in number 1-888-520-7425 he’ll only be on for a few. I’ll try and set up a whole half hour, asap. but in the mean time… we’ll get as much info as possible.”

The Rick Smith Show-Where Working People Come to Talk


Related: Press release, HERE.

U.S. Reps. Michael Michaud, Chellie Pingree Join House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) To Defeat Funding For Veterans Benefits, click here.

Published in: on October 4, 2013 at 5:04 pm  Leave a Comment