Bangor TV Anchors Quit On Air


BDN reports “Citing a longstanding battle with upper management over journalistic practices at their Bangor TV stations, news co-anchors Cindy Michaels and Tony Consiglio announced their resignations at the end of Tuesday’s 6 p.m. newscast. Neither reporter had told anyone of their decisions before Tuesday’s newscast. Michaels and Consiglio, who have a combined 12½ years’ service at WVII (Channel 7) and sister station WFVX (Channel 22), shocked staff members and viewers with their joint resignations Tuesday evening. “I just wanted to know that I was doing the best job I could and was being honest and ethical as a journalist, and I thought there were times when I wasn’t able to do that,” said Consiglio. Both Michaels, 46, and Consiglio, 28, said frustration over the way they were allowed or told to do their jobs — something that has been steadily mounting for the last four years — became too much for them.”  Read more.


To Main Stream Media Reporters Who Are Concerned About Our Country, click here.


Kudos to these Bangor reporters!

Unfortunately, there are reporters who do climb the “political ladder!” Therefore, understand why they will not report on your issue(s).

Published in: on November 21, 2012 at 2:49 pm  Comments (6)  

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6 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hi!

    Wow! This is great news.

    There ought to be more of this kind of departure when “bias” is the norm at a particular newsroom, etc.

    This is refreshing news.

    Lise from Maine

  2. They should be commended. They just couldn’t handle the lies and propaganda any longer they were forced to accept. Good for them.

  3. What is just one example ? ____ Please ! Reference: ” While choosing not to respond to individual complaints or charges,. . . . “

    • Your comment is not clear. Is this addressed to someone in particular? You want an example of what?

  4. BRAVO !! 2 them both. More people need to stand up for their principles & morals. This country would be in a MUCH BETTER place. Everyone else needs to just S.T.O.P condoning ANYTHING like this..Watch news stations that deserve your time.(infowars) Same thing goes for EVERY cent that you spend.. Spend it at Mom & Pops country store VS Walmart !!! Pick only products that you can get behind (sometimes that can get rather complicated) But we can ALL find better ways to help. I personally am gonna try to get e.m address for these 2 anchors. Just to tell them THANK YOU for keeping morals. Because for me personally, this is border line HEROIC. Hardly anyone, anywhere, has the “brass” like old school did.

  5. I am a Mainer but not familiar with either of these journalists who resigned and no doubt would have preferred to remain journalists. The blatant attacks on journalists this Wednesday in DC – with Max Dingbat Linn in attendance at this confederacy of dunces, disturbs me more. Will there be book burning once the Reichstag is burned?

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