William Schneider, Maine Attorney General and former Assistant Republican Leader in the Maine House of Representatives, is seeking Senator Olympia’s Snowe’s U.S. Senate seat. View Interview.
Schneider states:
He would not support eliminating the Federal Reserve
He supports Mitt Romney for president – click here, click here.
He has a long history of dedicated public service and accomplishing the mission every single time. Many Mainers could certainly debate this.
That Congress doesn’t have the power to require everyone to buy a commercial product like health insurance. Does the Maine legislature have power to require everyone to buy a commercial product like auto insurance?
The living politician he most admires is former Governor John McKernan. Click here.
In his Speech To The Maine Republican Convention Sunday, May 6, 2012 he states “All parents want a better life for their sons and daughters. It is the American dream and the American reality for the generations before us. But the lack of leadership in Congress is putting this legacy at risk.”
His candidate profile states ” he will make the protection of personal and individual freedoms a top priority.”  Why is he not doing that as Maine’s Attorney General?
A.G. William Schneider has not upheld his oath of office as attorney general, nor during his tenure in the House of Representatives. He contradicts himself, for obvious political gain, in that his violations of oath and the law have turned the lives of people into a dreaded nightmare. His lack of leadership, integrity, decency and honesty has put Mainers at risk and irrepable harm. He certainly has not made the protection of personal and individual freedoms a top priority as Maine’s attorney general. When criminal matters are brought to him, it is his duty to take action. He has failed miserably!
The duties of the Attorney General are established by the Maine Revised Statutes Annotated, Title 5, sections 191 – 205. These statutes direct the Attorney General to discharge various responsibilities, including investigating and prosecuting homicides and other crimes. In addition to these statutory powers, the Attorney General is vested with certain other powers deriving from the Office’s common law powers. The leading case on the powers and duties of the Attorney General is Superintendent of Insurance v. Attorney General, 558 A.2d 1197 (Me.1989). The essential principle stated by the Court in this landmark decision is that the Attorney General possesses constitutional and common law authority, independent of the agencies represented by the Office that may be exercised by the Attorney General in the public interest.

It is disgusting and appalling that he has followed the corrupt pattern of past administrations in that there has always been the excuse that “there’s nothing we can do” or just the willingness to blatanly disregard the law. This being the case, it is my opinion that he must be removed from office. This would be fiscally responsible. Paying salaries of employees who fail in their job performance is a misuse of taxpayer money. It is imperative that Governor LePage initiate investigations into the job performance of the Attorney General’s Office as this is a matter of public interest and trust.

Know your candidates.  Birds of a feather……..

Published in: on May 15, 2012 at 3:35 pm  Comments (4)  

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  1. There is no sense going from “Snowe Removal” to “Septic Tank Cleaning”. Schneider is just another candidate for RidEx

  2. King and Schneider are birds of a feather indeed. Time for a clean sweep otherwise it’s the same bowl of political cherry pits as usual. If Le Page is pushing for cutting costs, he should absolutely cut those 147 positions King filled way back when governor. One hundred forty-seven jobs most likely filled by overpaid bureaucrats with small heads and wide asses. They all live better than most of us right now.

  3. Hi!

    The legislature of the State of Maine does NOT have any delegation of authority to force someone to purchase any commercial products such as auto insurance.

    Lise from Maine

  4. He has been Q? about the right to travel V;s driving and to my knowledge remains silent.
    Richard Wayne:

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