Where was Maine Governor Janet Mills Amid Devastating December Storms?

People were warned that A.G. Janet Mills’ MO would follow her to the Blaine House.

The Maine Wire reports “Janet Mills Won’t Turn Over Public Records Detailing Her Whereabouts Amid Devastating December Storms” “Throughout the Mills Administration, Maine’s Freedom of Access Act is regularly ignored and exploited in bad faith

Mainers were evacuating flooded homes, long lines were forming at gas stations, and more than half the state was without power.

Yet for several days during some of the worst power outages Maine has experienced since the Ice Storm of 1998, Gov. Janet Mills (D) was nowhere to be found.

Now, Gov. Mills and her Department of Public Safety (DPS) are continuing to withhold public records sought in January that would shed light on precisely where she was during those crucial initial days, why her office failed to produce any public comment during that period, and what she might have been doing while Mainers fumbled in the darkness to stay dry and warm.

Specifically, the Maine Wire asked for the following public records: All schedules and itineraries related to the Executive Protection Unit’s (EPU) activities from Dec. 14, 2023 through Dec. 20, 2023; all communications exchanged among the EPU officers related to the Governor’s activities from Dec. 14, 2023 through Dec. 20, 2023; all communications between EPU officers and any member of the Governor’s staff Dec. 14, 2023 through Dec. 20, 2023.

The Maine Wire was far from the only outlet to notice that Mills and her staff were conspicuously silent and absent from the public stage.” The Maine Wire has multiple unanswered FOIA requests. ‘The Maine Wire is prepared to exhaust all legal avenues in pursuit of public records that the citizens of Maine deserve to see, especially in cases where the available evidence suggests politicians and government bureaucrats “have acted in bad faith in resisting disclosure.”

Read more HERE.

As we all can see, a FOIA request is no solution to government bureaucrats, politicians refusals/failures in their lack of transparency, honesty, public trust, public interests and disclosures. This occurs, not only at the state level, but also local level and the courts.


Janet Mills

Welcome To Maine – An Empty Shell – Torn Apart By Janet Mills – Remember Remember…

Federal Lawsuit Filed Against Maine Governor Janet Mills for Illegal Executive Orders and Irrational Mandates

Maine Governor Janet Mills Creates Judicial Nominations Advisory Committee

Maine Gov-Elect Janet Mills (D) …. Behind The Mask

NOTICE AND DEMAND – April 8, 2010 – sent to AG Janet requesting a meeting to present evidence of criminal activity…she refused!

A Vote For Maine Gubernatorial Candidate Janet Mills Is A Vote To Our Demise – Courtesy of Charlotte Iserbyt

Public Exposure Moves Maine’s Attorney General Janet Mills

Department of Public Safety

The Attorney General has final say in whether or not to investigate crimes. When A.G. Schneider brushed a RICO case under the rug, John Morris, Comm. Dept. of Public Safety was contacted. Does he fear the Attorney General? He has aided and abetted in the A.G.’s cover up of these crimes – RICO violations. Response from Mr. Morris, HERE. Pursuant to 25 MRS, Chap. 351: Department of Public Safety §2908. Police officers; powers and duties; cooperation, the Commissioner of Public Safety may expand the duties and powers of police officers beyond the duties and powers enumerated in this section to investigate, prosecute, serve process on and arrest violators of any law of this State. After response from John Morris, this law was changed.

Department of Administrative and Financial Services

 Letter to Sawin Millett, Comm., April 26, 2012

  Edward Karass, State Conroller – request for hearing, Jne 22, 2009

 Edward Karass, State Controller – Reply

Edward Karass retires –  August 3 l, 2009

Maine Secretary of State


Maine Secretary of State Dunlap Talks Out Of Both Sides Of His Mouth


Jonathan Courtney…..Justify Your Run For Maine Secretary of State

And we must not forget Bill Diamond

Freedom of Access Act request was sent to Councilor Bob Mills and and Linda Hardacker, City of Biddeford HUD Office Coordinator.

FOIA-Judge David Kennedy, click here.

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