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Published in: on September 22, 2015 at 8:34 am  Leave a Comment  

ABCs of DumbDown: Action Alert: Satanic Influences In Education By Norman Dodd

Norman Dodd Revealing… View HERE.

Scroll down to bottom for “Action Alert”.

Here is a section of the Monteith-Dodd interview from 1980 (24.49mins-29.55 mins) which deals with foundations’ role in destruction of conscience through education for One World Government. Dodd actually points to Satanic influences. Brilliant, brilliant.

Although I knew Norman Dodd and bought the last remaining copy of the 3000 page transcript of the Investigation of the Tax-Exempt Foundations, 1953-1954 (americandeception.com), I was unaware that Dodd had ever expressed so clearly and with such conviction the solution to the problem in education.

I transcribed part of his interview, which follows his brilliant discussion of the purpose of the Federal Reserve Banking system:

24.49 mins-29.55 mins.

Norman Dodd: Original purpose Federal Reserve was in no sense to eliminate bank failures. This discrepancy and these contrasts and contradictions are the telltale part that those who have imposed these practices on us who are scared to death that it will be picked up, and as a people, stressed and taught, etc., but it isn’t.

Dr. Stanley Monteith: No, and mass media doesn’t talk about it at all.

Dodd: No. Neither does educational world. This is what will meet the challenge: One accredited educational institution, with Trustees who openly declare that we notice this inconsistency, the contradictions, and we are setting forth an effort to account for them. And that, in my opinion, would explode the whole network.

“And they have told me that this is what they are scared of, scared to death that someone, at some point, is going to pick up the end of the string”.

Read more HERE.

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Published in: on September 22, 2015 at 7:57 am  Comments (1)