ABCs of DumbDown: Getting the “choice” camel’s nose under the tent

What more proof do American parents need in order to motivate them to stop tax-funded school choice run by unelected boards (taxation without representation)? All tax-funded school “choice” proposals (charters, vouchers, etc.) will put private and religious education, as well as tax-funded public education (with its elected school boards) out of business. Note: Business corporations could not possibly get their agenda approved as long as there are elected boards representing taxpayers and parents.

School choice proposals are necessary for the global planned economy. Is it any wonder that the school choice agenda came out of the hard Left with its support of Socialism, i.e., a planned economy? See this earlier post HERE.

Corporations and the government are unable to implement the full school-to-work (STW) agenda. This STW agenda eliminates the traditional academic focus of education.

For a thoroughly researched paper on the history of school choice, see “Exposing the Global Road to Ruin through Education” where the 8-disc (one cd) set is a free download. It is also available at as a free download. Click on “Written Submissions” for  Billy Lyon’s superb expose of the neoconservative wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Read more HERE.

Exposing The Global Road To Ruin Through Education-Trailer Links

3 Minute Trailer

26 Minute Trailer

Full 8 Disc YouTube Video Links

Amazon 8 Disc Set Order Link

Published in: on September 6, 2015 at 9:18 pm  Leave a Comment