A Unified School District Is A Corporate Body With Very Little Accountability To It’s Electors

Jake’s comment on the posting “We Must Stop All Tax-Supported School Choice Proposals Or The Game Is Over” by: Charlotte Iserbyt is worth your time to read.

“Hi all,

I have been considering this position Charlotte is so brilliantly pointing out. It has led me to something I can do locally in my state to at least bring back power to my vote in the administration of my local school district. What I have discovered is that a Unified School District is a corporate body with very little accountability to it’s electors. The WI state constitution mandates that ALL school districts must be common. That means an elected board, annual meetings and budget hearings just like a municipality. Unified districts have NO such requirements and are unconstitutional bodies as a result of these removed powers of the people? A common district can also petition it’s board via signature collection to set it’s own agenda and the board MUST respond. This is not the complete answer but I am willing to collect the 10% of the districts populations signatures to go to referendum and make the board answer to the wishes of the local community if so voted. We can control the programs through the budget hearings and annual meetings. This will slow down the acceleration of the take over. The Unified School District is the first step that was taken to remove the power of the vote and are a hijacking of the purse strings. It brings back representative form of government. We need this information to spread and inform the people that the USD is why we have lost control so far and must take action to regain the purse strings. If we say how the money is to be spent then we can stop BAD programs thought the budget process. We can defund these programs and slow down the slide. Here in WI we have white privilege and even our Mayor who is opposed has no influence to stop it. I have spent the past week organizing parents and teachers and they LOVE the proposal.

It was stated by our Superintendent that the School Board is only there for setting policy and have NO accountability to the people once they are elected. I was challenged to change it if I do not approve. What he does not know is I have found the one process that can do just that and he thinks he can issue that challenge because I am powerless to do so. I can’t wait to see all their faces once they find out about the referendum action I am taking. This school board has met it’s worst enemy, the will of the people represented by Jake Speed.

I suggest that you all check your state constitution and state statutes to find the process to drive a truck through their armor of the Unified School District shield.

This again I believe will buy us enough time and respect to gain momentum towards stoping this totalitarian take over. I am supposed to have my outline from my attorney today as how to get this done here inWI and my plan is to take this to education groups around the state to enable this slow down. This plan bypass the state to some degree and will usher in more local control.

Tell me what you all think about this idea to crush the Unified take over of representative government at the local level. I have the support of the majority of the public officials including the Mayor and Town Chairman in the two municipalities in our school district.

By going back to a constitutional Common District the schools can’t spend one single penny without public approval.”


Related:  View Charlotte’s July 4, 2013 Interview,  click here.

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America Interview With Charlotte Iserbyt, click here.

Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America, click here.

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education


To order the updated abridged 2011 version of  ”the deliberate dumbing down of america”, it is available from 3D Research at Amazon.com.

Published in: on August 15, 2013 at 1:19 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. Hi!

    I am currently an elected school board member, and these charter schools, if they dominate in this state (Maine), would eliminate my elected position.

    The county courts, within and FOR the county (bottom-up power by the people), were also eliminated unlawfully over the years.

    We now have state-wide (centralization of power coming from top-down) fraudulent courts operating in Maine today.

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine

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