Larry Fillmore Advises “Wear Your Boots” At The Town Of Lisbon’s Public Hearing September 10th

The Lisbon Reporter reports “September 10th is the date for the next Public Hearing on floating a bond to purchase the Worumbo Mill property and the demolition of the mill. This bond does NOT cover making the property presentable for sale. Now, what can you expect at this Public Hearing.”

“At the joint meeting where the Town Council, Planning Board and the School Department and Facilities Committee outlined their priorities for the future. At this workshop, it became very clear that the taxpayers are going to have to make an investment in this community or let it die. It also came out that the school is on probation, NOT for academics but for facilities. Who wants to move to a town where the school is on probation? It is a silly notion of having the town get involved in the real estate business OVER getting our school off probation. Getting our school off probation is a true investment in our future.”

Read more, click here.

Published in: on September 1, 2013 at 7:24 pm  Leave a Comment  

Larry Fillmore Exposes Latest Corruption In Lisbon (Maine)

Source: Lisbon Reporter

“Mrs. Fitzgerald and I wondered why Chairman LaRochelle was pushing so hard for the town to accept the Miller Industries offer for the old Worumbo Mill.  What we have uncovered is astonishing to say the least.

It all started with LaRochelle Properties, LLC purchasing from Miller Industries the property at 2 Canal Street.  This property was on the market for $125,000.00 but it was sold by Miller Industries to Chairman LaRochelle’s business for $65,000 (See Maine Revenue Services Real Estate Transfer Tax Declaration).  This is substantially below the asking price.  I wonder why Miller Industries sold this property so cheap to the Chairman of the Town Council.  Less than a year later, Chairman LaRochelle is pushing the council and now the people to accept an offer from the Miller Industries for the old Worumbo Mill property.

Let’s take a look at this from the Miller Industries’ stand point.

First, Miller Industries got rid of property they had no intention of redeveloping by selling it to Chairman LaRochelle. Next, the Miller Industries is trying to dump the old Worumbo Mill property on the people of Lisbon. After the fire at the mill, the insurance company paid a vast amount of money for the cleaning up of the property, either demolition or renovation of the property. The Miller Industries chose to reinvest some of these funds for cleaning up the area but chose NOT to reinvest any more money into the mill.

Now to get out from under this property, the Miller Industries has offer the property to the town for $100,000. This means that Miller Industries will have received money from the insurance company for this property and now is going to receive additional money from the people of Lisbon for the same property. If the people of Lisbon decide to float a bond for one (1) million dollars, this will mean Miller Industries is out from under the responsibility and liability of this property and they will not have to pay $4,939.49 annually to the town for taxes. Since Miller Industries has elected not to invest their money in the town of Lisbon, they need to dump this property as fast as they can. Since it has been on the market for several years without being sold, receiving $100,000 from the people of Lisbon is a land fall for Miller Industries.

I look on the Agenda for the Town Council and I see the council is going to vote on (1) Bond Order $1,000,000 for Worumbo Mill Project; (2) Council Recommendation on Bond Order – Question 1; and finally (3) Warrant for Bond Referendum on September 24, 2013.

Dot and I wanted to know why the council was moving this so fast. A special election will cost the taxpayers approximately $3,000.

So why can’t we just add it to the November ballot just 3 months away?

After little research, we found out why the big rush. LaRochelle Properties, LLC has to act on their property within 18 months of the purchase price. If the people approve this bond issue, the LaRochelle Properties, LLC at 2 Canal Street will increase in value but if the people vote this down, the property will remain the same and it would be crazy for LaRochelle Properties to try and develop this property.

Also, LaRochelle Properties, LLC is scheduled to appear before the Appeals Board to obtain a variance on the front and side of the property.

Can you imagine putting a structure on the corner blocking the view of motorist on Route 125?

Also, the LaRochelle Properties, LLC has put in for permits at 2 Canal Street. The Agenda for the Planning Board is not out yet but I would not be surprised to see LaRochelle Properties, LLC on the agenda. If you care to check it, the 18 months requirements will be up on November 7, 2013. Now we know why Chairman LaRochelle is pushing so hard.

Now these are FACTS the people need to know. I am not sure the other members of the council are aware of these facts either. I guess we now understand what has happened on the Worumbo Mill property. To me, it appears that Chairman LaRochelle is paying back a debt he owes to the Miller Industries for selling him 2 Canal Street at such a reduced price. I wonder how many more Councilors are involved with this scheme? We will have to wait and see if we have councilors or co-conspirators on the council.

The information I have presented here is a matter of public record. I believe this is corruption at its finest and I hope the Federal government will step in and investigate further.

From my standpoint, Chairman Fern LaRochelle is a corrupt politician and needs to be voted out. ”

Larry Fillmore

Related: City of Biddeford and Town of Lisbon Have Something in Common – Official Corruption, click here.

Published in: on August 17, 2013 at 7:40 pm  Comments (1)  

The Lisbon Reporter Goes On-line

“In an effort to keep our community informed of what is going on at the local level of government and in our community, we decided to create this on-line newspaper. It is our hope that this on-line newspaper will help you stay informed so that you can get involved and take action for the benefit of our ENTIRE community. Thank you for visiting and please check back frequently for information about what is happening in OUR TOWN. LISBON/LISBON FALLS, MAINE USA.”

Click here.

Support The Lisbon Reporter.



Published in: on July 29, 2013 at 7:33 pm  Leave a Comment  

Debby Reagan’s Letter To James Frechette, Investigator In Maine’s Office of Securities, Reported By The Lisbon Reporter

Debby Reagan responded to the “Recent settlement by Maine on Robo-signing.” Read more, click here.

Debby wrote to James R. Frechette, Investigator, in Maine’s Office of Securities within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation and other state legislators.

The Office of Securities protects Maine investors by investigating and prosecuting violations of the securities laws; licensing broker-dealers, agents, investment advisers, and investment adviser representatives; and reviewing registration statements and exemption filings for securities issuers that are seeking to sell in Maine.

Leon Bard also has a handle on this. “In Regards to the recent AG Settlement. There is something wrong when our state government collects money from a bank and or their servicer for wrong doing, but at the same time allows their courts to proceed with a foreclosure that is laced with the very same wrong doing.”

States Leon “The recently announced Maine Attorney General Settlement with Lender Processing Services, Inc., brings to light the irony in which mortgage/foreclosure fraud is dealt with here in Maine.

Apparently the executive branch of our state government recognizes the fraud committed by LPS, Inc., in fact they are going to receive $500,000 as per the settlement. Are the victims of this fraud going to receive any compensation? Has a chicken got lips?

Now on the other hand, we have the judicial branch NOT RECOGNIZING the exact same fraud! This is happening in both Debby’s case and Tim Cason’s case. I’d be willing to bet that these are not isolated cases. A close look at Maine’s organizational chart reveals that Maine’s Judicial Branch is under Maine’s Executive Branch. Is there any way to get the AG’s office to train the administrative hearing officers (so called judges) in our judicial branch, how to recognize mortgage/foreclosure fraud? If not, then maybe the only relief in sight for the victims, is to file claims on the judge’s liability insurance or bonds. ”

Let’s keep an eye on Mr. Frechette and the elected officials who received Debby’s correspondence!

Homes are not only “taken” through fraudulent foreclosures, they are also stolen “behind closed doors.” The City of  Biddeford has this down pat!



Historical Layout On Kennebunk (ME) Prostitution Case‏ By The Lisbon Reporter

Click here.

“Great Job ‘Dottie’  Keep The Pressure On, “You wanna Play, You Got to Pay”. The Public deserves the “Truth”. Not some watered down, back room, palm greasing deal so prevalent in MAINE’S Judicial and Law Enforcement Communities, besides other states.”

Thank you Lisbon Reporter!

Kennebunk case updates, click here.