ABCs of DumbDown: Anita Hoge Discusses ESEA Reauthorization…Testing and Accountability

A recent article appeared in POLITICO “Hill fight on No Child Left Behind looms.” This article is about the Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which has also been called the No Child Left Behind Act (NCBA). It is now known as Every Child Ready for College or Career Act of 2015 and it is being sponsored by Sen. Lamar Alexander.

The discussion about the options for testing is only about 14 pages in the 400 pages in Alexander’s bill. The hearings, and DianeRavich’s letter to Senator Alexander, ONLY focus on those 14 pages. The original bill, SB 1094 was over 1200 pages. The testing/accountability issue, or over-testing, had been called for a change through the evaluations of the Gordon Commission with 3 levels of measurement…
– 3rd grade guarantee,
– 8th grade career pathway, and
– 11-12th grade graduation requirement,
all NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress test) driven.

The teacher accountability, and evaluations of teachers based on how their students perform on state tests, is still in the bill. Teachers have been feeling these effects, especially when the ESEA Flex Waiver allowed teachers to be dismissed or principals fired if they were not teaching Common Core. With embedding most of standards within the curriculum on computer, teachers will have immediate feedback of whether students are meeting Common Core standards. Teachers are being forced to teach Common Core — also known as teaching to the test.

THIS has been the focus of the hearings and testimony….. 14 pages out of 400 pages.

Read more HERE.

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education

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Related:  ABCs of DumbDown: STOP REAUTHORIZATION OF ESEA, click here.

Published in: on January 27, 2015 at 5:31 pm  Comments (4)  

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  1. […] dollars. There is NO Constitutional justification for this. It’s time to take a stand against ESEA and end federal involvement in education. S. 306 does the opposite and creates a NEW entitlement […]

  2. […] dollars. There is NO Constitutional justification for this. It’s time to take a stand against ESEA and end federal involvement in education. S. 306 does the opposite and creates a NEW entitlement […]

  3. […] fed dollars. There is NO Constitutional justification for this. It’s time to take a stand against ESEA and end federal involvement in education. S. 306 does the opposite and creates a NEW entitlement […]

  4. […] dollars. There is NO Constitutional justification for this. It’s time to take a stand against ESEA and end federal involvement in education. S. 306 does the opposite and creates a NEW entitlement […]

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