(update) Charlotte Iserbyt To Be Alex Jones’ Guest On Thursday, December 20, 2012

Interview tomorrow with Alex has been rescheduled for Friday, December 21 at 5 p.m.  (the evening show) due to Newtown, CT tragedy.


Charlotte will be on Alex Jones this coming Thursday, December 20, at 1 p.m. EST and will discuss No. 1 issue facing USA:  School Choice/Charter Schools and how that agenda will take the USA down since (1) it will begin the destruction of representative government (no elected officials with charter schools…soviet council form of government, regionalism), (2) it will begin the destruction of free enterprise/capitalism since charter schools are designed ULTIMATELY to implement the Soviet polytech (school to work system) ushering in a planned economy, and (3) it will begin the demise of true academic freedom of thought, speech, etc.  since private education will be dead and public schools will no longer be for academic education and upward mobility of our children, but for lifelong workforce training to spin off profits for the global elite: LIMITED LEARNING FOR LIFELONG LABOR. (There will be NO private schools left to cover academics, history, good literature etc. due to their going out of business….inability to compete with tax-supported private education/school choice/charters, vouchers!

DEATH OF PRIVATE EDUCATION SPELLED OUT IN BUMPER STICKER.  They are fifty cents each so please just multiply  number you want by 50 cents and send a check payable to 3D  Research Co., 519  River Road, Dresden, ME 04342.


“All choice proposals…tuition tax credits, vouchers, charter schools…will result in 100% government control of curriculum, staffing, cafeteria choices, teacher training, and most important of all, the above school choice models will be REQUIRED to administer the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) which is at least 60 percent politically correct.

Government-funded school choice is in effect NO CHOICE.

Private and home education, which are paid for by the parents, are the ONLY true forms of SCHOOL CHOICE. ”



To order the updated abridged 2011 version of “the deliberate dumbing down of america”, it is available from 3D Research at Amazon.com.

Published in: on December 18, 2012 at 10:30 am  Comments (1)