Why America Is On The Brink Of Revolution!!!

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Why do our local, county and state representatives just sit back and not question? Why do they accept this? This speaks volumes about the character, honesty, integrity and incompetency of our elected officials.

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  1. Actually this is just a reaffirmation that governments are comprised of groups of men and woman who are liars, killers and thieves who provide a service at the barrel of a gun.

  2. For years now our government has represented special interests, not the people. We as the voters of America don’t vote for the President anymore, the electoral college does. What happened to “Government of the people, for the people, by the people.” I feel there should be “no taxation with out representation.” We need to vote all new people into all state and federal positions. The existing congress and senate members have become absolutely corrupt. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

  3. When the Bankruptsy Act of 1933 was enacted, the Constitution took a back seat. Along with it came the Trading With The Enemy Act where they made the People of the united states enemies of the State. Peace Officers went to Law Enforcement Officers. The Banking Act arose the already initiated in 1913 the Federal Reserve to a greater role. Then came along the Emergency Act and a bunch of others, all of which started the snowball rolling down the hill to the Giantic Mess we see ourselves in now. Nothing has “begun” now. It all started as early as 1779 into the 1800’s and just kept getting worse. The truth is we all trusted our government to do right by us. Now its us who have to take the responsibility to get the country back under our control.

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