Maine Legislators Interferring With Freedom of Access to Public Records

Freedom of Access Act request is pursuant to “Title 1, MRS, Chapter 13, Section 408-A – public records available for public inspection and copying.” The agency or official may charge a reasonable fee to cover the cost of copying.

 LD 104   An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Public Records
Presented by Representative NELSON of Falmouth.
Cosponsored by Senator MILLETT of Cumberland and
Representatives: HUBBELL of Bar Harbor, KENT of Woolwich, KUSIAK of Fairfield,
MAKER of Calais, TURNER of Burlington, Senator: HASKELL of Cumberland.


Published in: on February 2, 2013 at 8:38 pm  Comments (3)  

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hi!

    The Freedom of Access statute, Title 1, Chapter 13, Section 408 should be stronger meaning that a specific time frame must be mentioned in the statute pertaining to responding to those who request certain documents.

    I have yet to get any response to some of my Freedom of Access requests.

    This is unlawful.

    Administrative Law judge, Mr. Mullen, (he has yet to prove to me that he is a constitutional judge since he has never sent me a copy of his commission that I requested many times) has NOT responded to some of my Freedom of Access requests sent to him, and this is unlawful.

    Is Mr. Mullen above the law?

    By and through Mr. Glessner, Mr. Mullen has sent me a copy of his “certificate” but I never asked for a certificate. I asked specifically for a copy of his “commission” ONLY.

    Keep in mind that the “commission” VESTS THE OFFICE, and if he was never given a commission, then he does not operate from any public office, and he is NOT a public officer. He is ONLY a “mere” employee who does not possess any judicial powers whatsoever.

    A “certificate” does not “vest” any office, and does not rise to the level of a commission.

    When one is “vested with an office,” then the person so named in his commission has also been “vested” with judicial powers.

    Remember, just because a so-called judge “quacks like a duck” does not make him a duck.

    I am in the process of writing a book to explain this more fully. It will be very educational to those interested in this matter.

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine


  2. This is a vague bill that incorporates so many disparate effects into it’s body and verbiage that one – a layman – is hard pressed to understand if Representative Nelson, for whom I voted in November is actually guilty of suppression of Mr. Doyle’s FOIA rights as charged by this Falmouth online and somewhat right of center newsletter linked to this UnMasker blog. Perhaps someone might enlighten me

  3. I haven’t followed this particular matter closely, but I do know that: A) “reasonable fee” can be a short-cut to unlawful non-disclosure, e.g., if the FOIA requester — say, a victim of government-executed fraud — is too poor to foot the bill for copies of records; and, B) you’re right to stay after the (crooked) Maine Legislature (not the least of the reasons to do say is that “lawmaking” relative to issues such as tenancy rights “mysteriously” change coincident with pending court actions, etc).

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