[new post] Rod Class’ Latest Filings With the NC Office of Administrative Hearings RE: Traffic & Taxes

These three latest filings for Rod Class have grown out of a simple traffic stop back in October of 2010.

Rod is not a “right to travel” fighter in particular, but the incident in 2010 set the stage for his latest strategies and now involves not only the letter of the law as far as traffic laws are concerned, but now involves the collection of taxes and the Federally Mandated Acts that call for a portion of Federal Funds to be split with the local subdivisions (cities and towns) and the counties of North Carolina, AND is applicable in every other state in the union.

Back in 2010 when Rod appealed his traffic stop he took his issue into the local county “administrative” courts for a ruling. The local admin appeal court made a ruling that the court had no jurisdiction because the NC Department of Transportation and the local Tag Agency (license plates) were NOT “public officials” but supposedly “independent contractors / private entities”. Rod said, “OK, if that’s true, why are they collecting taxes and collecting licensing fees if they’re NOT part of the State ?” A good question, indeed, and herein lies the overarching questions. Rod and the rest of us want the answers ! And this is what’s at issue with these three recent filings into the high muckety-muck Office Of Administrative Hearings in the State capital of Raleigh.

1st document: Rod’s original June filing (42 pages) into the OAH in Raleigh.

After Rod filed this he got a communication from the Court asking Rod to put together a detaiied Pre-Hearing Statement that would go to the Defendants (and the OAH Court, of course) for their reaction and rebuttal, hopefully. This also served the function of informing the Defendants AND the Court of their non-procedural actions and the conflicting questions of law. Among other questions:
Are the DOT and the local Police Departments “public officials” or NOT !

Here’s Rod’s (21 page) Pre-Hearing Statement (2nd document).

Now, ALL parties (including the OAH court) will be aware of Rod’s allegations and aware of the conflict in law. Are Agencies and Departments that we think (and are constantly advertised as such) – are they “public officials” or Not ?

Pay attention to the 1st filing’s section on the NC website listing ALL the Departments and Agencies of North Carolina. Strange, isn’t it…On the NC website it says that the two agencies in question ARE part of the State’s Departments and Agencies ! SO, why did the two admin appeal judges (May and Ridgeway) uphold the first lower admin appeal court’s contention that the agencies are “independent contractors” / “private agencies” ? ? ? The OAH may (and we say, may, because nothing’s written in stone, it seems) actually have to settle the question of the two confused (?) lower admin appeal court judges (May and Ridgeway), but who knows ?

This may have to go EVEN higher in the system for resolution. But, someone, sometime WILL have to actually answer the question, don’t you think ? Rod does, that’s for sure ! Or, there may have to be some, dare we say, tar and feathers, pitchforks, rope and THE other precious metal involved (we’re sure you know what it is) !

Here’s the 3rd document (7 pages) that Rod filed.

Now, just to make it interesting, Rod has submitted the above Motion (the 3rd document) for an Emergency Hearing on the questions because they affect the People of NC on an ongoing basis and have for years ! Rod’s scheduled date for his Hearing is in September, but he wants this settled in a more timely manner. Can you blame him ? This has been going on since October of 2010 ! Stay tuned ! You never know if someone in “public office” will actually operate in a lawful manner or continue to dodge the questions and conflicts of their own obligatory Statutes !

Rod is prepared to go as HIGH in the “court” system as is required to get an answer for the People ! You may also want to google the term “Private Attorney General” !

Listen Tues and Fri, 9:00PM Eastern
The site includes archives of calls from the past 5 or so years…

Can YOU use these documents in your case ? Yes, but only if you are able to read, comprehend the strategies and issues and act for yourself ! YOU can’t be a novice in the workings of the court system, though ! AND, You must have “trench” experience and be able to think and act on your feet !


The AIB / Rod Class Team…

Published in: on July 5, 2012 at 9:32 pm  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hi!

    I am eager to read these documents.

    Thank you!

  2. I found out the Califonia Hiway Patrol is playing the Stock Market at everyones expense, If you go to Dunn &Bradstreet they are set up as their stations (Ca CHP; california hiway patrol; just the way they are listed in the phone book. The problem I am having is locating their ticker or call numbers (can anyone ) ?Help?? I also found out they are re investing in armour the funds. This is wrong . But, I would appreciate anyones help in finding this for me….

    • All so-call ed police departments whether it be city county or state. They are all private corp.s with con-tracted thugs that they can be brain washed and manipulated into believing the deceipt.

  3. Thanks for posting. I stand with Rod in his approach to what is definitely fraud. It has gone on for far too long. I attribute my most recent wins in court to Rod and also MJ here in my home town of Boise, Idaho. I’m now in the process of filing a claim for remedy to include a behavior modification for the officers involved. Knowledge is power and power is inherent with the people. Be informed, educate and participate….silence id consent.

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