Notice to the People of the Republic

“If any attorney, whether an Attorney General, District (or prosecuting) Attorney, or who is occupying another public office, who has taken an oath to support and/or defend the Constitution for the United States and/or any State within the union believes, or by actions has shown that, his or her oath to the BAR is deemed superior to that taken to the Constitution(s), then he or she has erred, violated the Public Trust, and the duty to protect the People’s inherent rights.

Any action, whether by the above mentioned attorney(s), or by those who are elected, appointed, or employed to a public office or any other position of Public Trust, that fails to adhere to the Constitutions, such as creation of a law, statute, resolution, or regulation that in any way fails to protect, or abrogates, the People’s inherent rights, or any actions that do not benefit all the People equally, are null, void, and of no effect. Those actions can be neglected by the People with impunity!

“An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 (1886)

The violating attorney or public servant is a disgrace to the office he or she holds, should immediately resign from that office, and be subject to actions that will make complete restitution to the People damaged by their actions.”

One of the People
from one of the united
Republics of America

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, ….”

Published in: on August 18, 2013 at 11:35 am  Comments (16)  

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16 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. ANY public servant who takes an oath to The Constitution and fails to abide by that oath should be removed from his position of public trust
    PERMANTLY……..AND barred from ever holding a position of public trust again.
    If in the military he should be dishonorably discharged, and lose any
    benefits he had previously acrued
    Implement and ENFORCE that doctrone, and ALL of our problems

  2. Hi!

    Is anyone at “home” operating in a “public” office these days?

    Since 1909, the Maine republic has gone empty. It is still there but empty.

    Most people of Maine do NOT realize this.

    Wake up folks! We don’t have a republic operating today.

    What operates today is a democracy otherwise known as “mob” rule where at least 51% of the people can vote away their own rights plus the remaining 49%.

    This “expansion of power” of the people went into effect in 1909, and it was unlawful.

    The people’s power can never lawfully be expanded.

    The people can never take away their own God given rights, and also can never take away the remaining 49% of the people’s God given rights.

    My neighbor can not lawfully take away my God given rights, and I cannot lawfully take away my neighbor’s God given rights.

    Governments love democracies.

    Why is that?

    Because NOW the people can be “divided” which is a “classic” case of “divide and conquer” which is exactly what happened in Maine
    in 1909.

    When there is a “division of power” then guess who can take over?

    You guessed it!

    The state and eventually the federal government and over time the UN which is a “front” organization regarding the real “powers that be” hiding in the background and directing everything.

    By 1916 the state militias were “taken over” by the federal government beginning with the Militia Act of 1903, the amended act of 1908 which expanded the federal government’s powers, and the National Defense Act of 1916 gave “complete control” of the state militias to the said government.

    Folks, we are in a real mess.

    This all happened with a “gradual transformation” over time.

    In order to accomplish the above-mentioned and more, the people had to be “dumbed down” and it began around 1902. Read Charlotte’s book – The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.

    I did.

    There were many “shifts of power” away from the people and on to the state which took place over time gradually.

    The “state police” came on the scene in 1921 as far as I can tell right now. This needs further investigation.

    Why is a “state police” needed?

    What happened to the Sheriff’s power, the Constable’s power, and the Coroner’s power?

    Was the “state police” necessary?

    Of course, if the state wants “all the power.”

    The Declaration of Rights in the Constitution of the State of Maine (original) says “All power is inherent in the people.”

    It doesn’t say “All power is inherent in the state.”

    In a fraudulent government, all powers had to be taken over including the county courts (local control), and we NOW live in a democracy, fraudulent government.

    Take notice of the “differences” in each law!

    1975 law:

    “Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine (this is the different enacting clause that took effect in 1909 for the democracy), as follows:

    Sec.!. 4 MRSA § I is repealed and the following enacted in place thereof:

    § 1. Constitution of the court; administrative responsibilities of the court and the Chief Justice

    The supreme judicial court, as heretofore established, shall consist of a Chief Justice and 5 associate justices and such Active Retired Justices as may be appointed and serving on said court, learned in the law and of sobriety of manners.”

    Now take notice once again: Conduct a “compare and contrast” methodology. I teach this concept over and over and over again with those who will listen.

    1820 law:


    AN ACT establishing a Supreme Judicial Court within this State.

    SECT. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
    Representatives in Legislature assembled (original enacting clause for the republic of Maine), That there shall be a Supreme Judicial Court within this State, to consist of one Chief Justice and two other Justices, each of whom shall be an inhabitant of this State, of sobriety of manners and learned in the law, to be appointed and commissioned as is by the Constitution provided,………………..”

    Did you notice the differences?

    What did you notice?

    Let me know.

    Would love to hear from you all as I can learn, too.

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine

    • Lise, thanks for all you do here. The Public, and especially the people of Maine, need to know the truth.

      The question I have is: Where do we go from here? What can each of us do to make it right for all of us and to restore the Republic.

      For my part, I have filed my complaints in Courts in Maine and now in the U.S. District Court in DC. I will continue to expose the Corruption and Domestic Terrorism that exists in the State. And I will write books so the Public will understand what has actually happened in a court(s) in Maine and the Fraud in my case that occurred there.

      Those victims of injustice in Maine will need to take a firm and decisive action, other than words, if we are to have our Rights and fairness restored in the courts and the Legislature, both state and federal.

      I have talked to many people on these points. There are many inside the Government who are working to “save” our Constitution.

      There is an organization called: THE CONSTITUTION PROJECT, “Safeguarding Liberty, Justice & the Rule of Law”. Located at: 1200 18th Street, NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036, Tel.202-580-6920, fax 202-580-6929,, The organization was “created out of the belief that we must cast aside the labels that divide us in order to keep our democracy strong. The TCP brings together policy experts and legal practitioners from across the political spectrum to foster consensus-based solutions to the most difficult constitutional challenges of our time. TCP seeks to reform the nation’s broken criminal justice system and to strengthen the rule of law through scholarship, advocacy, policy reform, and public education initiatives.

      CoChairs: David Cole, Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, and David A. Keene, former chairman, American Conservative Union.

      Hope this is helpful. God Bless, Margot Malpher

  3. Hi!

    Was the “original” Supreme Judicial Court” (1820) abolished or repealed?

    I don’t know.

    Haven’t found this yet.

    Does anyone know and provide the evidence of it?

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine

  4. Hi!

    What was repealed in the 1975 law?

    I don’t know.

    Does anyone know?

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine

  5. Since all constitutions are works of legal fiction that supposedly limit the scope of activities and separations of powers of the liars, killers and thieves club known as government, why would anyone care what was repealed or when it was done?

    No one in government can honestly say that they have first hand personal knowledge or admissible evidence of anyone being a tax payer or that they have personal knowledge or admissible evidence that the constitution, codes, statutes or acts are applicable to anyone who is not holding a political office in the operation of government.

    Just because government agents, officers and assignees claim that someone is a tax payer doesn’t make it so. Just because government agents, officers and assignees claim that their constitution, codes, statutes or acts apply to someone doesn’t make it so.

  6. Hi!

    In the book called “The Government of Maine: Its History and Administration” by William MacDonald, LL.D published in 1902 (before the different enacting clause and the expansion of power to the people of 1909 creating the democracy – mob rule) it states in part on page 97:

    “In an American State there is more than one kind of law. All of the States except Louisiana have inherited, directly or indirectly, the English common law.

    The common law of England is not a formal code or precisely state body of rules, but a mass of legal principles, customs, decisions, definitions, and the like, many of them handed down through many centuries, which together form a more or less orderly body of legal doctrine on which the English system of law rests.

    Some of these common law principles have been from time to time embodied in great acts of Parliament. Some are drawn from decisions of the courts. Some represent legal usages of very ancient origin. Because the common law has never been reduced to a definite body of formal statements, it is often spoken of as unwritten law; in European countries other than England the phrase is customary law.

    To this common law, which forms the basis of the law of the State, is added statute law, comprising the acts passed from time to time by the legislature in addition to or in modification of the common law. Statute law is sometimes spoken of as the written law.

    Besides common and statute law we have also the State constitution, which is a great legislative enactment of the people rather than of the legislature, limiting and restraining the powers of every department of the government.”

    On pages 106 and 107 it states in part: “The most important question which comes before a court, and the one which it must always consider, directly or indirectly, at the outset, is the question of jurisdiction. Jurisdiction, in its legal use, means the right of the court to consider or try a case.

    Jurisdiction is further classified as common law jurisdiction, the right to try offenses recognized by the common law, as distinct from those recognized by statute only; civil jurisdiction, the right to try civil cases; criminal jurisdiction, the right to try criminal cases; and jurisdiction to consider questions of law as distinguished from questions of fact.”

    On page 109 it states in part: “A “writ” is then issued, directed to the defendant, embodying the claims of the plaintiff and summoning the defendant to answer or justify himself.”

    Under the common law, writs are issued.

    What happened to the common law procedure? Are writs issued any more?


    The common law disappeared unlawfully by a vote of the members of the State Bar Association (created in 1891 unlawfully in Maine) in 1959.

    The Maine Rules of Civil Procedure replaced the common law, and nowadays the Maine Rules of Criminal Procedure is in place, too.

    Take notice of the word “Maine” in front of civil or criminal. These are state-wide procedures ONLY.

    The common law is still there, and no one is, at this point, bringing it back into the courts as far as I know.

    More education to come.

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine

  7. Neither Maine, nor the State Bar Assoc., abolished common law. They cannot “abolish” the supreme law of the land. They replaced common law procedure with the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure and abolished writs. That’s because attorneys do not understand common law, per their own words in 100 years of Law and Justice. Maine’s constitutional officers are playing dumb? Although the A.G.’s website refers to its common law authority. So much for B.S. As the swill turns, the plot thickens!

  8. Hi!

    Law schools were no longer teaching the common law principles before 1959 so, therefore, there are counselors-at-law and attorneys who are ignorant of the common law principles.

    How nice!

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine

    • So if attorneys are ignorant, why deprive those of us in the know!

  9. Hi!

    The people will have to bring it back by issuing “Writs” into the courts.

    Don’t know how this will work though.

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine

  10. Hi!

    Selection of the Jury – Petit and Grand Jury – 1821 – taken from the Public Laws of Maine.


    An Act regulating the Selection, Empannelling and Service of Jurors.

    SEC. 1.- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives,
    in Legislature assembled, That the Selectmen, in each town in this State, on or before the second Monday of September next, shall provide and at all times cause to be kept in their respective towns, one Jury box; and shall once at least in every three years afterwards prepare a list of such persons, under the age of seventy years, in their
    respective towns, as they shall judge best qualified to serve
    as Jurors, being persons of good moral character, and qualified
    as the Constitution directs; to vote in the choice of Representatives;…………”

    “SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That the Selectmen who shall draw from the box the tIcket of any person to serve as a Juror, and who shall not be excused by the town; for either of the causes aforesaid, shall endorse thereon the date of the draft, and then return the same into the box; and it shall be the duty of the Constable to notify the persons thus
    designated to serve as Jurors, four days at least, before the sitting of the Court; on which they are to attend, either by reading to them the venire, with the minutes of their having been drafted as aforesaid, thereon; or by leaving their usual abode, a written notification of their having been so drawn, and also of the time and place of the sitting of the Court, and when they are to attend. And he shall make a
    seasonable return of the venire to the Court to which it is returnable, with his doings thereon. And whenever there shall he a renewal, or an exchange of any of the tickets in the box, for others of the same persons, the Selectmen shall transfer from the back if the old tickets to the new ones, the minutes of such drafts as has been made within the three preceding years.”

    Take notice of the “local control” regarding the selection of Jurors in 1821 -Grand and Petit Jurors.

    The common law approach is that the Jurors are taken “as they are” whether they are informed, uninformed, educated, uneducated, smart, ignorant, etc.

    They did NOT have to fill out a questionnaire (Jury tampering – stacking the Jury in order to get a conviction) then which, of course, happens today, and the selection of the Jurors is accomplished at the state-wide level by using the driver’s license.

    By conducting a “compare and contrast” methodology one can see how the process is supposed to work at the “local control” and NOT the state-wide level.

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine

  11. In my case, I challenged the Court’s Jurisdiction in a Motion and filed 4 Motions, 3 of which were for Dismissal of the case due to No Response from the Plaintiff, State of Maine. The 4th was for the Clerk of the Court to issue a Dismissal due to Default for failure to answer. The Judge in the case, Justice Kevin Cuddy, Superior Court, Washington County, Machias, ME failed in his duty to Dismiss as he had no Jurisdiction to hear the case. He asked the Prosecutor, Paul F. Cavenaugh,II,in a Pre-Trial Hearing with me present as witness why he did not answer my Motions. His only answer was, “I couldn’t keep up with the paperwork”. In otherwards, he couldn’t do his job. This is no reason to deny me Due Process of which he knows he did because he is an attorney and graduated from Vermont Law and as such is presumed to know the Law. Therefore, having no jurisdiction to proceed, Justice Cuddy went ahead on his own, knowing full well as a Judge he was in the wrong. This case is therefore null and void.


  12. Hi!

    Actually since 1875 with the “codification” of the constitution (went into effect in 1876), there isn’t any “original” constitutional state.

    LD 1564 which passed on June 18, 2013 is the “recodification” of the constitution so, therefore, the said constitution is a statute ONLY.

    Got that?

    It is statutory ONLY.

    Go to and in the upper right hand corner type in LD 1564 and investigate the links there and see what is actually in the body of the statute. It was an “emergency” measure but don’t know why at this point.

    What was the emergency? I don’t know.

    Additionally, there aren’t any “public officers” in this codified state, and all so-called officers are voted in by “foreign” agents called a “citizen of the United States of America (see voter application form at your local town or city office)” and none of them operate from a “public office.”

    In other words, NO ONE is home so “fake” judge Cuddy committed an outrageous crime against you, the living person. He is a “mere” employee of this codified state:

    1. With no commission.

    2. No public office (court); cannot sit on the bench and pretend he is
    a genuine constitutional judge. This is fraud, deception, false
    representation, etc, etc, etc.

    3. No judicial powers whatsoever.

    4. No immunity.

    5. He is a “mere” employee.”

    6. He is an impostor.

    7. He cannot issue any “court” orders, cannot fine anyone, cannot
    sentence anyone, cannot jail anyone, etc, etc, etc.

    Everything is “fake” including the money.

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine

  13. Hi!

    One thing that could have been done was to “report” fake judge Cuddy for his outrageous act against you, the living person.

    May not have done any good but at least it would be “on record” so you could have “plastered” their response all over the internet for exposure.

    They don’t like exposure as it is too revealing to the general public.

    Can you still do it?

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine

  14. Hi!

    How can one can an “oath of office” to a non-existent office?

    They can’t since it is an impossibility. The law (is there any law left?)does not allow impossibilities.

    No public office = no oath of office. Notice the word “of” which means that oath is “underneath” office.

    There MUST BE an office first in order to take an oath to “that” office.

    Thank you!

    Lise from Maine

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