Welcome To Maine – An Empty Shell – Torn Apart By Janet Mills – Remember Remember…

I have no words for this minion… This is a glimpse into the window of time as Maine has becomes an empty shell of what it once was.

The Beacon

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Published in: on October 28, 2021 at 1:33 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. I have a lot of words about Mills. I will say, there have been a few protests against the Coof Juice. I had the pleasure of seeing Janet booed off the street at the Bicentennial Parade. Truly priceless. That witch only completed a quarter her projected round. Ha!

    That said, it isn’t just the CoVid that’s killing us. CoVid I wonder might just be the 999th papercut putting us one away from an unnatural death. There’s the housing, the welfare fraud. There’s shady deals. There’s a book anyone who reads this should read called “The Way Life Should Be?” by John Q. Publius. Maybe you don’t agree with everything in it, maybe you do, but it’s hard to refute. Probably as hard as it is to deny Saul Alinsky’s”Rules for Radicals” holds a lot of water in the culture today.

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